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July 3, 2024

Summer of Success: Putting Your Palms Up Can Change Everything

This may be the most important thing I practice

It’s the final episode of my Summer of Success series and this week I’m sharing the most important thing I do that leads to my success: I put my palms up. If you want to find out what that means and how it can transform your life, then you can’t miss this episode of The Kim Gravel Show.  


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*This transcript was auto-generated*



This is The Kim Gravel Show.



It's the final week of the summer of success series. What we're missing in life is this real self awareness. And for those of you who have fought it your entire life, you are like a cat trapped in a knapsack. God, you're in control. I am not. I'm just telling you right now, there's going to be a lot of difficulty. Start normalizing that. I'm pointing at the place in you that knows you need him.



Success is just that simple. All right, y'all. Hey, I'm Kim Grabbell with the Kim Grabbell show. It's the final week of the summer of success series, y'all. These episodes are made to help you, like, unlock new successes in your life over this summer. And this series is packed with advice, fun stories, actionable steps that you can take right now to help you change your life for the better. And I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for efficient, fun, easy ways to do that. And it doesn't matter what season of life you're in.



I'm the season where I have two teenagers and a husband in businesses and doing all the things. I'm stressed out all the time. So you might be like, I'm working, you know, heading into a new season of my life where what's next for me? We can all stand to get a little bit better and have a little bit more confidence and have a little and be a little bit more happier and joyful. So I'm glad you've joined me for. For this summer of success series. This week's episode is called put your palms up. Uh huh. Put your palms up.



I'm gonna tell you all about that and what that means.



Am I putting my palms up? Cause I'm like, I don't know what this means. Uh huh.



Nope, nope. Putting your palms up is a way of receiving that I want to talk to you about. But before we get into that. Hey, Zac. Hi.



How you doing, Kim? I introduced. I just jumped right in.



I know. I was just jumping. Jump in. Everybody knows you. Anyway, have you enjoyed this little, like, summer series?



I love our summer series, and I love, like, I love that I don't know what's coming. Like, you totally design these episodes yourself. You really draw on your own, your own stuff, your own, all of it. And I just get to enjoy it. So it's fun. It's easy for me. It's like, you know, take the summer off, baby.



Well, I mean, honestly. And I'm going to tell you put your palms up and what that means in a minute. But before I do that, I've got to set it all up. Because for me, in any given day, I am asked a million questions for a million things. A million. I mean, just typing the podcast today, how many people came in and said, I need a little video, can you do this? I mean, just as we were working, just me and you.



I know.



Okay, my emails are like 400 a day. So, I mean, it's always something. So for me, the stress is real. And I know it is for you watching, too. But I want to talk to you because, you know, I'm a realist. I'm very earnest. I come from a long line of people that just tell it like it is. But there's two things I want to talk about before I get to put your palms up.



The two things you've got to stop doing in life to find more success. And success is different for everybody. Zac, I've said it every week. Some people, success is working less, having more family time. For some people, success is having more work, being able to make more money. It's your personal best. It's what your personal best is. And what you feel like feeds your soul and desire of your heart.



But there's two things you've got to do in this last week of the summer of success series. One, we've got to stop idolizing happiness. And two, we've got to start normalizing difficulties. Listen to me. I know, I know you can't breathe. I saw it in your face. You're like, what?



That's not where I thought you were going to take it. That's all. Normalizing difficulty. All right, go on, Kim. Go on, hit me with it.



Now. This is the real part of my personality coming out, okay? I am not a person that says everybody's the winner. I know you think, Kim, but you're so nice. You're so uplifting, you're so encouraging. Yeah, yeah, I'm all those things. I am nice. I am encouraging, but I'm a realist. And I think what we're missing in life is this real self awareness, real family awareness, real addiction awareness, real social media awareness, real financial awareness.



A lot of times we look at things and we see them, but when we're processing, we don't believe them. And we look on social media and we look at people and we idolize this happiness that we think we see, and we're idolizing the happiness we think we want. That if we really had it, we wouldn't want it. I'm telling y'all, listen to what I'm saying. And we don't normalize the difficulties that are inevitable in our lives, period. So I want to talk to you about how you do those things. And when I say put your palms up, I'm not saying, what am I going to do? Whatever I'm saying, God, you're in control. I am not.



My palms are up. I'm praising through the difficulties because they're going to come. I'm not idolizing being happy and fulfilled. I'm praising you, and I'm ready to receive whatever you have for me. And it's success is just that simple. On this week five, our expectations have got to, have got to change from wanting to be happy with no difficulty, and it's got to change. I know there's difficulty, but my palms are up. I'm putting my palms up to praise you and to receive what you have.



