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Oct. 23, 2024

Thriving at Any Age with Shawn Killinger

Shawn Killinger shares inspiring stories and actionable advice for embracing your true self and chasing your dreams at any age!

This week, QVC host Shawn Killinger joins us to tell it like it is about pursuing your dreams, no matter your age. We discuss how to become your most authentic self, how life’s challenges can help you grow stronger, and how to maintain a positive outlook after 50, 60 and beyond.

Shawn emphasizes that some of your most meaningful achievements can happen later in life. Her inspiring message reminds us that it’s always the right time to follow your dreams, embrace your authenticity, and celebrate your Age of Possibility!


In this episode:

  • How Shawn's career started from local news reporter to being fired from The Apprentice
  • How to embrace your authentic self
  • Shawn's infertility and adoption journeys
  • How to make your dreams a reality
  • How to maintain a positive outlook after turning 50
  • Shawn takes on our selling challenge!


Shawn Killinger is an accomplished TV host with a career that began by working behind the scenes for Dan Rather and David Letterman. Since 1995, she has anchored news, shared laughs with celebrities, and gained recognition for her engaging style on QVC since 2007. Shawn is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle authority, collaborating with top brands and hosting events like red carpet coverage. Known for her candid writing, she shares personal experiences through her blog and has built a strong social media following. A travel enthusiast, Shawn's honest reviews help others plan their adventures.


Here is my favorite quote from this episode:

"It's so funny. Even though I'm super authentic and I know who I am and I know who I'm not. I just feel so much more at peace and at ease, like, letting it all hang out here."

- Shawn Killinger


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50+ & Unfiltered



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*This transcript was auto-generated*


This is The Kim Gravel Show.



We have really said, oh, if you're a woman over 50, you're screwed.


Shawn Killinger:

I'm so glad that it didn't work out. Cause, like, you know, God has his path for you.



He's got. Come on. You know he does. It is never too late.


Shawn Killinger:

I think I was just, like, a real pain in the ass. You have to be far more intentional and active in the pursuit of whatever the dream or the hope or the vision is.



I don't know why there's shame and fear. In some ways, saying what you want.


Shawn Killinger:

The hurt inside, will actually help propel you.



I am having the best time of my life. Hey, y'all, it's Kim Gravel here with the Kim gravel show. I have such a fantastic guest today. We've already been laughing our socks off. Shawn Killinger, the one and only Shawn Killinger is here. And if you watch QVC, you already love Shawn, because she is been a host there since 2007. And if you don't watch QVC, then you really should. And you gotta buckle up, buttercup, because Shawn tells it like it is.



And when we are. When her and I are together, it's almost like a train wreck meets a fabulous party. I'm serious. Her podcast is called 50 plus, unfiltered. Okay? She is over 50 and totally fabulous. And that is exactly who she is. She is who she is all day, every day. Please welcome Shawn Killinger.


Shawn Killinger:

You do that for every guest?



Every guest. We spare no expense.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, okay. Cause I thought that was just for me, and I was like, wow, that was awesome. Okay.


Shawn Killinger:




Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. So can we just start off? Everybody knows you. Everybody's watching on QVC knows you. Everybody that doesn't know you should know you, girl. I did not know you got fired from the Martha Stewart apprentice show.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, yeah.



Where did that come from?


Shawn Killinger:

Canned. Canned. You know, I am.



Is that how you started in the biz?


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, no.



Okay, take me back.


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, fine. By the way, I just want to say to your producer, Zac, who I know preps you for these interviews. I'm so glad that he did ample research for this moment. Because the way back bus takes us to 1995, when I got out of college and I moved to New York City and started.



Cause you're from where. Where are you from?


Shawn Killinger:

I'm from Michigan.



Oh, I love Michigan.


Shawn Killinger:

Isn't it beautiful?



I love Michigan.


Shawn Killinger:

Midwest. I mean, listen, I know the south is great, but I. You're good people.



Michigan. Good people.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, and gorgeous.



Like, unspoiled, get all the seasons.


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, I remember, but no, in 1995, when I graduated college, I went to New York City with my best friend from high school, and she was in fashion, and I wanted to get in tv, and so I started working for CB's news. Well, no, I started working for the David Letterman show, and then I started working for the Dan rather thing and then made a tape and applied to all these tiny little, you know, Poe news markets and then became a local news reporter and then an anchor. So all of that was the predecessor to me going on the Martha Stewart apprentice.



It's a full circle moment. Since Martha Stewart.


Shawn Killinger:

That was a dramatic pause.



Well, this is, you know I'm obsessed with Martha Stewart, right?


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, I do.



Okay. So, like, I feel like. I feel like she. That's a whole nother story.


Shawn Killinger:

Can I ask you why you're obsessed with her? Like, genuinely, like. No giggles. Like, what is it there?



Because she is a fully realized boss, and it's hard, and it's starting my brand. It is hard to balance the on air and the boss. Cause I love business. I absolutely love business. Um, and then part of me just wants to hang out with snoop. I mean, there. I mean, that's just the truth. You know, there's the both.



There's flip sides. But, no, I will say Martha Stewart is. She's just a boss and is a strong woman. You know this, Shawn, because you're the same way. Big personality, lot of ambition, drive, wife, mother, all the things she's really. She's really done it and done it well, and she can just have that cold streak I wish I could get. I can't. I'm trying.


Shawn Killinger:

What do you mean, the cold streak?



We're not doing that.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, yeah.



I'm saying.


Shawn Killinger:

You know what I'm saying? I.



So how was that for you?


Shawn Killinger:

That was what, the reality show?



Yeah. To me, that made you do okay. Was it?


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, but let me. Let me, like, be clear. It was horrible because I'm not built for reality tv, which I know sounds really weird.



I know, because you're so good live.


Shawn Killinger:

Right? But this is gonna sound weird, but just stay with me here.



I'm here.


Shawn Killinger:

Up until the age of 38, I kind of lived behind an artifice. I wasn't always this authentic. Put it all out there. Be who you are, warts and all. Be confident with the warts and all. And so now I leave. I had been at a morning show, a morning news anchor in Orlando for the CB's station down there. And I didn't want to do news anymore.


Shawn Killinger:

Like, I'm a creative writer. I'm a creative performer. Like, I didn't want to totally. Creative fires and mayoral conferences, and so I was like, I'm not doing local news anymore. And so, like, full candor. Like, the whole reason I went on that reality show is. Cause my sister in law was like, you know, you just need somebody to discover you. Like, you just need a break.


