"Omg I just had 1 of your candies WOW WOW WOW delicious!! ❤❤❤❤❤"
Nov. 21, 2024

Our first LIVE episode!

Get ready to laugh because today we did our first totally live episode.

I'm doing this episode 100% LIVE this week, and trust me, you don’t want to miss it! I'm not just going live for the fun of it—I've got a HUGE announcement coming your way. We’ll also be looking back at the best moments of 2024—because let’s be real, this year has been full of unforgettable laughs, and a whole lot of growth. This episode is all about us—celebrating everything that made this year so special, together! So buckle up and get ready for the first LIVE episode of The Kim Gravel Show. 

In this episode:

  • How Bell's palsy helped me realize what matters
  • Out-of-context clips
  • Dating advice
  • Weightless motivation and one tip to start losing weight now
  • How to find balance and purpose in life
  • My huge announcement!

Here is my favorite quote from this episode:

"Some people go a lifetime never making a decision for themselves."

- Kim Gravel

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*This transcript was auto-generated*





Hey, Kim.



Hey, Zac. Here we are.



We're live, baby.



We're live. Hey, y'all. I'm Kim Gravel here, and we are live for the very first time, streaming this episode of the Kim Gravel show live on YouTube. And today, we're going to be looking back at our favorite moments from the year. Zac, it has been a year, almost. I mean, you're talking about a few weeks, and we're into 20, 25.



I can't believe it, Kim. That is just nuts to me.



It's flown by in the blink of an eye. I mean, we're gonna go through all of our year, and what's been highlights, what's been struggles, what's been the most funny moments. I'm telling you, we've got a live podcast taping right now, and I also have a massive, huge announcement that I'm saving for the end of the show. So do not go anywhere. Zac, this is just before we start. His first ever.



No, I'm sorry. Before we start. And this is live. I am just going to ambush you with this because I have a bone to pick with you, Kim. I was on. Listen, I was on your. I think it was Instagram. Just cruising Instagram, checking it out.



Oh, let's see what Kim's up to. And I saw something that shook me. I'm going to play it for you now.



You're Shooketh.



I'm Shooketh. Shooketh. Okay, I'm gonna play this for you now. And I would like. I would like you. I was just sitting over here admiring a photo I have.



Oh, my God. I just peed a little bit on myself. I was wondering if I could be your work husband. Yes. I was like, wait, you're leaving me down?



No, no, Kim, you are cheating on me.



No, Zac, I would never cheat. You're my brother. I can't marry you. You have to be my brother. Can I just say this right now? Like, what is my problem? I have some serious problem. Like, even Travis mentioned it. He's like, kim, why are you macking up on all these young dudes? I mean, like, I sent you the Garner family. You know, I'm obsessed with those young dudes on the farm.



And now, you know, John, new QVC host. You know, you. I'm like. He's like, what is. Do you know that you're 53? I'm like, I don't look 53, do I, Zac?



You look like you're 23, Kim.



And the more you lie to me, the better it is.



This is why I make a great work husband. And I get like, look, yes, I'm your brother, and I feel that. And, like, Al is my sister. And, you know, I'm still scared of your mom. I'm just. I'm not gonna say.



Should be.



I should be still. Barely met your dad. I think I, you know, I shook his hand for 13 seconds at your. When your book came, and that was it. But, yeah, Kim, it's been a wild year. We have a lot to talk about.



I know it's been a big year. I mean, can I just say I'm tired? Can I say that to everybody watching right now? If you're tired, just. If you're in the chat just. Or just listening to this live right now, just tell me it's been a year. It's been a year that's gone by in a blink of an eye, but it feels like it's five years right up to one. Does that make sense?



Oh, yeah, tell me about it. I mean, you started this year with Bell's Palsy, right?



Oh, that's right.



I can't believe. When I was looking back through our episodes, I was shocked that that was this year because it felt like I'd.



Lost all my weight. Remember, I lost, like, the end of last year. I lost, like, almost 60 pounds, and I've gained 10 bags. So we gonna talk about that a little later. But, I mean, it was a huge weight loss, and I think with. I was overworked, distressed, I had a few little medical issues. And then the Bell's Palsy came on, and I was just like, let's watch a clip.



I have a few clips, but let's watch a clip because. Let's start with this, because this is just. This is your Bell's Palsy. Smile here, Kim. Show us. Before we get too into this, show us your smile.



Okay, let me do it again.



I don't need to laugh.



Yeah, it's back.



Yeah, you can. Beautiful. Here, I'll do the. Let's.



Yeah. So that was like, what month was that? Was that like.



That was January? January, yeah. I think. I think that was. Because didn't you. Wasn't it over the holidays that you. That you got Bell's policy? Yeah. So I remember we talked about, like, postponing the podcast, like, the. Putting the podcast out, and.



And you ultimately were like, no, I want to go on camera with it. Like, it was important. This is the thing. Tell us about that journey for you, because I know a lot of people were really worried, and I know that it was Hard.



Yeah. But you know what I mean, nothing in comparison to what a lot of people go through. But pain is pain and it's those. I. It just made me realize what really matters. Like, I mean it was kicking off like I was so excited about 2024. I thought 2024 was going to be this year of just leveling up. Remember I said that? I think I said that at some point it was going to be a leveling up.



And it was.






And it was a little too leveled up, you want, you know, But I mean I was just so stressed out and I'm still stressed and tired. We all are, Zacary. We all are. I don't talk to anybody in the world that doesn't say that.






But doesn't say they're straight. And I think it's because we're so conditioned to go, go, go, go, go. But the Bell's palsy made me have to stop and evaluate a lot of things.



Well, that's really.



Because I mean I. Huh.



I just put something on the screen. I just put something on the screen.



What did you put on the screen?



Can you not see it?






Oh, I love lives on, on Riverside. If you look at yourself at the riverside window.



Uh huh. I can't see it. What is it?



Oh, weird. Oh, okay, wait, hold on. Oh, okay. Got it. It was only on my screen.



Oh, Debbie Valentine. I have Bell's palsy. Mine didn't totally clear up like or self conscious. Oh, somebody's live just put that.