For me, that is success. People often ask me, Zac, how are you so successful? At the end of the day, those are the. That's the one thing I do. I put my palms up. Booze. Because I know that. I know that. I know that I can do my very best, and I could be this perfect size, and I could be the good mother, and I could be a dutiful wife, and I could have great products, and I can go on QVC and do my very best there, and I can make people laugh and I can be joyful.



But at the end of the day, if I'm not receiving from him, why does it matter? It's not successful. If I am moving out of my own happiness, out of my own strength, out of my own knowledge, you gonna get. You ain't gonna get nothing. I don't really have that much to give, but I know if my palms are up and I'm a conduit and I'm a catalyst and I am a vessel for what he has. There's nothing more successful than that. And this is not my pre cheat. Listen, everybody said what? I don't know if I believe. Whatever.



You ain't got to believe it. Just try it. You ain't got to know it in your knower. Give it a shot. I challenge you. If you want to have success this summer, let's break this series down. Let's get this summer series. Like, put a period in that sentence.



Some series. What is it? Summer series. What is it, Zac?



Summer of success.



This is a series of the summer of success there, period. If you want that, all you got to do is put your palms up. Quit idolizing happiness. Start normalizing that. There's going to be difficulties. And through all of that, the good and the bad, and they're going to be a lot of bad. I'm just telling you right now, there's going to be a lot of difficulty. And for you to try to avoid or chase, I mean, or run from or, you know, deny or be depressed about difficulties is a waste of time.



Start normalizing that. And for you to look at everybody else that seems happy and say, I want that. Stop that and just put your bombs up.



What about folks who aren't, you know, as, I don't know, religiously motivated? Right. I'm not saying, like, don't believe.



It's not about religion. Yeah.



Yeah. So it's. I want you to broaden it out, though, because it does feel and everybody.



Does and everybody knows within their deepest part of who they are that there's something bigger than them. What I'm saying is I want you to take the shift and the focus off of yourself and your happiness and your difficulties. That's very selfish. All the time thinking about your difficulties. All the time thinking about your happiness. All the time thinking about your circumstances. I want you to take your eyes off of yourself and put it on him. Put it on something bigger than yourself.



Okay. I'm going to ask you more questions if that's okay, because I feel like this is about, like this is a whole mindset shift, right? I mean, obviously it's not just about putting your palms up. That's the thing you're doing. But how do you really open yourself up to this? Sort of, like, I'm part of something bigger idea because I struggle with that. I struggle with that for sure.



You've got to let go of stuff that's getting in your way, that's making it heavy for you. That's what I said. You've got to let go of this idolization of wanting to be happy and have this perfect life and have this. And you've got to normalize the fact that there will be difficulties. That's why those two things go hand in hand with. Put your palms up when you break life down to anything. So right now, shout to me, give me a couple of examples of what I'm saying to you. Like, how could somebody idolize happiness and how can somebody normalize difficulties? Do you know what I'm saying? It's the expectation, like, say someone's dealing with cancer.



That's a, that's a difficulty. That's a strong difficulty. But if you, if you dwell on the difficulty of how that journey is going to be, then you close yourself off to the healing that can be. However that looks. And people like with weight loss, people say, well, how'd you lose? How'd you lose? How'd you lose weight? I just stopped eating junk and crap at 4000 calories every single day. But there's millions of different ways you can get to a weight loss. Right. But at some point, you got to just make the decision to do it.



That's what I'm saying here. When you're putting your palms up, you've got to normalize the fact that there are going to be difficulties. Some of you listening right now have major financial stress. Right now, major difficulties is hard. Inflation is real. Things cost money. But how do we deal with the difficulties? Do we complain about them? Do we. Do we dwell on them? Or do we just put our palms up and say, look, I've done all I can do.



What can you do now? Can you help me in idolizing happiness? I mean, it's so much easier, Zac, to look at other people and say, well, they're happy because of and I'm nothing. A lot of times, what you look at, happiness is not really that happy. It's all fake. But at the same time, you know, we can't always be chasing happy, but we can be chasing success. Chasing success is so very different than tracing happiness or even money or power or fame or likes or friends or a man or a woman. When you chase success, that's like chasing your purpose. And the ultimate way to have success is the palms up stance and mentality. I want more of what he's got to give me.



I don't want more of what I think I want. And I know I'm going to have difficulties. And that's okay, because whatever I get that's brought my way by putting my palms up, I'm gonna be all right. In fact, I'm gonna be successful. Hey, y'all. You know, that factor has been such a game changer for me because it's the best way that I have found to eat a quick meal that's delicious, healthy, and even faster than my go to drive thrus. I'm serious. It keeps me on track with my health goals.