Shawn Killinger:

Like a big. Some kind of big break. So you should. That's right. When all of the reality shows were getting biggest, starting to blossom, and I had tried out, so I made a tape and I sent it in, and they interviewed me, and then it just never happened. And then, like, a year later, they did call me and said, you know what? Instead of the Donald Trump one, we're gonna do a spinoff of that and do a Martha Stewart one, which would be far more perfect for you because you're more creative and, like, stuff like that. And the Donald Trump one is, like, hardcore business acumen. Anyway, the reason why I did nothing like it at all is because, a, I have total social anxiety, so I am not good in groups.


Shawn Killinger:

I'm not good. I know. Just stay with me here. I'm an introvert, actually. Totally. I refuel by being alone, so I'm not comfortable in large groups. When we did that Vegas thing for Q 50, I had diarrhea the whole time. Cause I'm like, I have to be in a room, like, schmingling with all of these people, including major celebrities.


Shawn Killinger:

Like, what am I saying to them? So I don't like those surroundings. Right. But when you're on a reality show, you have a couple things going on. Number one, you have to be performative. You have to be part of the drama. You have to bring a character. You have to, like, stir things up so you're memorable. Otherwise, you're a wallflower.


Shawn Killinger:

I wasn't good with that because I also. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin, so I didn't know who the hell to be. I didn't know if I should be a character, if I was going to be myself. Who am I? And so I was so uncomfortable in this, like, 14 person duke it out fest for who's gonna survive each week and be, like, the star of that week's episode. And so I just. I was horrible. Plus, I just. I have.


Shawn Killinger:

This sounds horrible, but I have all of this, like, childhood baggage with not being part of, like, the popular crowd. Like, I was bullied when I was a kid, and I had lots of social anxiety. So imagine you get cast on a reality show, and now from day one, it's all about a show like that, building alliances and, like, now, you know, and then whatever. And I was. I'm so bad at all that stuff. Cause I just want to be part of the group. But then the group is constantly changing. Anyway, this is a long way of saying I hated it and was horrible at it.


Shawn Killinger:

And, yes, I got fired third. So my dreams of it leading to some giant, like, oh, my gosh. And now Shawn is hosting a show that's at the center of the global universe. But that's. I'm so glad that it didn't work out because, like, you know, God has his path for you. He's got.



Come on. You know, he does. He does. So what? Okay, I love what you said. You said, you know, you don't cover up your warts and your flaws and all that. You say that your greatest superpower is, like, landed in all hangout. Just. It's so much easier.



And when did that happen for you? Was that QVC, like, when you came to QVC? Because really, QVC is the ultimate read. You know what I mean? Like, you think it's live tv. People can smell a fake a mile away. I'm telling you, authenticity is the biggest commodity there. When did you decide, like, bump this. I'm going to just do me. I'm going to be me, and I'm going to be okay with it, warts and all. When did that happen for you?


Shawn Killinger:

It's, like, not a simple answer. It's, like, one. I think that life and all of the different kind of, like, sucker punches that you take in your journey, like, season you sand off your rough edges. And then I also just think in general, like, struggle, difficulty, pain, all of that. Like, it either hardens you or softens you. And I think instead of hardening me and thickening the outer shell, it softened me. And God was, like, taking a chisel and breaking the shell away so that then the real Shawn could, like, be free. I feel like he knew, because when I first got to QVC in zero seven, like, I definitely think that my style of presenting and my essence or way of describing things was a little more unique.


Shawn Killinger:

Right? And so I didn't struggle entirely to, like, be the real me, but I think, you know, as life went on, as I got in and out of, like, really rough relationships romantically, and then as I got married and I struggled with infertility, and then as I grew older and started, like, feeling a little bit more like, you know what? Like, I am just who I am. And then, you know, dads get sick and moms get sick and, like, life starts to happen in, like, really big, important ways that, you know, maybe sometimes you don't feel impactfully as much when you're younger, and then. And then it's like, it's too exhausting to keep the shell and the artifice up, and it's too hard to be something that you're not. And so. I don't know. That was a horrible answer. I'm sorry. I promise they won't always be the best answer ever.


Shawn Killinger:

But I don't know. I just. At some point, I feel like God was doing his work, chiseling. And then eventually just the light switch hit, and it was, like, time for me to just exhale because it was so hard pretending. You know what I mean?



Yeah. But you know what? When I first got to the queue, which is eight years ago, you had not had your daughter. And I remember you and I were sitting. We had to do a little video or something.


Shawn Killinger:




And I said, are you gonna have any children? I did not realize. I didn't know what. I thought you were very, very much younger than me.


Shawn Killinger:




Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So I was like, oh, she's thinking we're gonna have her babies. I thought you were like, you know, like, I was 46 or 47 or whatever, and you were like, I thought you were like, 31, 32, you know, maybe.


Shawn Killinger:

No, I'm a late bloomer in everything. Love, marriage, career at all. So I'm actually 81 right now.



And I just like you and Martha Henny, you look amazing. I'm just saying, like. But, Zac, I did. I mean, I thought she was, like, so young, and so when you. I remember as your age, and I was like, oh, my gosh, are you gonna have these children? And I didn't even know. Did you tell anybody at QVC? Like, did the audience, did our girl know that you were having infertility issues? Cause I had no idea. Of course. Open foot, insert mouth.



I thought you were, like, 28, you know, 30 years old.


Shawn Killinger:

I wish. I wish I had been right.



So I did not know that until that conversation.


Shawn Killinger:

They. I mean, my God.



And how hard was that for you?


Shawn Killinger:

So here's the deal. It was really. It was really hard because. Because I got married late. I got married at 40. And when I met Joe, my husband, I met him after a really rough, toxic. I mean, that extricating myself from that relationship, that was a huge part of my just personal growth. And so.


Shawn Killinger:

But I got started so late in the journey, and yet I wasn't, like, one of those people that was, like, I knew forever and ever from the dawn of time that I wanted to have, like, twelve babies and be a mom and puree my own organic baby food and all of that. Like, not that, but I knew I did want to have a baby, or plural, whatever happened. But we got started late and, like, I got pregnant once and miscarried at like, eight weeks, which is really common, but at this point, I'm like, now what? 41? 42? And then we started infertility and all of that, started fertility treatments, and then in the midst of that, oddly, got pregnant naturally. And that one was tough. That one was when, I think I kind of had to show the viewer what was going on in my life because we lost our baby at almost 20 weeks. So I was almost 20 weeks pregnant. And so that was so traumatic that I had to take time off. And in taking time off, like, I had to tell the viewers what happened.


