"Omg I just had 1 of your candies WOW WOW WOW delicious!! ❤❤❤❤❤"
May 15, 2024

Wing It & Watch Your Success Follow

This week I want you to let go of preparation and embrace the art of winging it. If you’re someone who overthinks and overprepares then this episode is especially for you.

I want this episode to give you the confidence you need to stop preparing and start winging it. It won’t be perfect but if will be perfectly you, and you’re beautiful. There is freedom in recognizing the value of your own unique perspective and purpose, and I want you to be free from the excuses that stopped you in the past. Once you recognize how incredible your contribution already is, the sky is the limit. 


I’ve met a lot of very successful people, and I’ve seen first-hand that the more real and authentic you are, the more successful you can become. I put Martha Stewart in that category as someone who is living her purpose. She’s a hero of mine and you’ll have the listen to the episode to hear the wild thing I said on stage in front of her in order to get her attention. Oh boy did I get it. Don’t miss this episode of The Kim Gravel Show.


My favorite quote this week:

"I want to talk to you about purpose in a way that is unprepared. I want you to start winging it" -Kim


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*This transcript was auto-generated*


Hey, y'all, it is Kim Gravel and I'm here with Zac and we are doing what we call wing it Wednesday.


Zac Miller:

Wing it Wednesday, baby. I have no idea what Kim is gonna say on this show and frankly, that terrifies me.



It does is cause, Zac, you've been my producer since how long? Like, how long ago?


Zac Miller:

From Kim of Queen's, like, ten years ago, Kim. Can you believe that?



Oh, my God. We've been working together that long. I mean, you know, intermittently. That long?


Zac Miller:




Would you say that I'm like, okay, I'm asking you a question.


Zac Miller:




Would you say that I'm a wing it type of gal or am I prepared? Oh, you're already answering and I haven't even finished the question.


Zac Miller:

Okay, finish the question, Kim. Go ahead. Go ahead, Kim, finish the question.



Would you say I'm a wing it kind of gal or I am properly prepared?


Zac Miller:

Okay, may I answer now?



You may answer the question.


Zac Miller:

Okay. I would say that you are 1000% the wing it kind of gal, which, as someone who is the other one, as the prepared one, terrifies me.





Zac Miller:

This is what I will say about Kim winging it when it's. And I'm going to be completely honest because, like, we've been making the show for a while. I think the audience deserves how honest.



You about to be with people. Okay.


Zac Miller:

Like, this is either going to be incredible or it is going to go off the rails so fast and so hard.



No, this is why I say a lot of times you think that I wing it, and a lot of times it is. I have done. They say this book, this amazing book that I have read, it's called the Outlier. Okay. It's Malcolm Gladwell. Malcolm Gladwell.


Zac Miller:

He's amazing.



He's amazing. And so he talks about in this book about how really you become an expert at something is you have to do something at least like 10,000 hours.


Zac Miller:




So I was thinking about that the other day, because I was rereading. Because I like to reread things sometimes, because after. I know I'm over 50 and fabulous, but I'm over 50 and forgetful as well. Okay? So I had to reread this. Suddenly, I was just thinking to myself, people think, you know, I'm winging it, but I'm really just pulling from those 10,000 hours of doing live television, doing TV in community TV here in Atlanta. So for me, it's really. It's experience. And this past weekend, I was on QVC, over 50 and fabulous, streaming with Mali after the show.



And. And I want you to take a look at this clip. Take a look at this clip. It's from QVC. Listen to this. When you get to being 50. Yeah, it. There.



There's a shift. Yeah, there is mental shift and physical. Physical. Yes, but it's. It's a freedom. Hold on. I need to bring my fan. When you said it's freedom.



Yes, there's a freedom. The freedom comes in. Listen to this woman, too. About yourself. I can't speak for everybody, but I'm gonna speak for myself. The freedom has come from this knowing work, because this is the thing I've always known. You know, you hear this, you know, God's got a plan. He's got a purpose for your life.



But we always think it's for the young. Ooh. But purpose is prolific. Purpose is in perpetuity, meaning it never ends. That's a lot of peace. So when you have purpose, when you're young, you think, what am I going to be when I grow up? Da, da, da. But we never really grow up. And as my.



My. My daddy used to always say, if you ain't dead, you ain't done.


Zac Miller:




So it's like, purpose for me at 50 was this. I have some wisdom. So that was live. That was winging it. But I'm pulling from the experience. And I think a lot of times we try to prepare, and preparation is. Is key. I mean, you've got to prepare, you have to have.