Yeah. So that was a comment from the comments.



Okay, it's going to clear up. It's going to clear up. How long have you had it, Debbie? Tell me how long you've had it, Zac. When she tells her it will clear. Mine took a good four months. I mean even five months, Zac. I mean to get it on.



Right. It was like there was a little bit there, right? Yeah.



Yeah. And how bad is it, Debbie? Not that I'm a Bell. Not that I'm a, you know, healthcare expert. I can only speak for my own situation. It's going to clear up. Don't be self conscious. It's going to clear up.



Okay. Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the. If Debbie responds again. But no. So what were you saying, Kim? I'm sorry, I interrupted with my.



I can't remember. What was I saying?



That's the best. Like the, you know, this is also a year where, you know, you're an ambassador for the over 50 and fabulous. Right. For, for QVC. And that to me is the Funniest part where you every, you know, all the other ambassadors we've.



Well, now I'm on Debbie. Now I'm thinking about Debbie. I'm worried about Debbie. I'm like, okay, Debbie, I want to see a picture. Tell me where you're going to like. Because I had some different treatments. I had micro. Current.



Yeah. I had microcurrent on my face because it was on the side all the time. And I had.



Does that mean electricity is current?



Current, yeah, it's like a current. Yeah. Yeah.



I didn't.



I never got the acupuncture like people told me to get. So I was telling you that.



And I was telling you that.



Yeah, I think that. But I truly think, like, the microcurrent is the same type of the stimulation.






You know, so now. But I'm talking. I was focused on doing. I was saying, like the Bell's palsy made me really stop and evaluate what was important. I've never been a vain, vain person, though. You know what I mean? Like, I've never taken myself too seriously like that. Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, I want to look good.



I mean, I think all us women want to look good. We paint the barn and do the push up bra and color our roots and all that. But then I like to look good. But that's never been my. You know, what I'm saying is if I had had Bell's palsy still today, I think I'd be okay. I wouldn't be thrilled about it and I wouldn't be like, excited, but, you know, let me.



So, so, so I just put this on the screen. So Debbie got back. It sounds like she's had quite the.



Journey because she says she's had it for 14 years. Keep praying. People sometimes don't notice. Okay. 14 years, I think. Have you gone to the doctor? I would definitely go and see. You know, mine was not nerve damage. That was the blessing that I had.



It was not permanent nerve damage. It was just a paralysis.



Yeah, well, you know, and I read a lot.



Debbie, I'm praying. Honey, when you had. Yeah.



And there are other people in the chat saying, we're praying for you. I mean, it's. It's really nice.



I wish I could see the chat.



Yeah. I think you. I wonder if you can on Riverside. Kim. So we're streaming through Riverside, everybody.



Let's not.



We'll go too technical on the right side. Is there something that says chat like on the right?



It does. I'm going over.



Yeah. Click on chat and then click on live stream chat. And you can see all the. All the chat.






Oh, my gosh. Look at this.






Okay, Mandy. Okay, we've got Mandy. We've got Beth.



It's amazing. I mean, we didn't.



Okay. This is fantastic.



Which is really cool. I just love that people are here.



Oh, Amy's on the chat. Is Amy on the chat?



Yeah, Amy was on the chat. Amy hopped on.



Okay, stay on Amy. Why'd you hop off? Okay, can I just tell you, I'm having computer problems. Anybody watching right now? Let me tell you, the year of 2025. We're closing out 2024. It'll be here before you know it. 2025. I'm going to take a computer flipping, honking class. I hate technology with a passion.



Zac will tell you. And I'm becoming like that old lady that's just like, somebody just fix it. I mean, it's like I'm not growing in that area. And so 2025 is going to be my year of technology. Oh, God.



You know, it's funny, Kim. So hold on, I'm gonna put this up.



Everybody's praying for you, Debbie. I'm watching the chat. Amy's on there saying, I'm praying. Amy says, I'm still here.



But let me. Okay, so wait. I have been collecting, and I've been saving this for you, Kim. This is my early holiday present for you. I've been collecting out of context clips of you from the show for the past few months. And you know.



Idiot, out of context, ridiculous clips. Okay.



I mean, you tell me. You tell me, Kim. I'm gonna just.



I gotta go take a poopy.



Was that too quick? Hold on, let me see if I can get it to. Okay, pause. Here we go.



Did I just. I gotta go take a poop.



Okay, let's. Let's get it up. All right, here we go. Ready?



I gotta go take a poopy.



So I don't know when. Honestly, I forget the context when you said that, but.



Well, clearly it was supposed to be edited out so that. How about.



Yeah, this is equally actually awkward when I know the context of this, but see if you can tell me the context of this.



Okay. You have to salt them and rub them out. What does that mean?



You have to salt them and rub them out.



What is that? I don't know what we were talking about.



You were talking, I think, about cooking, like spinach or something like. Or collard greens. You were talking about collard green. Collard greens.



Yeah. You got to solve Those things. And you got to buy them as baby. You got to buy them. The smaller the leaves, the less tough they are. They're more pliable. Yeah, yeah. Okay.



Amy said, oh, my gosh. And then Mandy said, no contacts needed. Great. Thanks. Mandy with the poopy.



This is my favorite. So. Okay. This is my. I like this one.



Okay. I love basic. I love basic men. I love basic, like business. Give me. Give me basic.



You love basic men.



I love basic men.



I kind of want to dig into that, but we don't.






You know, that's like a different.



I can't have no complicated men, honey. Because I am very complicated. So I have to have basic men.



Now is the time, Kim. We are going to dig into this.



Basic men.



What do you mean basic men? Let's talk about that first.



Well, let me just say this is going to be very unpopular, which I don't care. Men are pretty much basic anyway. Like, there's not a lot of men are like, feed them, have sex with them and build their egos and you pretty much have a man for life. I mean, that is. No, I'm serious. Anybody out there single? And Amy. I tell Amy. Put it in the chat.



I tell Amy this. My next book should be how to keep. How to get a friggin man. That's. That should be my next podcast. That's your next. Because men are so easy.