Shawn Killinger:

And so I wrote, like, a thing and a blog and whatever. And then one day my husband just came downstairs because I was just kind of breaking. I was like, I can't believe that I've put my career first my whole life, and now it's gonna cost me, like, something so much more important, which is, like, being able to get pregnant and be a mom. And then my husband came downstairs one day and he's like, do you want to be pregnant or do you want to be a mom?



And I was like, come on, now.


Shawn Killinger:

What do you mean? And he goes, well, why haven't we ever considered adoption? Like, why are we trying so hard? Like, if you want to get pregnant and if that's, if you want something coming out of your chachi and, like, you want that organically experience to be whatever, fine. Or do you just want to be a mother? And I was like, dude, I just want to be a mother. I don't look forward to my body being shredded from this experience. Like, someone just came in and we're like, here's your child. So, yeah, and that's when the adoption thing began, so. But yes, that is how also I think the viewer knew that I had.



Been going through it well. And I was, I loved that part of you, that humanness part of you. And I love what you said, like, you're a late bloomer because this is such a perfect, this QVC over 50 and fabulous. The age of possibility is such a great mantle for you to take up and be a leader and be such a strong, you know, voice for this, because it is never too late. People think. I mean, I hear it all the time. I mean, I didn't start my business till I was 46, and I thought I'd been road hard and put up wet before it even happened. And, you know, it's just.



It's one of those things where I think as people, I mean, I even hear my. My teenage son say, well, I can't do that. It's too late. I'm like, my lord, you're 17 years old, you know, so I think that's a mentality that we carry. But, you know, what is this age of possibility to you? Because, Shawn, you're getting opportunities now that you are. You just shocked. You're going, what's going on? Shocked, I know, with you, but I get it. I know what you mean.


Shawn Killinger:

Shocked and also humbled and so excited. But humbled is the big one, because my whole career, I wanted for so much, so badly, and I hustled and tried.



So what do you mean? Explain that. Cause you're talking to a lot of people right now that can relate.


Shawn Killinger:

So this example probably will resonate with, like, 1.2% of the population because it involves an agent, but there's a bigger.



No, no. The wanting.


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, fine. So I wanted. I knew I had this gift inside me to talk and connect and to storytell, but I didn't know how to find a platform for it because local news, wasn't it, right?





Shawn Killinger:

And so I was desperate to find that outlet because it's like a burning passion inside me to storytelling and to write and to connect with people. And so I just had. I mean, I was relentless in trying to bang down so many doors. I mean, the stories I could tell you of the ridiculous antics I went to to get meetings or whatever, or to get someone's attention or whatever, which I love that hustle. That hustle's amazing. That hustle makes for great stories. But one time, which I was, I think I was just a real. Without meaning to be, like, a real pain in the ass for a lot of people, including this talent agent, because I was just a lot.


Shawn Killinger:

I was just a lot, you know, like, you just. The self awareness wasn't there yet, and I wanted it too much that, like, the proverbial, like, the salivation was coming down all the time, like. And he said to me one day, he goes, you know, Shawn, the only person standing in your way is you. And I was like, riddle me this. Like, what is this weird. What are you talking in these, like, platitudes? What does that mean? I'm standing in my way. And of course, fast forward. Now I get it, you know, so I do think there's.


Shawn Killinger:

God brings you opportunities and blessings when it's your time, and sometimes it's your time, not when you're at your hungriest, but when you've been able to find yourself and surrender. And frankly, just say, if it doesn't happen, I'm still great. And if it does, I'm so grateful. And that's what I mean by humbled, because, like, I just can't believe when they called me to do that vogue photo shoot, I was like, no way. No.



Is it? I mean, that, but that's how God works, Shawn. I mean, I don't, I'm serious. Like, I, he. I tell my children, I tell the kids I mentor. I try to get this through the thick skull of young people that all he needs is a willing vessel. He doesn't need our talent. He doesn't need our razzmadaz, you know, he doesn't need, you know, our youth. He doesn't need any of that.



There is no expiration date on a calling or a path that God has for you. He needs willingness. And like you said, the humility you have to get to a place where you understand you're not in control.


Shawn Killinger:




It's not that God doesn't want to give you all the beautiful, great things, like the vogue cover or the, or the, you know, the New York Times Square. What he wants to give us all those things that will satisfy that hunger, but we have to be willing to wait or, I don't know, collaborate or go down a path that seems less than for a moment until he can get us to where we mentally and emotionally and spiritually can handle it. Don't you think?


Shawn Killinger:

I totally do. Because if any of this stuff came to me ten or 20 years ago, okay, I would be a freaking hot mess. Awful, terrible. It would have been a disaster. Like implosion central, just terrible. I just, it just, I feel like. Yes. Everything you just said, because the greatest lessons I have ever learned in my life have come from pain, not pleasure.



Yes. Come on.


Shawn Killinger:

And have come from, like, guttural awfulness on my knees, like, feel like I'm dying, spiritually, emotionally, and everything else not. Oh, my life is so great. I'm just, I just got another great thing that I wanted, and this is also wonderful. No. So I feel like then when you trod through that wilderness of darkness, and you really find your way through to, like, a light between the trees. Then you're so grateful for the fact that there is even a light at all that you're. Then you're kind of ready in a way like you weren't before, because you would have just taken it for granted. So I don't know.



You know? And, Shawn, like, I mean, you're doing, like, you have your own line. You have your own, which I have bought several. I bought your whole velvet pants and jacket last year. Let's go. I bought the pink. It's. It's what I'm wearing in my. In my new headshot.



I love it. You know what I'm saying? Like, all of those things. I mean, like, look at what you're doing now. Speak to that. Cause there's a lot of women that watch this and listen to this and watch you on QVC, and they say, yeah, but that's Shawn. I could never do anything like that. That they're sitting on a book or they're sitting on a business, or they're sitting on a ministry, or fill in the blank, whatever. There's a lot of you listening right now that are many seans and many kims and many Zacs, people who want to be doing what is in their soul to do.



Shawn, what would you say to that person?


Shawn Killinger:

I feel so passionately, number one, that because I do feel like a lot of my life, I was. What I'm about to tell you, which is I was waiting for the doorbell of opportunity to ring, and then I was, like, foaming at the mouth to answer it. And, like, a. You can't do that. Like, if you're waiting for God to deliver you your perfect mate and you're just gonna bump into him or her, like, in the produce aisle, it's probably not gonna happen, right? Like, you have to get online dating, or you have to start swiping, or.



You have to go to the club.


Shawn Killinger:

Or you have to put yourself out there on Tuesday nights, when normally you're like, no, I don't want to go, but they invited me to. You have to. So you have to be far more intentional and active in the pursuit of whatever the dream or the hope or the vision is. Because if you're just waiting for, like, the world to plop it on your doorstep or to give you a sign that it's not happening, it's not going to happen that way. And then the second thing is that I just feel so strongly that everybody has something inside of them that is, like, a. Like a burning ember. Like a fire of something that God placed in them or that they're great at or a giftedness that they have.