You have to have. We have to have a format, Zac. We have to have our technology down when we tape the show. We have to have. But I want to talk to people today on this episode about purpose in a way that is unprepared. I want you to start winging it, because what's happening to a lot of people, Zac, is they are putting off what they should be doing because they think they're not prepared. So I want you to Start really doing it and winging it, and watch your 10,000 hours. Watch your experience rise up to meet you where you are.



I don't know who I'm talking to right now, but it's somebody sitting out there. Like, sometimes preparing is a stumbling block. Now people say, kim, you're saying, don't prepare. I'm not. No, you're not hearing me. That's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying you don't prepare, but what I am saying is you're more prepared than you think.


Zac Miller:

So what do you put in that bucket for yourself then, Kim? If I can. If I can interject for a second because, like, you are you. You come off as being so prepared, like, and you're so good at this, right? And that's, like, why I love working with you and why you just. You do so well with. With everything that you do. When you. When a camera's put on you, you are. You seem so prepared.


Zac Miller:

But is that.



I've done it. I've done it. But think about. Think about this. Think about this. I have been doing this since I was 22 years old. Okay. I'm 52.



So that's what 30 years is. 30 years. Right. Okay, good. So I've been doing this for 30 years. I didn't have all this when I was in my 20s, but I stepped into it, ready to grow and know it has taken me 30 years to get to a point where it looks like it comes easy. And what I'm saying is the things that you do in your life. Zac, how long you been producing?


Zac Miller:

Going on 17 years.





Zac Miller:

Like that.



So. So I can tell you right now, there is a lot of experience. There's 10,000 hours there in that. 17 years.


Zac Miller:




Okay. You have done enough producing to really not wing it, and maybe wing it is kind of a tongue in cheek word, but to just really do it with ease and confidence. And that's what I'm telling people right now. I'm telling people who are watching me right now, who are listening, saying, I want to do this. A lot of people want to do things they've already been doing. It just doesn't look like what they want to do.


Zac Miller:




Seriously, it's. It's. Oh, God. I remember. Oh, my gosh. When I lose weight or when I do this or when the kids get gone, or when I. I would just give myself so many excus. But I was already doing the work to prepare me for right now.



So if I was just like, okay, I'm Gonna be on QVC six years ago, and I gotta reinvent the wheel. I've gotta prepare. I had to prepare my clothes, I had to prepare my designs. I had to prepare all of my. How I'm going to present, But I didn't have to prepare who I was. I was already ready for that. The thing that we need from you, it's just what I said in that clip. We need you.


Zac Miller:




We don't need your preparedness. We don't need your little. Little skill set. We don't need your little dooma hickeys or thingamabobs. We need you. And you have been preparing that for a long, long time. Do you see what I'm saying? Am I thinking too out of the box here? Is everybody following what I'm saying here? Do you smell what I'm stepping in?


Zac Miller:

  1. I'm smelling it. And it smells great, by the way.



What do you think? Tell. Tell me what I'm saying. Tell me back to me what I'm saying.


Zac Miller:

Can I. Okay, Okay, I will do that.



I want you to do that for people listening who, like Kim. I have no clue what you're saying. Zac is getting ready to break it down to me.


Zac Miller:

So let me say. Let me put it this way. For me, right? So for me, I feel like the thing that I'm actually really good at is that I do have the confidence in my producing because. Not because I know what it's going to be or what is going to happen, but I know that, like, from working on movies and working in tv, everyone's winging it.



No, you're wrong. Everything that you're saying right now is wrong.


Zac Miller:

Okay, all right.





Zac Miller:

Wait, Tell me why.



Say what you just said. Say what you just said to me again. Say it to me again.


Zac Miller:

Well, now I forget what I just said because I was even 50. I'm not even 50.



I forget you're saying I'm confident in my producing skills because I've done it over. No, no, no, no, no. That's not what you're really confident. You're confident in who you are to deliver producing skills.


Zac Miller:

Oh, okay. Yeah, you're right about that. Okay, so I. Let me. Let me. Let me ask you this. So this is a thing that I actually been thinking about a lot. Okay, I see.


Zac Miller:

Like, I get questions from. From people who, like, want to start podcasts and things like that, and they're always asking because you're brilliant at it.





Zac Miller:

How do I, like, you know, how do I start my show? How long should My show be how. And they're asking me these questions.



Why do you think they ask that? Why do you think they ask?


Zac Miller:

Because they want the answer. Because they don't have the confidence in themselves just to be like, it's no.



You can Google that answer.


Zac Miller:

Yeah, except that there is. But my point is that there is no answer. I know from doing it that my answer is it needs to be as long as it needs to be. What do you mean? You put in the beginning of the show should be whatever you think the beginning of the show should be. That's. That's the answer.