To get.



So you're speaking to a man right now.



I can read you like male. Okay. I can read you like a book. Men are not.



Do you think I'm a basic man? Are all men.






So when you say what's. Who's a complicated man?



Okay. A complicated man is one who's running around, you know, sowing his wild oats. That's a complicated. I'm not. I don't want a man that's got to go out. And I want an alpha man. I do like alpha males, but I'm just. I like.



I don't want a man that has to go out and find his self worth and his identity outside of himself.






That's what. When I mean complicated, like, I need you to have some level of self awareness and self confidence. You ain't got to be that self confident, but you got to have enough to know who you are at least. And I think that goes both ways for men and women. I don't know how we're getting on the man thing. I guess somebody needs to hear this, but men are pretty simple ladies. Seriously. And my grandmother taught me this and my mother after her.



And so I've always had. My daddy taught me this. He said, look, girl, okay, don't expect the man to take care of you. Always have your thing going on, but expect him to take care of you. I was like, okay, I get that now. You see what I'm saying? Like, you've got to not train a man, but you've got to. You've got to. Oh, God, I want to say the word bridal, because that sounds bad.



You've got to kind of just. Guide. Is that a better word? Guide.



You need to break the man.



Well, that's a whole nother podcast, which will not be live because I would definitely get in trouble. No, but I'm just saying it goes.



With this clip right here.



Okay. I'm really not that nice. No, I'm not. I'm not. People think I really just say, hey, Kim, I've been here. I have to talk to mine. Yeah. I'm telling you.



What does that mean? Basic men. Oh. Oh. Amy's wanting to. Amy, I. If you don't know what that means, we got to have problems, because Amy is single, and she's. She always says, like. Like, if something happened to Travis, I would never date or remarry.



Okay. Not that he's the absolute best, because I'm not. He's, like, the absolute best.



But seriously, though, like, so let's, like, God forbid, right? Travis gets hit by a bus tomorrow. You really don't think, like, 10 years from now, you know, you're.



No, never. I'm done. Let me tell you why.



Okay? Tell me why.



This is the thing. My daddy used to always say this. I've never met a woman who didn't want a man that had one that complained about him, that didn't complain about him. He says, I've never met a woman who didn't want a man that had one and didn't complain about it. So women, we want a man, but when we get them, we. We complain about them. And this is why. Because men are basic.



Okay. She says, I've been married. Okay, who is this bae? Bae to let. She says, I have been married to my husband for 24 years, and he is my biggest pain in the butt.



But she says, but my husband's a simple man. So, bae, you nailed it.



I wish we had the ability to bring bae on in so we can discuss this, because I feel you. I know. Put that comment back up in the chat right now. I'm going to read it again. She says, I have been Married to my husband for 24 years and he is my biggest pain in the behind. But my husband is a simple man. I'm serious. Simple.



You want a simple man? A simple man means they're not complicated, meaning they've got to go. Look out on the grass is not greener over there. They gonna stay with you now. They gonna be supportive. They gonna be committed. I'm not saying people don't have their indiscretions. That's a whole nother podcast. I'm just saying, like on the.



On the regular. He's just a simple man. Feed him in. In this order. In disorder.



Okay. In this order.



In this order.






You feed a man.






Give him regular sex and build his ego. He will be up your butt crack 24 7. You won't be able to run him off. Every woman in the chat that agrees with me, please, hands up in the chat right now. That is the honest to God truth. I've never met a man that. That did not work on. I'm talking stockbroker in New York to farmer in Alabama.



It works on every man. That is how God crafted and made them. They are simple women.



So here we go.






Here we go.



Okay. I'm preaching now. I'm in love with you. I. You are my very favorite person of all time at this point in my life. And that's including my children and husband. Who was that?



That's the other out of context clip. You don't remember? That was. That was our CIA friend. That was the episode with no, because.



She co signed me. She knew exactly what I was talking about. Being a woman. There's some women are so empowered and we don't even know it. We have such power of influence. And I say this all the time. Men are the head. Okay.



I think God, you know, because I was always raised, you know, in a person of faith. And I do believe this. And some people might push back and, you know, whatever. And I'm a girl's girl. I'm girl power all day long. But I do believe there is an order to the home. And I believe the husband is the head, the man is the head. I am the neck.



I am the one of the power of influence. Think about it. If Eve could talk Adam into eating that apple after God said don't touch it, we got some power people.



Oh, yeah.



Think about it. Okay. Does that make sense to you?



That makes total sense to me. Yeah. I mean, but you're. But also you're the neck. You're sticking your neck out. You're the one sticking your neck out.



We're always sticking our neck out. Let me tell you something, okay? I'm gonna give you a perfect example. Perfect example about men and women. A man can go into a conference room, bang his head on the. Bang his hand on the thing, boss everybody around, and he is this alpha male, wonderful person who is strong and fearless as a leader.






A woman. I can do that. Which I have done that. And I'm considered the B word.



Right? Well, that's the double standard, but that's.



That's being the neck. That's being taken. The heavy having. I mean, if the man is the head and it weighs how much? Like a bowling ball and the neck is holding that head up, that carries a lot of weight. So women watching. If you are looking for a man, a lot of people are single again, out there watching this, okay? And the young girls watching. Because I have a big, huge event at the high school I do twice a year. It's called Threads.



It's a community of just senior girls where I'm just trying to empower them, give them purpose, show them, you know, just give them a glance into the excitement that their future holds when they graduate high school. It doesn't. Your life is just. It's. The dawn is breaking when you held out into the world. I forgot what I was going to say about that. What were we talking about?



You're talking about the influence of women.



Yeah. Double standard and the devil. So what I'm saying is. I don't know what I was going to say. I do not. But it was good, and it will come to me in a minute.



This is. So now you're getting a sense of why the show is normally edited.



No, but I just want people to be women, to be encouraged, because there is. There is a very big difference between how men think and how women think. And men are simple, but women are insanely heavily complicated. Yeah, we're multifaceted creatures, y'all.