Shawn Killinger:

And so I just feel like you. You have to. For your own kind of development, right? Like, your own personal development. Like, you have to start taking baby steps towards the bigger fire, right? And so it doesn't have to be a grand gesture. It doesn't have to, like, the. You know, the novel that you want to write is not, you know, it starts with one page. Like, maybe just type one word. Maybe just sketch down, like, an idea.


Shawn Killinger:

I mean, look at JK Rowling, like, you know, on napkins with a baby pram next to her in a coffee shop, poor. And, like, you know, Gryffindor. Oh, that's crazy. Like, it starts somewhere, and then suddenly, you know, when I think when you start taking a few steps towards God, then he's like, okay, okay, now she's moving. Now she's moving. And then he takes a few steps towards you, and he'll crack the door open a little bit more. And then you crack it a little bit, and then he crack. And then.


Shawn Killinger:

And the next thing you know, it's like, oh, you know what I mean?



Well, and the thing about. The thing about what you just said, which is so profound, is that I. When you start moving in the direction that God wants you to do, he'll run to you like, you know what I'm saying? It's like. It's not. He's sitting there going, okay, how many steps are you gonna take? He's just like, let's go. She's taking a few steps. I'm on it. You know what I'm saying? I mean, it just.



It's. I love this, what we're doing at QVC with this whole over 15. Fabulous. And the age of possibility and look, it sounds good in theory. I think a lot of people. I've heard some of the feedback. I mean, the Facebook group is great. People are really connecting.



But a lot of people have a little bit of, like, what age of possibility.


Shawn Killinger:

You mean people in the age of possibility? Or younger people who are like, what?



Well, just people. Just people saying, yeah, that sounds really good, but I am just diagnosed with this, or I've just. My husband's just left me or I don't have. I don't see any opportunity for me. What would you say to that person? Because I talk about perspective all the time. It's how you look at something and look, truth be known, we have really said if you're a woman over 50, you're screwed.



You know what I'm saying? It's over for you. When it's the absolute complete opposite. If I had had this business in my thirties, I would be brokered and broke. I would be a total, total idiot. I would have never sustained it. I would have never been able to handle it emotionally. So the timing is right. But what do you say to that person that doesn't see hope in that over 50? They don't see the possibility.


Shawn Killinger:

Well, number one, I think you have to be aiming for something. And I think in the aim, come on. And right, like, you can't. They always say, like people in life, if you have no hope, you have nothing. So you've got to be. There's got to be hope for something, right? And I always say, too, like, you genuinely have to believe that what is ahead of you is even better than what's behind you. And I think, I don't know if it's just an american thing or if it's a human nature thing, regardless of where you're from, we have this really toxic, weird relationship with time because obviously we all know time comes to an end. And so we are pre 50.


Shawn Killinger:

That's where all the best milestones happen. Like, you fall in love, you buy the wedding dress, you walk down the aisle, you have the baby. Hooray. You graduate from college, you start your career, you get asked to prom. It seems like all of the best things happen in the front half of life, like culturally pop culture speaking. And then when you think about, okay, well, what are all those milestones in the back half of life? It's kind of hard to name them because advertising, media, marketing, and just in general, like, what we have learned just through osmosis in the back half of life is that it's like all about, okay, now I'm going to get hemorrhoids and I'm going to be phased out because I'm too expensive at my company. And so now I'm older, even though I'm wiser and I'm the best person for the job, I'm going to be forced into early retirement. And, you know, I don't really have a big enough nest egg because I didn't plan well enough.


Shawn Killinger:

So now I'm getting into the back half and I don't have what I thought I would have. And I've been married for 30 years. And no, he's not the same as he used to be. And so I'm not that happy there. And the sex drives. You see what I'm saying? So, like, it's like, it's a downhill. Yeah, it's all downhill. I get why everyone's like, well, I'm just waiting to die now.


Shawn Killinger:

And so that's why I say, you gotta have hope for something.





Shawn Killinger:

And for me, like, you know that hope never ends. Cause I'm, you know, for starters, I still hope to someday live abroad. Joe and I always talk about we would move to the UK in a second.



It's gorgeous.


Shawn Killinger:

And I still hope to. I love QVC, but I hope that there is either a podcasting or a television or a book career or all three outside of QVC in my longer term future. So, like, there. I think there always has to be something on your horizon. And if there's not, I get why you feel like it'll never happen for you. And so the first step is, what do you want your horizon to look like? What is that? Hope. You gotta find that first. Cause you can't aim for anything without it.



Well, one of my, one of my favorite. I'm reading a scripture, and I say, this is weird. Cause it's a favorite. We actually wrote a song about it. It's hope deferred makes the heart grow sick. That is scripture. Hope deferred makes the heart grow sick. And it does.



You're so right. And in a life where we are consumers, I say to people, start creating something. There's so much talent out there in the world. There's a gift in every single person, Shawn. And you are very privileged and blessed to have known what that gifting was for you very, very young. What, what do you want to see for Shawn in the future in a real. In a real way? Like, if you could. If the sky's the limit for you right now, which it is, you know, doors are opening for you.



You're so insanely talented. I love doing shows with you because it's never a show. It's never a show. It's just like, oh, my God, we're all over time. I mean, we never talk about anything of what we should be talking about. It's never a show. It's just two friends having fun. And so what do you really want? Like, if you could say, I could just fill in the blank of whatever I want in this world, what would it be?


Shawn Killinger:

So, you know, it's so funny. Even though I'm super authentic and I know who I am and I know who I'm not, and I just. I feel so much more at peace and at ease, like, letting it all hang out here. Here's a funny thing. In answer to your question about when you say, like, what is it, like, the age of possibility for you? There are still little harbingers of, like, the old sean that's afraid or kind of, like, restrained. Because I remember vividly at that age of possibility thing in Vegas that we went to, and we were surrounded by all these, like, can you believe Rita Wilson was there?



I, like, I know beside her, she talked to me.


Shawn Killinger:

I mean, like, I know this is crazy. And also, really probably, if I'm Rita listening to this, deflating to say, but, like, all I can. I know she has her own amazing bonafide career. But, like, all I could do the whole time was think to myself, I am freaking standing next to Tom Hanks wife.



His wife.


Shawn Killinger:

What the beep? Like, I can't believe it. And so. But at that thing, I was next to Jenny Garth, too, and talking to her, who is adorable soul.



She is just, my gosh, she is a doll baby.