And I think we're always. Because we're always wanting the. That's the easy stuff. Okay. I hope I'm not. I hope, I hope everybody's following me here because sometimes I'm getting a little woo woo cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. But it's like with weight loss, everybody's wanting to how did you lose the weight? Oh, really don't know. You don't not want to know how I lost the weight.



You want to know what I. What made me do it this time? And how can you do it this time? The how we. You can do it how 5 million different ways. That's not what really people are asking recently. You know, we went to Vegas, Zac.


Zac Miller:




And, and I'm saying it, I'm going to keep it high level here because I want you to understand that we went to Vegas for this over 50,000. And I felt, I'm like, is this like the be all end, all of people of success in the world all in one little building?


Zac Miller:

There were some heavy hitters, Kim.



There was something Queen Latifah, Sherry shepherd, the CEO of the American Cancer Society. I mean, just doctors. I mean, people from all different walks of life. But there was one woman I really wanted to break it down with, and it was Martha Stewart. And I stood up, I had a keynote speech and I stood up for 15 minutes and I got to say my. What I need to say. This little country girl from South Carolina who used to sucker tobacco in the summers and shop on the weekends, okay? So, like I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut, just like everybody else out there. And Martha Stewart was sitting in front of me and she sat beside me.



And then I thought, oh my gosh, I'm going to totally stalk her. And I was driving her nuts. I don't care, Martha. Who cares? I'm trying to get what I can get, okay? And so I was like, Martha, Martha, Martha. Hey, Martha. Can't get selfie, Martha. And she just looking at me like, this child is country and she's come to town. Okay, she was lovely.



She was lovely. But Martha don't play. Martha does not suffer fools. And so I think for a little bit, for a minute, she thought, is this girl foolish? Okay, So I get on the platform and I'm up there and I'm standing there and I'm looking out in front of all these amazing women, and I look straight at Martha and I said, Martha, I want 30 minutes of your time. I'll pay you $100,000. First of all, I ain't got that to pay her. And second of all, Travis would divorce me, but I thought, you know, shoot your shot. Here you go.



And she looked up at me and I said to the whole crowd, I said, I know what motivates Martha. And the whole place laughed. And then Martha Stewart took out her phone, which she had not even been paying anyone attention. Harley. She took out her phone and went, bloop. And started recording me. And I thought, yes, Martha Stewart's recording my speech. I say all that to say I want to know who Martha is, not what she does and how she does it.



You don't last. You don't start your business at 50 and get to 80 something years old. And now she's building hospital wings in the name of geriatric medicine because you know how to do something. That is who she is. She's a builder. You're not a producer, Zac. Your secret sauce is in who you are. So I'm gonna ask you the question again.



Why do you think you're such a great producer?


Zac Miller:

I'm hesitating because I a. Am afraid to get this question wrong.



So I do have a little bit of my Martha Stewart. Hmm. Yeah. I love it.


Zac Miller:

Yeah. Yeah. I'm a little terrified right now. I feel very on the spot. No, no.



Just say it.


Zac Miller:

No. But I do. I get what you're saying, Kim. I think I get what you're saying. You tell me. But I'm a good producer because I listen. Cause I listen to the people around me and the guests and to you. And we are always talking about how we can make the show better.


Zac Miller:

And we're not. Neither of us.



You're just a person of excellence. You're a person of excellence.


Zac Miller:

Yeah, but neither of us are people that are like, I know the answer and that's it. And now I know it all. We're all curious, changing and learning and curious. And to me, I think that more than anything else, is what makes anyone that's creative good at what they do. It's like you have to stay curious.



But I want to even get it a little bit larger. I want to get more of a 20,000 view here for everybody, too. When I said that to Mali, when I said I have a little bit more experience and we need more of who you are. I want you to take time to build who you are. The world needs more of who you are because there's nobody like you.


Zac Miller:

How can you do that, Kim? Speaking to someone, speaking to the woman who's watching this, who maybe doesn't feel as self assured, maybe who doesn't feel like, you know, who they are is good enough. How do you start building that up?



You know, that's a great question. In. It's not like you said, there is no right or wrong answer here. It is. It is a recognition of your accomplishments. It's a recognition of what you have poured into human beings. So a lot of you watching probably are mothers or caretakers or sisters or aunties or, you know, wives, partners. So that is such valuable experience.