All right, we're moving on. We're moving on because I've been having too much fun. I've been, like, throwing all these clips at you. I am not letting you keep a strand for longer than 30 seconds. Let's talk about your weight loss journey, because that's another thing this year that was huge and that I know a lot of people were, like, really in it with you and asking a lot of questions about it. And I do have a clip I want to set this up with. I promise it's longer than four seconds. Out of context.



Well, Zac, I mean, the clips are really like nuggets. They're not even like clips. They're like blips.



This is Dr. Naomi. Remember Dr. Naomi Perela? I do. And she is a weight loss and health expert. And you were talking to her about your journey, and she. Let's just. Let's watch the clip.



It's about a minute.



Okay, let's do it. Do it. What do you see people most often get wrong about dieting, that it's about cutting calories. So most people feel like they're doing something wrong and they need to work harder at it. And that is absolutely not the answer. It's setting your body up so that you want less calories. Come on. So that it's easier to not eat as much.



That's a total different perspective. So you end up eating less. That's a mindset. Yeah, that's a mindset. Totally. Totally. What talent? Totally mindset. And honest to God, that's what I changed.



People said, kim, how did you lose weight? I said, I made the decision and I changed my mindset. Have I not said that, Zac?



Yeah, we've done entire episodes of that, and everyone is like, overnight. But, Kim, what did you do?



What did you do?



You're like, that's what I did.



And I've told them. I said, there's a lot of different things. We all know what to do. I mean, you can. Intermittent fasting. You can start eating. Right. There's a lot of different ways to get to the thing.



But you have to decide you want to get to the thing and look at it that way. So true.



Yeah. What do you have to say? Like, so I guess for me, it's. Why do you think so many people don't let you sort of just leave it at that. Leave it at. You just need to make the decision.



And do it, because no one wants to make a decision.






And I will tell you, go on, Manjaro, go on weight watchers, do Internet fasting. Go hire a trainer and eat, you know, a low keto, a low carb diet. I mean, there's so many. There's thousands of ways go get those people that having weight loss surgeries. I mean, there's a million different ways to get there. But if you don't decide to do it. And let me tell you something. And then, like, I've kept my weight off.



I mean, I fluctuate 7 to 10 pounds. I'm at 10 pounds right now because after the Halloween candy that did me in. But I'm just Saying, like, I fluctuate, but I never get over that £10. When I get on scale, like, I've got to say, oh, no, it's time to shift the mindset. And then I'll just cut back and then I'll just. Or I'll do something drastic where I just do a, you know, a 16 hour a day fast. I mean, so what I'm saying is, but it's my mind that I have trained. I will never go back to what I used to be.



And you have to decide to that. And some people go a lifetime never making a decision for themselves. Oh, that hits us. That is just hit somebody really big right there.



That's big.



A lot of people, we can make decisions for our kids, Zac. We can make decisions for our communities, for our family. We have no problem telling everybody else what to do. But to really make a decision that's best for us. To say no to ourselves sometimes. And yes or yes to ourselves sometimes is a big one for women.



Oh, I think it's a big one for everyone, too. I mean, you're right. You know, doing this journey with you and being on the show with you has really opened me up to. Oh, my gosh, like what? There's a lot of things in my life that I take for granted that I should definitely change. Right.



Like what?



And, um, I think the way I approach work, the way I approach work, life, balance definitely is like a big, big one for me, but.



Okay, why do you say that? Because I want to talk about that. Because I don't believe in balance.



Yeah, I kind of knew you were going to say that. Why don't you believe in balance? Wait, don't. I'm turning it back on you because.



I think it's like trying to be perfect. It's a never ending. You'll never get there.



Well, that's the perfectionism. Yeah, I mean, that's sort of my biggest problem is, like the perfectionism.



You're never going to have balance in your life.



You're never. So where is your balance right now? Because I know I would describe, if I had to describe, what it seems like as an outsider, your life is hectic. You're being pulled 100 directions every day, it seems like to me.



Yeah, some days are worse than others. Yeah, I barely hang on about, you know, 82 and a half percent of the time. I have a strong support structure and I've built that. So if people who are people are not in my life, like, I've had to really cut people out of my Life that do not get with the program. Yeah, and by get with the program, I mean I am a fully committed, supported, loving, giving friend. But I'm also hard crazy in your face accountability friend. So you can't get one without the other. So I surround myself with people who are like minded and are ready to level up.



And I'm not a perfect person at all. In fact, I'm very extremely flawed. I just know it. And I know everybody else is flawed too. But this is the point about balance. When you are chasing balance, you are never going to succeed at achieving the balance. You have to take balance when it comes. Let me give you an example.



Today I was on air from 9:00 to 12. I came, we did the podcast from 1:30. We're still doing the podcast. It is 4:12. When we wrap up here, I will go downstairs, do another hour on air at qvc, then I'll go home and I have. My son's got to make up an Algebra 3 quiz because he doesn't ever feel like doing anything. And so I'll have to go learn Algebra three because, you know, Kim don't know nothing about no algebra. Okay.



And so. And I'll have to help him, push him. And then about 8 o'clock I will probably fix something to eat. And then about 10 I'll get in the bed and text Amy. I'm exhausted. But then Thursday, tomorrow I get up, I'll go to the school, I will give from 9:00 to almost 2:00. Mentoring, giving, pouring out to kids, breaking bread, encouraging them. Then I'll come back, have a podcast with you, and then I'll go home.



But all day Friday, I ain't doing nothing.






So you gotta. You as people, as parents, as business owners, as a busy mom, whatever your thing is that you're doing, stop chasing balance and start chasing purpose. Because you will have supernatural energy to do your purpose.



Yeah, let's talk about purpose, because that's like one of the big ones. I think for me this season that has come out, which is like I'm still struggling with this. I really do think so. And I think we've talked about. I think a big part of my purpose is doing this show with you. But that's not all there is for me. And I've been really like, I went to, we had Tony Robbins and Graziosi and I went to, to Tony Robbins. He invited us and unfortunately you were too busy, you couldn't make it.



But I went and it was great.



There was your Balance. There was.