She's going to be on the show next week.



Yeah, she's a doll. She's a sweetheart. She truly is. Like, sean, with you and I together with her, we probably would send her.


Shawn Killinger:

Over the edge over, like, flatten her like a steamroller, like, just.



But we love her because she's so.


Shawn Killinger:

You want to talk authentic in an industry and in a medium of tv where there are big egos or there's big egos that really are disguising small egos. And so, like, everybody wants their peace and their shine and their glow up, and then everybody needs to be the voice that's heard. And when we were at that vogue photo shoot, it was like, me and Kathie Lee Gifford and Mally and blah, blah and all these big characters. And Jenny is amongst the famousest of them all. And she didn't need to be heard or seen. She was, like, the quiet presence in the background, and she was totally fine with that. And I almost found it. Like, it made me nervous.


Shawn Killinger:

I was like, I don't know how to engage with her. She's so oddly normal. Doesn't want to be the star. And I didn't expect that. But anyway, I'm sorry. So I was talking to Jenny Garth at this Vegas thing, and she was like, I don't know why it came up, but something came up about, like, she's starting her line over 50 at QVC. And then we were talking about, like, dreams and coming into your own. And she asked me, she's like, well, what is it you want? And this is the part of Shawn and the fear, and I don't.



Oh, Shawn.


Shawn Killinger:

I don't know what it is, but, like, I didn't want to say it. I was afraid to say it.





Shawn Killinger:

I just. I don't know why. Like, I'm very self aware. So even now trying to figure out why I don't want to say it.



Wait, we have to talk about this because that is such a. Oh, my God. You have to talk about it right now.


Shawn Killinger:

Right, but. And so. And you know what's so funny? When I didn't say it, and then afterwards, I was thinking to myself, you.



Know, so you didn't say it. You said, no, I'm not saying it.


Shawn Killinger:

Because I was embarrassed to say it.



You didn't pass the test? You didn't pass that test. Yes, yes.


Shawn Killinger:

And then I thought, I didn't pass the test, so God's not going to give it to me, because I know.



He will say it.


Shawn Killinger:

No, I don't deserve it if I can't say it. And so then after. This is so dumb.



I love it.


Shawn Killinger:

Like, I hope that I run into Jenny again, because you know what? I does not even care what my great ambitions are.



Doesn't matter. It would just for, you know, when.


Shawn Killinger:

You fail like that, the truth challenge of the. Or the. Or the be brave and courageous challenge, it's like, then you want another shot at it, so you can. And I was like, I'm gonna run into Jenny Garrett.



You're gonna get.


Shawn Killinger:

And when she tells me, like, what do you want? I'm gonna be like, this is what I want, Jenny. And I'm gonna give her grotesque detail of everything I'm hoping for. And now you asked me, and I know I haven't seen her. I mean, I've seen her, but.



Okay, you're talking to Jenny right now. You have to do it right now. I've asked you. I asked. Jenny asked you? That's weird. No, it's weird. That is a God thing.


Shawn Killinger:

You have your jenny right now. Could you a little longer?



Listen, I'll be Jenny all day, every day. Call me Jenny. We can be besties.


Shawn Killinger:

I would like my own talk show. Real people. I don't want any freaking stupid ass studio audience. I don't want dumb cooking segments. I don't want bull. Here's how to you don't want to make over show. You don't want to make all that crap that's on. Sorry.


Shawn Killinger:

If anyone from tv land is watching on regular tv right now, in the morning and afternoon. To me, it's all worthless fluff. I want two Barca lounger recliners, and I just want to have people on, mostly non celebrities, because that's the other thing. Love you, celebrities. But, like, it's very hard to get authenticity out of a celebrity in an interview because they're so packaged and managed. It's there, but it's just.



Yeah, but if anybody could do it, you could. But. Okay, I'll give you that argument.


Shawn Killinger:

And I would love to continue doing my podcast, because that's another forum where I can see.



But you're kind of doing that, Shawn.


Shawn Killinger:

I know. I know.



You've got to go watch the podcast. The 50 plus podcast with Shawn. You have to watch it. We are fully in support of your podcast. We love it. You got to have me on. I think I'm coming on.


Shawn Killinger:

You are coming on.



I know. Because if I'm not, I'm going to hunt y'all down. Cause that's what y'all don't know about me. Cause I am persistent.


Shawn Killinger:

Well, no, I'm getting you on there because I've heard that your schedule, because you're so busy, and I was like, I'm coming.



I've already. I think we've booked it on a Friday morning. Don't you tape on a Friday? Okay. Because I was like, uh, is nobody gonna ask me to be on Shawn's podcast?


Shawn Killinger:

But you know what I want to do since you. Because now I'm still talking to Jenny.



Talk. Do it.


Shawn Killinger:

Topics I want to talk about on this talk show or this talk show. Podcast. This.



What is it?


Shawn Killinger:

Podcast is. I want to talk about the taboo stuff, because what's taboo?



Okay, let's.


Shawn Killinger:

I want to talk about death and dying and what happens when you do. And I want to have a hospice nurse on, and I want to have a priest on, and I want to have someone who's gone to the other side and tell me what.



Well, you know, I have. You know, I have.


Shawn Killinger:

Have gone to the other side.



Yeah, girl. I came face to face with God himself. I couldn't even look. It was so bright. You don't know that about my story. Almost. Almost died with blandesthe.


Shawn Killinger:




I saw him face to face.


Shawn Killinger:

Did not know this. Are you.



We will talk about this on the podcast.


Shawn Killinger:

Yeah, don't tell me.



Not telling you. I just. I mean, I've seen it. You can't tell me.


Shawn Killinger:

That's the stuff. And people are afraid of dying, and people are obsessed with. With curiosity about death. Like, I know this is really weird. It's getting weird now.



I love it. No, it's not weird. It's fantastic. And that's father in law just passed. His father in law just passed this week. I mean, look, no, it's. Hey, that's one thing. Death and taxes, we all got in common, right?


Shawn Killinger:

But we don't talk about it. But it's the great unknown. So I want to talk about that. I want to talk about plastic surgery. Like, why aren't we talking about stuff like that? Nobody wants to say that they've had it done. Everybody thinks about it. Most people are curious. Some people have had it, but lie about it.


Shawn Killinger:

So then people that in the regular world think that that's normal and God given are like, oh, I'm less than. Because, no, I say tuck it, nip.



It, suck it, whatever you got to do me.


Shawn Killinger:

So I want to talk about stuff that's, like, real and not, like, you know, fluff. Anyway, thank you, Jenny, for hearing my passion.