I know we don't list it on our resume, but it, but could I challenge everyone to do your own life resume and really look at your life and the experiences that you've lived through. A lot of. There's, there's people watching this that have lived through massive abuse and trauma, y'all. That's made you who you are, good and bad. But may I say, probably for a lot of us, it's a lot of good. The crappy things that happen to us, surviving it like, like we really. It's. I get cold chills when I'm talking about it because so that's how I know I'm confirmed that that's like God going, you're on to something, sis.



You're on to something. And, and, and, and a lot of times, unfortunately, we have to be at a certain age or wisdom to be able to really lean into this. But I'm trying to even get the young people. I mean, this week is graduation week here at our school in our, in our hometown in Georg, out at like the Crocodile on before even summer begins. And there's so many young graduates that I have really tried to, you know, see something in and say something to them, you know, even if it's just been in passing. And so, you know, I'm going to have to take out a small loan to get all the gifts for this graduation season. But I say all that to say I want the young people to really get what I'm saying, because everybody got experience. Some have more.



Everybody can. In all of that experience in life is making us more of who we are. And I know it sounds pie in the sky, and, you know, I'm a person of faith, Zac, but I do believe God has created each and every one of us for something really great and special and unique and one of a kind. We just recently had, you know, Candi Burris on, and so many people reached out. I saw on her social media post and on my personal. About that exchange we had about her and her prolific business acumen and how she's really growing her empire. And I love that about her because it's her own personal empire. And I want to say to you, watching, you can have your own empire.



You don't need Zac's empire or Kim's empire or Candy's empire or. Or, you know, Martha Stewart's empire. You have your own empire. And you've got to look at your life in. And that empire can be monetized. It can be communicated, and it can be, you know, celebrated. It can't be duplicated, though. So that's why we can't look at everybody else.



We've got to look at what God has for us. And when I said that in that clip to Malley and then they posted it and I watched it back, I thought, my. This is a quote from my husband, so you. Can you bleep it or whatever. He goes, did you just pull that out of your butt?


Zac Miller:

Thanks, Travis.



He often says, kim, I don't know how you just fart these things out. I mean, he actually used. He just farted out. And I started thinking about it when he said. He said, did you just pull that out of your butt? And I'm like. I said, yeah. And then I thought, no, I didn't. I didn't.



It's really who I am. Right. I was just telling you who I was.


Zac Miller:

Yeah, I think about. So you started that clip. The idea of freedom came up as well. And I think that there is a freedom. You tell me, Kim, but is there, like, a freedom in this, too? Is it. How do you know? Do you feel something different when you're on the right track with this? Like, I know when I start feeling free, I. I feel like I'm on the right track with something. And when I feel boxed in and locked in.


Zac Miller:




Can you. Can you explain? No, I think you're the one to explain this now, like, because you're. You just nailed it. Tell everybody how. Because the answer to Your question is yes and the answer. But tell me what that feeling is like for you.


Zac Miller:

Yeah, it's funny. I feel this freedom. That's huge when I'm talking.



What is it feeling? What does that mean? Give it to me in an example of what that feels like.


Zac Miller:

Okay. So I think of it sort of in terms of, like, flow states. Right. So sometimes when I'm working or I'm working on a project or I have something new going on, or I have a new show or a new idea, I'll just. I won't even, like, look up. I'll have music on, but I couldn't tell you what music was playing. I will just be in this zone. But it's not like I'm just here with blinders on.


Zac Miller:

It's like I'm here everywhere in the world, and I.



Is it joyful?


Zac Miller:

Yeah, there's a joy to it.



Can I ask you a question right now, Zac?


Zac Miller:




Do you feel that way taping this episode right now?


Zac Miller:

I really look forward to our tapings. I was telling you, as we were hitting record, I was like, I have so much energy right now.





Zac Miller:

And that's because I know that this is a moment where I feel that freedom.



Yeah. And it's because I'm going to give one little tidbit because I know we don't have much longer to take because we've got to tape something. We got to tape another episode.


Zac Miller:

Another episode of tape.



Yeah, another episode, which. But I want to say this to you, another little point I want to make. Go back and watch the clip if you can, with the whole. Mali should go watch the whole fifth. Over 50 and fabulous. That whole. That whole night was. Was really winging it, but so much wisdom was in that hole because we have other guests that are on the show on that episode, too.



But I want to say, number two, so. So you've got to step into that freedom, really step into who you are. We need more of it. But number two is, Zac, I think that you and I feel the freedom as we're taping this show, just even right now, is because you let me be me, and I let you be you. And so you have to surround yourself with people who truly, they don't have to really know who you are, but they gotta let you be who you are. And that might take a little bit of preparation, y'all. That. That is.