Your balance by Tony is unreal. And he really got me thinking about this for myself. Like, you know, what is. I went to his Unleash the power within. It was amazing.



Yeah, he's amazing.



But let's talk about purpose, because how do people find their purpose? Kim, how did you figure out. When did you figure it out? This is a huge question. We could spend two hours talking about just this, but.



Well, purpose is not a vocation. Do you know what I'm saying? It's not a job. Purpose is. It's a soulful thing. So it's like you can do a lot of different things and still be operating in your purpose. That's why you feel like when you just say doing the podcast with you, Kim, is part of my purpose. But it's not the only thing. I get what you're saying, because it's just one of the vehicles of being able to demonstrate and live out your purpose.



So people think purpose is, I'm going to be a nurse or I'm going to be a doctor or I'm going to be a mom, or. That's not a purpose. That's just a way to live that thing, the purpose out in your life. So purpose is found through a deep and introspective look back at when you were a young, young person and when you did things and you. You acted out your life. I'm trying to get the right words because it's so. It's so tricky. Naturally, what came to you.



Naturally what? Like, I always have been naturally a good talker. I've always been able to just. And not just a talker, but a connector. Like, I've always been able to meet somebody over here from. From, you know, from this country and talk to a person, socioeconomic person over here. And I've always been able to really connect with a lot of different type of people. And so connection and edification is my purpose. And so I can do that on qvc.



I can do that at the high school with the senior girls. I can do that with you, Zac. So it plays out in a lot of different ways, but it's what comes to you naturally. Like Amy, for instance, who's on this chat, she organizes everything. Like, it's just. So it's not just her work. Excel spreadsheet, it's her closet. It's her spice rack.



It's my spice rack. It's my computer. It's like she goes crazy and she'll move my stuff around. Just. I'm saying that makes sense.



And I'm totally like that. Like, that is totally me. That's what, why we got along so well. Kim. Yeah, I'm putting another comment up on the screen now, but Mariah, I love you too, baby. Yeah. You know, Gypsy J also said. Oh my God, Kim, I love you, woman.



I love you, honey. Anybody named Gypsy is my kind of gal.



All right, we got to pay the bills. So let me. I'm going to roll this.



Oh my gosh. Kimberly said she's got same eight pounds from Halloween candy. I swear I had like a handful last night and you feel like you're not eating a lot, but I had a Snicker. I mean, okay, let's go.



Is there a trick, wait, before we get to do a quick break, do you think, is there a trick you can share with folks who are like, okay, I want to start, I want to lose that 20 pounds or whatever, you know, you want to make that decision. Where do you start? Where do you start making that decision?



Okay, I'm going to tell you one thing to do right now that really is a game changer for me. And I started drinking these, I started drinking sodas again and I started putting on weight pretty fast. Cut out all sodas, including diet. When I, when I first started my weight loss, I did not drink any. All I drank was water. I didn't drink tea, I didn't drink diet soda. I just drank water. And I'm going to tell you, it was rapid.



How much fast it went, I think I know for me, I can't speak for you and I'm not a doctor, so please don't take this to the bank, but I think probably 85% of Americans are dehydrated. And I know I was. So stop the soda, stop the teas, stop the drinks, even diet and just do water. And Amy, put it in the chat. How many times have I told you that?



Probably a lot. Okay, so, yeah, you're right. I think that I was just reading or my wife Camille just told me that she said the best way you can cut down on processed foods is to stop drinking soda. Which is something I am working on. Yeah. Which is something.



And you know I love me a good Coca Cola.



Uh huh.



I think it's crack cocaine. I really do. I think it just makes me feel like they still have the coca.



Yeah, they still probably have that crack in there.



But if we just stop, cut out the sodas and even if, like, you can't cut it out, like, like let that be a treat once a week and replace it with water. I will tell you, my son did the same. My oldest and my youngest son, when they started training for. They've got their tennis and basketball and all those things, they cut out the sodas immediately. More energy, more focus. They drop LBs. It's just, I believe that's the first place to start. And to me, it's an easy place to start because I didn't realize how much calorie intake I was drinking, how much sugar I was drinking.



And that I think is really tough because your body doesn't get full.



You don't feel like you're right. You're right. This is just drinking.



I remember when I was a kid, I had, remember JNCO jeans? Do you remember those huge jeans that were. When I was in high school, it was like, that was what was cool.






And like I could fit a 2 liter bottle of soda in my pocket.






Like they had huge pockets.






I drank, I think one day I drank a whole 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. And I can't even imagine doing that now. Right. You could do things when you're 16 that you can't do when you're in your late 30s. But like, I just think back at that and I'm like, wow, that's so unhealthy. I can't believe I didn't just have diet.



I think there's just something around Mountain Dew. I don't know what's in that stuff. But look, I mean, I think it's a treat yourself kind of moment. And now it's just part of the American diet, but it truly should be a treat, not a staple in our diets.



I will say I went to the store the other day and I saw there's a Skittles drink now. And I had two thoughts simultaneously. One was like, america's amazing. That's incredible. And the second was like, that's terrifying. It's probably really delicious and I can't believe how sweet it probably is. I did not try it.



Well, if I could give anybody any weight loss, it's just a simple shift immediately to see it's not even like losing weight. I think you'll feel a thousand times better too.



Yeah, no, totally.



I did. I can only speak for myself.



Well, speaking of good food, we have our sponsor who's been with us longer than any other sponsor. Um, which is, which is factor.



Well, they're the reason I've lost weight too. I'm just telling you.



Yeah, yeah, tell us, tell us a little bit about that. Let's. Let's be real about factor for a second. Because I think factor is incredible. Like, I think factors.



Yeah, they're incredible. Several reasons why they're incredible is because they. How can I say this, Zac? It's easy. It's almost like fast food delivered to you well.



And it's portions, right? Like it takes two minutes and it's like the right portion.



Yeah, it's done for you. My kids love them. Every time they come, they just heat them up in the microwave. So they really are. I mean, it has contributed to my weight loss big time.



And you keep telling me how your kids keep stealing them, which we've put in ads in the past, but here we got to pay the bills. Let's play this ad. I'm not going to make you do it live, but we'll be back. Literally. Guys, one minute. Stick with us.