So what is success for you then, Kim? Like what? Like, if you had to define success for yourself, what is it?



Success for me is when my mind is at peace and at rest at night, when I hit my pillow at the end of the day. And I don't do this every day, but on most days, I can say to myself, I did what I can, and now, God, I need you to do what you do and do what I cannot, which is pretty much like 98% of everything. I can't do much. Y'all, people think, you know people. You know people often. And I'm so blessed to be able to have so many people reach out and they're like, kim, you're just so, you're so nice. You're wonderful. I feel better when I'm around you.



Do you know why that is, Zac? Do you know why, people? Because, and maybe you can share that because I don't share that. To toot my own horn. Toot, toot. But I know why that's happening. So you want to share a little bit of, like, the emails and stuff that we get and stuff all the time?



Yeah, I mean, you know, just the, like, we just recorded a bonus voicemail for our newsletter, folks that get bonus content. And it was, you know, a woman calling in and saying, like, I watch you and I feel happy.



But why do you think that is?



Well, you know, and I've seen it. I've seen this thing in person, and it's really interesting because, and it's part of the reason why, you know, we worked together, like, ten years ago, and then, you know, we're working together again now because you have this way of, like, drawing people in, right? You have this way of.



I don't. I don't. I don't, Zac. I don't. I do not. I do not.



I knew whatever I was going to say, you were going to disagree with me.



I don't. I will tell you I don't disagree. I mean, I hear what you're saying, but, and I appreciate what you're saying, and I do think there's a connection there. But I'm telling you, I am. When people say they are so connected and feel that way, it's because I'm pointing them to the palms up stance. I'm pointing them to the. To something inside of them that they innately know that they're born with and need and, and want and desire. The most that makes us truly successful is becoming everything we were created to be.



And what I do is as a, as a person of faith, I'm not even pointing you towards him. I'm pointing you, I'm pointing at the place in you that knows you need him.



So let me try to summarize this, because I think, I think I might have just. Something might have just clicked for me. Kim, are you saying that. Are you saying that youre. You're opened? Not closed. And so many of us are closed. Closed to new ideas, closed to new.



Experiences, close to new people, closed to.



Just in our same routines kind of stuck.



And why are we closed? Why are we closed? Why are we closed? Come on, tell me now. Why do you think everybody's closed?



Fear and life and struggles and our.



Deeper, deeper, deeper.



Well, our brains are wired to redo the same stuff and be like, oh, I really like watching Netflix. I feel good when I watch Netflix at night, whatever it is, right? And so I'm gonna do that.



Well, I do, too. So I don't wanna stop that. So that, to me, is.



But, you know, you do patterns over and over and over again, and suddenly you're like, you're in a rut, right? And you're stuck. And I think so many people.



Why do you think that is? Why do you think that is? Why do you think everybody's in a rut? The Netflix don't put us in a rut. Why do you think? Where's the initiation? Where's the birth of the rut?



Well, Kim, why do you think that is?



Well, I'm curious. I'd love to know what you think about it, like, because to me, it's either we're looking outside of ourselves and looking at other people and comparing, or we are not wanting to go through the difficult things to get where we want to be. We are idolizing happiness, and we are not normalizing difficulties.






We are trying to find utopia.



There's too much external happiness, we're told so often. Every day, all day. Buy this and you'll be happy. Get this and you'll be happy. There is not. You will not consume.






Never consume. You know, this starts. It was actually the first episode we talked about, like, stop consuming and start creating.



Correct. Well, and also, if you're in this stance in life, are you receiving? If you're in this stance in life, are you receiving? If you're at this stance in life, are you receiving? But you're. This. You nailed it. I'm open. I'm open to whatever he has for me and for those of you who have fought it your entire life, you are like a cat trapped in a knapsack. Have you ever. If you.



If you have ever captured a cat and put it in a sack, watch that little bad boy try to get. It's like, that's what we're like. That's what we're like. I saw. I see it in people. I see people get anxiety and hyperventilate. Like, FoMo is a real thing. Fear of missing out.



Fear of missing here, happiness. Fear of missing. And then people who know people, don't try out for the team, go for the business. Ask the girl out on the date. Go on the date, because they're already seeing, oh, this is gonna be difficult, and I don't wanna do that. If you normalize it, it's gonna be difficult. You go in, going, this is. You gonna have problems.



You're going to have difficulties, period. End of story. That is life.



But that's okay.