Thank you, Jenny. Jenny. Jenny by proxy. Kim. Now, this is the thing. I wanted you to do that because I want people to really start. I don't know why there's shame and fear in saying what you want. I think a lot.


Shawn Killinger:




No, I think as women, and I'm not trying to blame it on society because it's our own choices, whether we do or do not say. But I think we are conditioned as women to be support and help as opposed to being. Being able to verbalize and vocalize what we want. And I do it, too, Shawn. I still do it. And I'm like, say what you mean to say, Kim. Say what you mean to say, because this is what I say to everybody listening, you might as well go on and say it. If you're trying to hold back because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings or you don't want to.



They didn't like you. No way. No way.


Shawn Killinger:

Right? Right.



So you are totally right. And I truly believe your talk show will happen. I believe it's going to happen. I believe you're being set up and prepared for that to unfold. Why else would you be doing all of this?


Shawn Killinger:

I just think there's a. There's a lack of connection in today's society. Real people, real topics, and real connectivity and authenticity. And so I just. That's why I love QVC.





Shawn Killinger:

And that's why I love being on QVC as authentic, Shawn, because we can talk about things in. In your fashion shows that actually go beyond fashion and help people out there feel like you're not alone. Like, I guess maybe that's my big thing, is I feel like the inner core of Shawn has a little nugget of hurt that will always be there. And I think we all, in some ways, do. And my greatest joy is connecting with other people so their hurt feels normal and not alone.



You're not alone.


Shawn Killinger:

You're not alone. You're not alone.



Good Lord. That's saying. We got to just. That's it. We gonna say it. Relieve it right there. Okay. We can't leave you.



You can't leave me, though. I've got other things to talk about, because we do something in every single show, we do rapid fire questions, and I love it, because, can I just tell you some of the best of the best? They're like, okay. Once you rapid fire, and they go, uh, like, they can't. Most people are not quick on their feet. This is not the case with you.


Shawn Killinger:

That's pressure. You know what? I'm gonna need to put lip gloss on. I feel like.



Let me just. I'm gonna give you some of your. Some of your predecessors. Okay. Jane Tracy killed it.


Shawn Killinger:

Yeah. That's not surprising.



David Venable did pretty good. Rachel bosing did pretty good. But I'm gonna ask you.


Shawn Killinger:

Notice that inflection in your voice? I also noticed that all of them were on your podcast before me. I just want you to know that.



The timing of everything, we got better cameras, and now you actually hear people.


Shawn Killinger:

You better have brought your crown. Is that crown coming out at some point?



Not here. I'm bringing the crown to you.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay.



Let's say, hey, I'm a one trick pony. I got to get what I can.


Shawn Killinger:

I'm sorry.



No, no. I'm just saying, like, you know what I'm saying. I don't have a lot of rabbits out of my hat, so I got. I got to say something. So I'm going to ask you. What comes up, comes out. Just say it. Okay.



And then we are going to do. Well, after this, we'll do it. I'll tell you how I want to end the show. Okay. Rapid fire question. Rapid fire questions. What is your most cringe worthy moment on QVC live tv?


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, God.



Oh, God, Shawn.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, gosh. Well, the two that come to mind aren't really that fascinating, but one time I was trying to say the word compact discharge. Like cds. Compact discs. This shows you how old this reference is. And I said compact dicks, so that was good. That was a good one. And then, and then Richard Simmons, God rest his soul.



Oh, God, I love him.


Shawn Killinger:

He is the best. The best. And I came on and he came on and I was a new host. And again, this shows you how old the reference is. All of his. We were selling his workout dvd's, right? People still had Blu ray players and they were all lined up. It was a set of twelve. The what? You get all the stands.


Shawn Killinger:

Everything was. And he came out and I came out and with one swoop, the whole thing went like dominoes. And I just felt like such an amateur. I was like, oh, my gosh. Those are not great stories, though. I wish I had a better.



Oh, I have a great story with you and I on air.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, really?



Do you remember what? So you came out to do a walk on in one of our shows and you had the glass of tea and you going, look, this is fake. And she did all the teeth.


Shawn Killinger:

I really thought it was a fake glass with fake ice and fake frozen liquid. Oh, my God.



You were like, oh, my God, I'm so sorry. It went everywhere. I laughed. I peed on myself. It was so fantastic. That's what I love about Shawn. You never know. I mean, it can go in the best kind of side way of all times.



And the great thing about it is the more sideways it goes, the better the show does. Okay, well, all right, that's totally true.



Can I just say, like, that's such a tv thing. That's, like, not relatable to, like, anyone who doesn't do tv is like, she said, equally think the glass is just full of fake. Like, just totally fake. It's not gonna pour out. Like, that doesn't exist in the real world.



She explained it. She like, normally this is all fake and it's not real. It was fantastic.


Shawn Killinger:

It's like when people who work in tv are like, I have the funniest joke to tell you about that time we were on the green screen and it's like, no normal person knows what a green screen is. It's like, it's not funny to anyone but you. Like, it's not.



Well, that was hilarious. People loved it. I got people say, oh, my God, I love you and Shawn together. And everybody says that. Okay, so what is your favorite QVC product ever? Ever?


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, shucksies.



Well, that's really good ones.


Shawn Killinger:

And it changes. Like, right now, I am obsessed with Sarah happ lip gloss.



I love her stuff.


Shawn Killinger:

Ream slip. I'm right now obsessed with Anastasia brow freeze gel. But these are, like, little incidental things. I would say the QVC products that on a daily impact my life the most are my Dyson hair dryer, my Dyson stick vac, and my keurig coffee machine.



There you go.


Shawn Killinger:

And my new face. Because I'm age of possibility, and it's happening.



Age of possibility. I know. Age of possibility. Okay. Okay. QVC. Okay.



I've been waiting all episode to drop that. I just haven't found a time.



Well, you've had to make your time. Make your time.


Shawn Killinger:






Shawn Killinger:

That's great.



What is one thing that you wish you had known when you were younger?


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, gosh. Oh, boy. See, I don't think I'm good at this game.



You are.


Shawn Killinger:

That everything will be okay.





Shawn Killinger:

That you will get to where you're supposed to go in due time. And that the hurt inside will actually help propel you.



Yes. Amen. A to the flippin men. Yes. Okay. Who is your favorite celebrity crush?


Shawn Killinger:

Jude Law. He is freakishly smoking hot. I actually have to whisper because my husband, I think my husband's in the family room, and he gets a little. We're totally good in marriage, but he got. He gets a little jealous.



Let's not make it.


Shawn Killinger:

Yeah, he can hear me talking about him right now. He goes, you don't have to whisper. I can hear you. Jude law. He is.