Fall is here. The trees are changing color and the weather is getting colder. And I'm starting to crave comfort food, y'all. But I don't need to cook because factor has me covered. Their food is so good. I'm always craving it and it's so easy. I always have time for it no matter how busy I am. I know you've got a lot going on outside of the kitchen and that's why you need to try factor, y'all.



They deliver fresh, nutritious, chef prepared meals ready to eat in just two minutes with no prep and no dishes to clean. Factor has meals for every single lifestyle. Choose from six preferences including keto, calorie, smart and vegan and veggie. And round out your order with nutrient rich smoothies, snacks and energy shots to keep you satisfied all day long. So what are you waiting for? Head over to FactorMeals.com Kim50 and use code Kim50 to get 50 off your first month and 20 off your next month. Month. That's code Kim50@Factor Meals.com Kim50 to get 50% off your first month and plus 20% off, you're next. Hey, I've never seen one but y'all, I do believe in factor.



I mean, I order them all the time. Who told me, you know, some Emily said who told me the other day they were going to order factor? Somebody in my world, my orbit did.



I have our neighbors who we're good friends with now in our new house. I saw like a big factor box in front of their house and I was like, oh, yeah.



It's just, that's convenience. That's. I used to always go through fast food and that's another thing that killed me. And let me just tell you something. I had Kentucky Fried Chicken today. I'm just gonna be honest with you. I did for lunch. This is right here.



And I've got me an extra crispy.



Yeah, well, you gotta get.



But tonight I'm not. But. And I drank water. That's what I did. So, I mean, I just. I do the little things. So do the little things. Okay.



Well. Yeah. Okay. All right. So. So the next thing we have to talk about.



What's the next Debbie said she's gonna look into factor. Hey. Yeah.



The chats blowing up.



Oh, my gosh. She says, I must interview you. I'm a coach. Oh, yeah. And I'm also an HSN here.



Oh, my God.



100 pounds for me. You go, girl. Lifestyle change. Let me tell you this, too. I am one of the chaplains on the varsity basketball coach, too. Varsity basketball team. I love mentoring and ministering because I had that done to me when I was a young teenage girl and a young adult. And it's so important.



It's so important. She's a coach. You go, girl. You go. You coach them girls and encourage them. Okay, go ahead.



And Amy. And Amy got back. She said, here, I'm going to try to show this. Oh, look at that.



Emily. Emily told me she ordered factor and loves them. I know.



Yeah, that's cool. All right.



Somebody just said it. In my world, I knew it was somebody. Yeah.



On how to do. How to do the things. The text on screen. Okay.






So next on our list for this incredible season we've had in the last year.



Oh, Lord.



You pranked your sister.



Oh, my God. Don't you love it?



Big time.



I know.



Can you tell the story? How did this start? What happened? What did we do? Because if you have not seen this episode and you're watching this, immediately go back and look at the Kim Pranks Allisyn episode. It's next.



Okay, so Allisyn is. So my sister is. I don't know why I'm whispering because we are live. But anyway, Allisyn is. This is the thing. No, because if she's watching, she's going to kill me. But let me just tell you something. Allisyn is one of the most joyous, amazing people on the planet.



Like, she's absolute joy. Okay.



Yes. She really. She's so. Alison, to me, is like the most fun just in a person.



She's walking Mountain Dew.



Yes, yes.



But a lot of Mountain Dew will make you crash and burn. So a lot of Allisyn will make you crash and burn. Okay. Like Amy you get. Hit me up in the chat. Like, we just went on a trip with her and my mother. We went to Texas to this great thing called the Nutcracker Market. It's just massive.



It's just Christmas exploded in this huge place. About an hour in, I was ready to ship mom and Allisyn back to Atlanta in a box. I mean, I cannot deal with them, but for so long, they're high maintenance now. Mom says she's not. She kind of is. Allisyn really is. So they're very complicated people and they're very high maintenance. So Allisyn is.



And she has this. My mother has this extreme self confidence, self awareness, which is amazing. And so does Allisyn. And sometimes it's. I call it delusional. They call it self confidence. I say it's fun.



There's a line there, and we don't have to talk about where the line is.



Okay, well, this is. And they own it. It's not like I'm saying anything. They wouldn't sit here and tell you themselves.



Okay, sure.



They're very self aware. So Allisyn is. She. She loves. She says she's a C, B plus celebrity. So she. We go around town, we go to the Nutcracker. I was like, hey, Alison.



Because she's on qvc. She was on a reality show. And so she leans into that, right? She buys into that. But I don't lean into that. I'm just like, look, we regular old people. I love you, girl. Call me. That's.



I'm just, you know, Allisyn's like, oh, hey, girl. I just, you know, she's a little like, she, she. She leans in. Okay. So she opened up what we call a cameo account. Now what cameo is, is that regular old folk like me. And you can call in to celebrities or buy celebrities, send them a message. You send them, they send them a message.



The celebrity will take the message for your loved one or whomever. Like, say you've got a mother who loves, you know, Tom Selleck. So Tom Selleck is on there and he'll say, happy birthday, mama. You know, he'll. He'll give you a message. So Allisyn became a celebrity who does the cameos on Cameo, that you can buy her cameos for your friends. And a lot of young girls did a lot of pageant people, you know, from the show and everything. Sure.



So I said to Zac and I love to prank people. I love it. Like, guys, if I could just have a prank show, I would quit everything and just do that.



Kim keeps telling me that. And I think, well, we'll do More pranks.



In the future, we have to do more pranks. Because, I mean, I don't do just Rick racks, though. I mean, I'm elaborate with it. So Zac and I came up with this plan that we were gonna buy a bunch of cameos of Allisyn. And she thinks that all these people.



Buying her cameos, fake people with entire backstories, like, that's.



It cost me $7,000, but it was worth every penny.



And you better believe Alison did not pay us back. I said it. I said. I was like, this is the most expensive episode of this podcast we've ever made. And Allisyn's making all the money.