But that's okay, because I know what you have for me is for me, and I'm good with it. It's a trust, and it's an openness, and it works. I don't have. I don't have y'all. I'm a total idiot. I'm one brick short of a load. I don't know anything. That's why I say to myself, I say to my kids all the time, I'm the wisest person you're ever gonna know.



And they're like, what? Okay, mom. And I say, because I know. I don't know nothing, but I know the one who does. That's the key. And this is not. I'm not. I'm not here preaching, so don't. Don't email me about it, because I don't want to hear it, because I'm not trying to preach to you.



If what I say is offensive to you, turn it off. I'm fine with that. And I still love you. Or call me and challenge me, come be on the show. But I know this. This ain't gonna work for you. Chasing and idolizing happiness and what, you think people are happy? That and copying and comparing, that ain't gonna work. And fighting.



Fighting your difficulties and fighting and trying to avoid difficulties at every turn so that you don't have to feel them. It's not going to work either. And I know because I've done it all. But this, whatever you have, I'm here for it. And you'll be surprised how much your life will be so successful for you. You don't have to buy no $10,000 course for me to tell you ABCD to get to e. It's not gonna happen. You don't have to buy that.



I'm telling you right now, you don't have to go and buy a $4,000 weight loss course to know how to lose weight. All you gotta do is put your palms up.






And you know what? Call me a simpleton. I don't care. It worked for me. It worked big time for me.



It's simple, but it's so complicated. It's like.



No, it's so difficult to. It's so simple, it's too good to be true. That's it.






It's too simple to be successful. But as humans, and I'm not a psychologist, but we have had them on this show, and I've talked to many of them. Our brains love to complicate stuff. That's how we get paralyzed is our overthinking concept complication. Mine too. Who are you talking to? You know me. Yeah, but I practice this. This is a practice.






I'm gonna try to practice this, Kim. This is gonna be a challenge for me. More than other stuff. Just more than other stuff.



Just hold your hands up right now. Just hold your hands up right now. I'm not trying to be cheesy. Just hold your hands up and see if your energy don't shift. See if you're not feeling. You feel higher. You feel. You feel.



You feel closer. I'm telling you it works. And you say, I don't even know who I'm putting my palms up to. Don't worry about it. Just say, who am I putting my palms up to? Who am I? Who am I submitting to when I'm doing this? You don't have to submit to the chase of happiness. You don't have to submit to the avoidance of difficulty. You don't have to submit to your problems and your circumstances and your depression, your paralyzation of anxiety. You're putting your palms up to something.



It might as well be really. We're not really. We're closed. Really? Really. Most the time. We're this.






Or we're this.






Watch people. Watch people. Watch how they sit. Or they're this.



Or honestly. Or we're this. Like we're hiding. I. Right, like that.



Mm hmm. All I'm asking you is to shift. Shift your mental mindset, shift your physical body. And it's just. I'm telling y'all, life is hard. God is good. People are crazy, including me. Put your palms up, people.



Y'all. I hope you have a successful summer. And I hope these little episodes that Zac and I brought to you have been something that you can just bite sized little chunks. Just a mind shift, a body shift, an attitude shift towards success. We love you so much. And hey, tell somebody about the Kim gravel show. Subscribe to our newsletter and let other people know that they just. All they gotta do is put their palms up.



Right, Zac?



That's all they gotta do. kimgravelshow.com check it out.



Love it. Check it out. We love y'all.



Bye, y'all.



Is it fall yet? Zac, how close are we to fall?



Not yet, Kim. There's a lot more summer.



No, there's a week. So we got summer series. Now we can do a fall into fall? I don't know. We're working on it.



I think we're doing back to school. Are we doing back to school?



Oh, my gosh, no. I don't want to go back to school. When are we going to graduate? Can I graduate?



You're good. You got all the tech stuff down. I mean, like, we're. We're in pretty good shape.



I am tech savvy.



I just jinxed it, but now it's all gonna go to hell.



Shut up, Zac.



I like these because I have no idea what's coming. It's fun.



Good. Sometimes I'm putting my fist up. True story. I've even sometimes put the middle finger up sometimes. I'm just saying, like. I'm not saying it's easy.



The Kim Gravel Show is produced and edited by Zac Miller at Uncommon audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant from the Brunette Exec. Production help from Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative. Our show is edited by Mike Kligerman. Our guest intros are performed by Roxy Reese. Our guest booking is done by Central Talent booking, and I want to give a special thank you to the entire team at QVC, and thanks to you for making this community so strong. Listen, tell somebody about the show and leave us a five star review. And make sure you're following the Kim Gravel show on your podcast app so we can keep growing this love who you are message together. I can't do this without you.