Shawn Killinger:

And the accent. I want to be british. I freaking want to be british.



Didn't he have an affair with the nanny, though? Was that the one? But God love him.


Shawn Killinger:

I didn't say he was of great character.



You just said celebrity crushed. Right?






Got it. Okay. If someone could play you in a movie, who would it be?


Shawn Killinger:

I mean, I think I have to say Meg Ryan.



Meg, I think she's a little.


Shawn Killinger:

Just cause she's quirky and I feel like I'm quirky.



I know, but, like, Meg Ryan, like, it has to be, like, early Meg Ryan.


Shawn Killinger:

Yes. Yes.



Okay, so, like, I don't know.


Shawn Killinger:

Who would you want to play you? How do you choose that person based on how they look or how they.



Are from Little Mermaid? I mean, I don't know. Okay, Ursula from little mermaid. Let me tell you why. Do you know who said that to me? My oldest son said, mother, you're acting a lot like Ursula from. And I said, son? He goes, and you've got the hair too. I'm like, you know what? Give me that phone.



Your voice.



No, I love. That's the one thing I do love about my son, is this sense of humorous. Is off the charts crazy. His timing is perfect. But. No, I'm kidding. I could see Meg Ryan as you. She's quirky.


Shawn Killinger:

Yeah. I mean, I don't know. That's. I guess I would choose that person. Yeah, her.



She's 62.


Shawn Killinger:

Yeah, baby. Age of possibility.



Okay. Okay, okay. So what is the one thing that you love about having your own clothing line, and what's one thing that you didn't know it was going to be this difficult in having your clothing line?


Shawn Killinger:

I love having my own clothing line because it's really cool to be able to bring to life silhouettes and ideas and shapes and styles that you've kind of always wanted but you haven't been able to find. Or candidly, I mean, I didn't just say this, but I love knocking off a good couture piece because who really affords.



Who can afford it, right?


Shawn Killinger:

And so it's fun to take elements of those things that are, like, really dream state and, like, oh, gosh, I always wanted it and make it affordable. I'm not gonna lie, though. The coolest things I have done at QVC are things that I could have never done the breadth of those working anywhere else, but I would never want to be a fashion designer. I have the utmost respect for you and how you do it, because what I didn't know would be that, you know, like, it would be hard to get the perfect fabric at the perfect price, and then by the time you send the sketch off to wherever it goes and the actual sample comes back, it's like, it doesn't fit at all like you thought, and the fit was the whole reason you loved it in the beginning, so now you hate it, and it's like, it's. Oh, it is like, torturing something. It's torture. And I just don't. I don't know how you do it, because, like, just, we've been doing it for several years now, and as grateful as I am to get asked to do it, I'm so burned out on it, because I feel like by the time the collection comes out, half of it is not what I thought it would be.


Shawn Killinger:

But now it's on the label, and I'm there, and let's go to town. So it's hard.



It's hard. It's very hard. People think it's not, but it is. I mean, I do have the utmost respect for people who've been doing it for decades because it is rough, it's fun, and it is like, birthing, like, quadruplets without an epidural. It really is.


Shawn Killinger:

I mean, can you send stuff back and be like, I am not. We're not doing that. Like, it came out.



Yeah, do it all the time.


Shawn Killinger:

And, like, fabrics. If you're like, no, it has to be softer, or, no, that looks cheap. Like, no. Like, you can. I mean, it's. That's the hard part.



Yes, it is. Not for the faint heart, but that, again, I don't think I could have handled that younger. I mean, I think. I think you get better as you get older, and you can't sacrifice quality for convenience. You really can't. The great thing about QVC is you can have it all. Cause they do the quality vetting for you.


Shawn Killinger:

But when you push back and you're like, no, no. Do you feel bad? Do you feel like you're being a little. Because I find that, like, I never want to be too difficult, but I can't now at this point.



Oh, but see, you know what? This is a whole nother podcast. Remind me to talk to you about that on a porn. You have to be difficult.


Shawn Killinger:

You think so?



I know so. That's. That's why I totally, like, I say, like, we've got to sit down with Martha because how she's been so difficult and sustained and really, you know, lasted as long as she has. But you have to be difficult. And people, like, a lot of people think I'm nice. And Zac will tell you that's probably not the number one thing that you would lead with a adjective wise of me.



You know that? Because you asked me on the podcast recently.






If I would like to.



So, like, you know. You know, I mean, I. I'm a nice. I'm a kind hearted person. I love people, but I'm never. Cause what we deliver to her has got to be something I would give my mother or myself or my bestie. Cause we're very. We're very blessed to have instant girlfriends.



I mean, it's a community. This over 50 and fabrics, this age of possibility. These women that watch QVC is like. I mean, if we went on a cruise, we'd sink the ship.


Shawn Killinger:

So you got to be authentic for her.



We do. And you know that it comes natural to you. I always know people who come into QVC. I'm like, oh, they don't have to learn because they got to, like, they. This is not. This is not about fashion. It's about. I said it to the whole big board at QVC one time.



I said, babe, you ain't in the product business. You think you are you're not. You're in the people business.


Shawn Killinger:

Mm hmm.



And that's why you're so good, is cause you're a people people. Okay. Favorite salty snack? Junk food. Favorite sweet junk food. Give me down and dirty. I don't want kale chips. Uh uh.


Shawn Killinger:

Ew. No.



Yeah. Thank you.


Shawn Killinger:

Well, I had an egg McMuffin for breakfast this morning. I was disappointed, though. The cheese wasn't properly melted. It was like. It was not.



What I remember was it wasn't what you ate. Expectant.


Shawn Killinger:

My favorite, favorite sweet, you know, whatever is a Dunkin donuts coffee roll. The giant cinnamon roll that's like princess Leia. My husband buys me one of those every year on my birthday. I wake up for breakfast to a coffee roll on the kitchen counter. Great. And then salty.



I've never tried that. I've never tried one. Are they that good?


Shawn Killinger:

Cause when you get past the outer shell into the inner goo, crunchy.



Is it crunchy?


Shawn Killinger:

It's like a crunchy crust.



That's what I'm saying.


Shawn Killinger:

The cinnamon. And then there's, like, goo on the ends. Not a lot of goo. Cause I don't like when you bite in. It's just.



Oh, gosh, I'm gonna get one tomorrow morning.


Shawn Killinger:

A coffee roll.





Shawn Killinger:

And then my favorite, salty, because I love me some salt, is just like cape Cod potato chips. I love crunchy. Clape cod potato chip.



That's the best answer everyone's ever given to that.



That really, really is the best answer.



My favorite.