Yes. She loved it. Oh, my God. Lol, Amy Goins. I know. I love it.



Oh, my gosh. All right, let me play. Okay, I'm going to play. This is a little long, but it's totally worth it. This is one of one of the cameos that we had Allisyn do, and it was a fake, like, relationship dispute. You just check it out.



Just watch it.



Yeah, just check it out. Any second, it should play.



Hey, Heather, it's Allisyn from Kim McQueen. Don't mind me. I'm actually sitting in the carpool. Just doing my momming today. And I hope this message finds you well. Now, listen, I'm sending you this message, and it's from Jackson.






I've never quite done a cameo like this, but I have some advice for you after I tell you what he sent me a cameo to relay to you. He said that you guys fight all the time. He said it's just not working out and he wants to break up. He said he just doesn't know what to say. So I'm here to deliver that message for him. But I've got a piece of advice for you, girl. Okay, listen close. I don't know how old you are, but I want to tell you this.



If a guy ever cannot see your worth, okay, do not hang out with him. Don't hang around, sis. It's not worth it. You know how our mamas always say there's plenty of fish in the sea? I don't know how old you are, but, girl, there are plenty of fish in the sea.



True story.



Okay, so also, if he's got to send you a cameo to break up with you because he can't do it face to face because he just doesn't know the words or sounds awkward, then.



He'S probably not okay?



So, Heather, it is time to move it on up to the and find you a new man, girl, if you need any help, or anything. If you need any relationship advice, anything, hit me back up on here. Ask for a cameo, and I'll send you everything.



I know.



All I do know is if he.



Got a cameo to tell you that he's breaking up.



He ain't the one.



Bye, girl. Let's go. Let's go.



Get out there and get you someone newer.



Heck, don't get anybody.



Love you, sis. Bye. She's. She's full of great advice, honestly.



I'm telling you. That was very sound advice. But what I love about it is that she is so sincere. I mean, that prank. She had no idea, Zac.



No, that.



All of those. And how many did we do?



Oh, my gosh. We did, like, seven or eight of them.






And she was texting you and calling you, and she was like this. She started thinking that they weren't real, right? And you had to.



No, she never asked me if they were the last one. She goes, girl, do you think this is real? I'm like, well, how can it not be? She never saw that coming. And let me tell you, we told nobody in the family. I only told Travis and Amy. They are like the vault. They will go to the grave with it. I would never tell my mom or anybody, because my mom would tell her.



Oh, my gosh. Yeah, that was. That was one of.



You gotta go watch that episode at the end, her face.



I have the reveal. I have the clip, but I kind of don't want to play it. I don't think. I think if you haven't seen that episode, you gotta.



You've gotta go see that episode.



If you're this deep into this episode with us, and you will love that.



It's good. And, you know, she blessed her heart. She goes, do I get. She said, I'm not giving you back the money. And then I remember in the episode, she was like, I'm just so upset. I'm not gonna get. She goes, I had budgeted that money coming in from.



She was mostly upset that she was gonna lose the money. I forgot about that. Oh, my gosh.



Oh, my God.



Yeah, she wasn't. She was not mad at you at all. She just wanted the income of the.



I will tell you, doing pranks and laughing at yourself and having fun, that, to me, is such longevity. We're Talking about over 50 and fabulous. Having fun and being able to laugh at yourself and being able to, you know, laugh at other people. That's just what I love about Allisyn. You get those guttural. She doesn't take herself too seriously at All. And that is one of the things I really admire about her.



No, yeah, that's totally true. All right, so let's move on because we have a couple more things we have to get to and we have our big announcement still. Yeah. But okay, so you launched LWIA in January. Yeah. So it's been almost a year. And I. So we made this video after your first.



You were starting to sell on TikTok and I made you this video and I want to play it because it's just great. And you still have Bell's palsy in this video. I think I remember this.



Is that when me and Amy were together? Yeah.



Yeah. So I'm going to play it. But then let's talk about. I want to talk about LWIA because I want to know how it's going and what you guys have planned to the future. But let me, let me pull this video.



Oh Lord, tonight in my very first TikTok Live, I've got a shop that I want to share with you several things now. Oh Lord. Amy. Yes? How do I start pulling up this stuff? Because I'm not sure. Well, this technology is. Woo. I hope somebody was in bulk. My what? Anyway, back to this.



Okay. I think we can tag them. I don't want people to see. I don't have a clean bathroom. You do have a clean bath. It ain't that clean. Okay, well I. But I want to add it to the thing I can't see.



Okay. I don't know where to tag. Anyway, I'm just going to go and show the stuff and you figure it out. Do y'all see that shop on Car Art? And they probably already all know how to use shop TikTok. But anyway, it's not shock Tik tok. It's not. It's TikTok shop, whatever. So people are answering my question.



Thank you viewers. I love you so much. Okay.



Oh my gosh.



Uh huh.



So how's it going, Kim?



I still don't know how to do it and I told you my whole. Did I, did I say it on this show that my whole thing is like 2025 is going to be the year of technology for Kim. I'm taking classes. Like I'm actually going to take computer classes.



Frank, you're not. Come on. I will believe you're full of mentored. Yes, I do. We will put it on the show if you take a computer.



I'm taking some kind of technology class to learn how to do all this crap. I cannot be dependent on Amy because She does not know what she's doing either, okay? It's the blind leading the blind. And Amy, you know it's true. And honestly, she gets mad at me when I call her with my technology problems. Amy said we are dumb and dumber, saying she agrees.



Oh, my gosh. I. That is.



Oh, my God. They says her, her daughter is 18 year old. She said, hello, Ms. Kim. She loves you. Oh, I love you too. Her daughter's Riley. Hey, Riley.



Oh, I love you. Okay, Riley, can you help me with my technology?



No, don't help Kim with her technology. She could figure it out. I. I believe so.



Let me tell you something about. Let me tell you something about these stupid computers, okay? Let me tell you something. Tell me they are from the devil. They're from the devil. Now, I do love AI. I'm obsessed with AI. I'm just gonna tell you we need to do a whole AI show on this, y'all. I will tell you, it's it.



