The Kim Gravel Show

The show on negative self talk —-the villain voice

Every time I listen to your podcast two things come to mind: this was meant for me and this is the best show yet!! This truly is the best show yet and I have the loudest villain voice of any one on earth…
I need to hear what you and Zach said during this podcast because I can so identify with the things you both say..
Yes it is hard to lower or eradicate the villain voice but I believe if I listen to this episode over and over as Zach just said, it may crack the villain voice.. I also teach and I have these smart students who I don’t know what to do next to help them believe in themselves.. next class they will be listening to this podcast!!
Thank you Kim for all you do and PLEASE don’t ever stop!!!
One question… how can a beautiful woman who won Miss Georgia NOT be able to accept a compliment??? I can’t wrap my head around that!!! Lol…

Nov. 11, 2023 by Barbara Buscemi on This Website

The Kim Gravel Show