They're this insane. Okay, all right, all right. Before you leave, we do this with everyone that comes through the QVC world. I just want you to look around right now. Find something that's not typical product driven.


Shawn Killinger:

Oh, shit.



Here we go.


Shawn Killinger:




Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody's done it. And can I tell you, no one has ever let me down. Shawn. Really? Zac was like, the first time Jane Tracy did it with a pencil. And I thought Zac was like, oh, my gosh. Now you have a few questions you have to. You have to.



There's a few words you have to say. Okay, okay. Zac. There's a few words she has got to say.


Shawn Killinger:

I genuinely feel nervous, like, I'm going into some sort of job interview right now.



Like, this is fantastic. You're getting ready to kill this lover.


Shawn Killinger:






Shawn Killinger:






Shawn Killinger:

You are 50.





Shawn Killinger:




Yowie. Like yowie.


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, okay, okay, okay.



Ridonculous and poopy. Anything you want to sell.



Okay. And you have 1 minute. I'm gonna tell them.





Shawn Killinger:

Oh, thanks. Right? Oh, and by the way, you're being timed. You know what? Screw off, Zac.



So this is how it works.



So we're gonna be the best time.



Of my life on the podcast screen. We're gonna put a little clock on the corner. So we're just gonna like, bing clock. Okay. And then it will start. You have 1 minute to sell. What's the item you're selling?


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, I gotta change the view because. Hold on. I gotta. I gotta. I'm gonna show you. I am selling. Can you see the horns up on my wall?



Oh, yeah.


Shawn Killinger:

I'm selling those horns. Do I stay seated for this and we just talk about them, or do I have to get up and point to them?



Um, how are. How would you sell it, Shawn? Sell it.


Shawn Killinger:

Fine. Fine. Just. I want you both to know I hate you right now.



This is incredible.


Shawn Killinger:

Okay, I'm ready.



Okay. Yeah, you're looking really good. Okay, ready? So I.



Here we go.


Shawn Killinger:

Wait, no, hold on. Just give me 1 second. 1 second, 1 second. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Go, bro.



Okay. Three, two, one.


Shawn Killinger:

So it was June, and my whole family was in London, and it was seriously, like, a really poopy day. No sun was shining. It was gross. And we had just come from the Cotswolds, and we went into this tiny little village, and everybody went into a pub to have a drink. And I was, like, frankly, feeling that I was looking kind of sexy. And so I'm like, you know what? I'm just gonna do a little shopping while I'm here. So I am into this store. It's an old antique store.


Shawn Killinger:

And I find these horns. Now, if you don't like hunting, don't be a hater, okay? Because I love antlers. I collect them like mad. So now I buy the antlers. I bargain. They're, like, expensive, 500. Who remembers the price? But not cheap? And then I get back to the hotel and realize they won't fit in the suitcase. So I'm, like, in a redunculus situation.


Shawn Killinger:

I can't leave them in London. They got to come home with me. So the concierge now is helping me source a shipper to send them. And so I leave London. Leave them at the concierge. She ships them home. He sends me the bill, and I was like, yo, it cost double what I paid for the horns to ship them home.



You nailed it.



Partners in wine.



How do you get.


Shawn Killinger:

I wasn't selling. I was just telling you, it doesn't matter.



But that just but that's it, Shawn. That's how you sell, baby. You just tell the story. And that's what I love, everybody. This is what I love about this exercise. I think QVC should hire me to do this with all the hosts as the retreat we're all going to treat, especially the new. But I love it. Yeah.



The thing I love about this is that every single person does it differently. That's what I love about the Q, is that every. Let me put my earring in. Everybody, like, you sell your way or you present your way. David Venom. Everybody's so different. And that's what I love about QVC. It truly is the most talented people on the planet.



You host.


Shawn Killinger:




I love you so much. Okay, y'all. You can find Shawn Killinger on Instagram and Facebook everywhere. Just make sure you watch her video podcast, 50 plus, uncensored. It's on QVC and HSN. And you can see me and Shawn as part of the age of possibility events coming to a town near you@qvc.com. kimshow thank you for coming on the show, Shawn. You are solid gold, girl.



I can't wait to see what God does for you. You're a lover. You're not a hater. You're sexy. You're over 50. And, yeah, we ridiculous. That's how I got it to go. Take a poopy.


Shawn Killinger:

I love you both. Thank you so much for having me, Shawn.



I love you, girl. I'm so glad I got to know the side of you like, not that I didn't know this side, but, you know, the non, like, get off work. Wine time.


Shawn Killinger:

Wine time.



That's it. Partners.


Shawn Killinger:




Oh, my God. Shawn, you are a classic, girl. I ain't lying to you. Now.



How far is the mic from you?


Shawn Killinger:

It's right.



Yeah, it's sort of pointed at your diaphragm.


Shawn Killinger:

At my diaphragm? Well, you know.



I'm gonna say above boobies.



We've said boobies three times.


Shawn Killinger:

Interview my breasts for this?





Shawn Killinger:

This is an unhinged symphony, and I love it.



You just. Why did you mess up my thing? Go back, Zac.



You said you couldn't see the whole scene.



I see everything.


Shawn Killinger:

I'm so uncomfortable right now. Oh, my gosh.

The Kim Gravel show is produced and edited by Zac Miller at Uncommon Audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant from the Brunette Exec. Production help from  Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative. Our show is edited by Mike Kligerman. Our guest intros are performed by Roxy Reese. Our guest booking is done by Central Talent Booking. And I want to give a special thank you to the entire team at QVC and thanks to you for making this community so strong. Listen, tell somebody about the show and leave us a five star review. And make sure you're following The Kim Gravel Show on your podcast app so we can keep growing this love who you are message together. I can't do this without you. So thank you so much for listening. And y'all, I love you with everything I got.

Shawn Killinger

QVC Host / Reporter / Mother

Shawn Killinger is an accomplished TV host with a career that began by working behind the scenes for Dan Rather and David Letterman. Since 1995, she has anchored news, shared laughs with celebrities, and gained recognition for her engaging style on QVC since 2007. Shawn is a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle authority, collaborating with top brands and hosting events like red carpet coverage. Known for her candid writing, she shares personal experiences through her blog and has built a strong social media following. A travel enthusiast, Shawn's honest reviews help others plan their adventures.

New Here? Start With These Episodes

The Kim Gravel Show is a weekly podcast for women.
This show is a celebration of the stories that shape us. It's about laughing together and not taking ourselves too seriously. It's about the wisdom we've gathered and the hardships we've overcome. It's about looking at the woman you see in the mirror, seeing her strength, embracing her flaws, and loving who you are, because girl, you're beautiful.

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