It's harder to find people who embrace, celebrate, and let you be who you are as opposed to finding who you are, finding who you are. That's on you and that you can control. But finding people that are going to align with who you are and celebrate that in you and vice versa, that might take a little bit of time and a little bit of effort. Would you agree, Zac?


Zac Miller:

Yeah, I would.



But those are two really, really people say, kim, how do I become successful? I would say start there. Those are the two main things. And that's why I wanted to talk to Martha, because I think she's authentically really who she is. I don't think people really know who she really is. My guess is she's probably a really big giver and even encourager where I don't think people just a little bit I talked to her. I don't think people recognize that because she said to me, I said, martha, I'm so sorry I'm stalking you. Really silent under her breath, she leaned in, she goes, I love it.


Zac Miller:




And I thought she, she is truly who she is, nothing more and nothing less. And I knew it. I knew it in my knower. Remember I said that on things and I know it. Manure. I know you've got to go be around people who are really who they are. And can I tell you this? Listen, listen. The more successful you are, the more people are, the realer that they are, good, bad or ugly, whether you like them or not.


Zac Miller:

Okay, listen to me say that again because I didn't quite get that.



The realer a person is with who they are, the more successful they are. I'm gonna add something onto it. The more successful someone is. So the, the realer you are, the more successful you are, the more successful you are, more people are willing to help you. Like what Martha did. And she was like, I'll give you 30 minutes from my Bedford home to New York and you don't have to pay me a hundred thousand dollars. She also said that.


Zac Miller:

Oh wow.



And I thought she, she ain't got time for that. She don't. But you know, I'm saying she knew that I knew that she knew me, that I knew who the real her was. And she was like, you know what I'm gonna give? I'm gonna give this little swipper snapper, this little 50 year old girl my time. So did you meet her then?


Zac Miller:

Wait, did you have the meeting with Martha?



Do you think I just 911 called her like two days later to get on her books? Absolutely. I haven't met her, haven't had the meeting yet, but I'm, I'm gonna milk it.


Zac Miller:

And by the way, well, you got a picture to be on the podcast next, Kim.



I know. Well, that's on you. That's on you. But from. I would tell y'all, from Bedford to New York is more than 30 minutes too, so I might be getting me like an hour and a half. But I'm just saying that's what I'm pushing for and praying for.


Zac Miller:

Helicopter. Just kidding.



Don't make me have a heart attack right here, okay? I'll die. I just know there's something to her authenticity, because authenticity matters, and that's what I'm talking about here. I just know the more. So what I'm saying is, go find you somebody. I don't care if you're 72 right now. There's something for you to do. Daddy said it. You ain't dead.



You ain't done. Purpose is in perpetuity, meaning it's forever. It goes on for eternity. We need more of who you are. There's your episode, Zac.


Zac Miller:

You got it, Kim. That was actually a really good one, too.



Hey, I'm the Wing out girl. I'm a Wing it woman.


Zac Miller:

All right. That's awesome, Kim. All right, so make sure that you subscribe. I don't know. What should we tell people, Kim?



Hey, I don't have any notes.


Zac Miller:

I don't have notes for this one.



I'm winging it. And hey, I'm taking it, Zac. Here we go. Here we go. Listen, y'all, make sure you subscribe, Tell other people about the podcast. Help us build this community. Help us encourage other people to live their most authentic, real, confident lives. Okay? Make sure you check out all the bonus content.



You can do that by subscribing to our email list. Go to the kimgrovelshow.com download. No, you don't download. You just subscribe. You just type your little sign up to receive our email so you can see crazy bonus content that is not prepared and not winging it. Well, I'm just saying, you see, like, snippets, behind the scenes, bloopers, all of that. So go Register on the kimgravelshow.com for your email and get our email list. We love you so much.



And remember, we need more of you in this world. I love you so much. Thank y'all. Till next time. I'm Kim.


Zac Miller:

I'm Zac. Bye.





Zac Miller:

I have no idea what you're gonna say.



I have tons of stuff to say. So just. You start it and we'll go into it.


Zac Miller:

I'm gonna do the dance moves I learned. Is this it and then I'll go back to my shimmy.



The Kim Gravel show is produced and edited by Zac at Uncommon Audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant from the Brunette Exec. Production help from  Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative. Our show is edited by Mike Kligerman. Our guest intros are performed by Roxy Reese. Our guest booking is done by Central Talent Booking. And I want to give a special thank you to the entire team at QVC and thanks to you for making this community so strong. Listen, tell somebody about the show and leave us a five star review. And make sure you're following The Kim Gravel Show on your podcast app so we can keep growing this love who you are message together. I can't do this without you. So thank you so much for listening. And y'all, I love you with everything I got.