It can possibly be from the devil, but I love it so much. But this computer, tick tock, getting on and tagging and all that. I can't do all that.



Oh, Kim. I feel like, okay, you, you can though. You can do it every time. We have a technical problem, yes, it is sometimes very hard, but we figure it out. The show is happening. We're doing.



I get mad at you when I have a technical problem. I get mad at you.



You do get mad at me. That's a good point. You get mad at me and then.



I, or Amy, whoever is like on my mind. Like, I mean, I'll be like, my kids got made fun of me when they said, we were in the grocery store and I dropped something and it broke. And I said, I can't stand your daddy. And he wasn't even at the grocery store. He was like, Bo goes, well, dad's at home. I'm like, exactly.






I'm really not that nice. I'm not. I'm not. Amy will tell you I'm not that nice.



Tell us though, but really, like, tell us. People want to know about the new lwia. Love who you are. Tell folks about it. Yeah, so we launched going, yeah, we.



Launched love who you are in January with beauty. And we've developed into home and holiday and like, I need another business. But I wanted to branch out with beauty because I. The message that we have that you have a purpose and that we want you to love the life that you have. You don't always have to like it, but we want you to Love it. We want you to look in the mirror and love what you see is a very big message. And it takes. You know, I never saw myself with big brands, but that is like, again, that is the path that opened up for me, and I walked through that door.



For a lot of you watching, there's probably a lot of open doors. You're not even recognizing, you know what I'm saying? Like, your purpose and what you're successful at, it seeks you out. You really don't have to go and work for it. It kind of just opens up if you are operating in that calling that God has placed on your life. So always remember that, always. And it comes very natural. And I think people think they've got to be buttoned up and it has to be perfect. And before you launch and release and, you know, write the book or do the TikTok or whatever, and you don't have to be.



Just do it. Just start moving towards it. And that's what we did with lwi, and it has just exploded. Exploded. And I'm so grateful to all of you who supported it, who watched the shows, who were around, who listened to this podcast. But I want to encourage you to do your podcast, do your brand, write your book, be that coach that you've always wanted to be, go and mentor those girls, do what is in your heart and your purpose to do. And I will support you in that 1000%, because that's what lwia is all about. It's about seeing people love who they are and love the life that they live.



That's awesome. And I love that the whole brand starts from that place, every part of it. And I helped. I did a lot of work with you with video when you were launching at the beginning of the year, and it was always that. It was always, how can we lift people up while we're at every step of the way? And I'm just, what's the point if.



You don't like y'all seriously think about life. I mean, if there's not more to life than just existing, collecting stuff and being a consumer and growing old, then why are we here?



Yeah. And speaking of mortal life, there's now conversations on the chat, just side conversations, other people trying to hook Amy up with folks. So why don't you read this, Kim?



Love this. Amy, did you know that the Kelly and Mark show asked if anybody. What? If anyone knew a nice guy, they can fix one of their employees named Aiden up with nice guy. Oh, my gosh. Should I call Kelly and Mark do you know anybody at the show that.



Would be so funny? Amy.



Amy is epic. She's a ball of shot caller. Amy. Getting ready to just. She's probably gonna go over there and meet one of them billionaires and leave me high and dry. You ain't going nowhere. I'll stalk you like a dog with a bone.



Amy, if you need help, just put help in the chat and we can get you the help you need. You can get away from Kim. You can escape.



You can. You cannot. That's impossible.



Oh, my gosh. Okay, should we. Should we do. Should we do our big announcement, Kim?



I think so, because this is a good one. It's kind of related to weight loss, which I'm excited about, but in a very practical way. Remember exactly when I told everybody, where you can start is by cutting out the sodas and really kind of just focusing on water. Excuse me. And you know I'm obsessed with sweets.



Yes, I do.



Obsessed with sweets. Oh, my earbuds just.



Your earbuds just stopped.



Oh, they're back. This one's in. This one's dead. This one's not. Okay, can you hear me?



I think. Yeah. Can you hear me? Is it working? Okay, good.



It's working. And so, you know, I'm like, obsessed with sweets. Like candy. I mean, we've had seven candy conversations just sitting here. Yeah. And I had some samples, and I sat down and ate them all. Zac, don't you have a photo? Like, you have the empty package?



I do. I do. We. So when we had. So who do we have on the show? Kim? Let's start there.






We had Alina Morris.



They were so good, and they were sugar free and so yummy.



She sent us these caramels. They're empty. They're gone. I have the empty package here. So then what. So then what did we do, Kim?



I reached out to her and said, is there any way, because I have such a sweet tooth, I'm like, is there any way I can make a really, like, sugar free candy that tastes real? I don't want anything that tastes like, you know, those sugar free candies I get because they just don't satisfy. And she said, let me. Let me. I think we've got something. She put something together, and she put together a salted caramel. And this. It's. It's.



It's a huge portion, 20 calories. We are launching our sugar free candy, Kimmie's Candy. There's. They're sea salt caramels, y'all. They're gluten. Free, keto nut free. They're only 20 calories, less than 1.5 carbs per piece. And they are big.



You get three boxes for under 40 with free shipping. Sugar free. I'm telling you, it's a treat. For anyone who watches their blood sugar or who's watching their weight, all you need is one. They are. They're really large. They're keto gluten free, dye free, no nuts. The ingredient in there helps reduce.



It's called erythritol. I can't even say it right, but it helps retrol.






Everything about this is good for you. But y'all, they're plant based. Everything about it is so yummy. They are the most delicious. They are better than that Halloween candy you got a month ago. No joke.



Yep. Yeah. So I've just put up the. So we have it. So this is exclusive to the show. Like, this isn't just. Hey, we're gonna, you know, like, Z Candy doesn't sell this.



No, but I just want you to. I mean, it is a. It's such a large piece and it's so. That comes packaged beautifully. But this is a treat yourself moment. Or gift. Or gift. For someone who is watching their blood sugar or is watching their weight.



All you gotta do is go to kimgravelshow.com candy check it out. Everything about this has been curated just for you and for all of you who are trying to lose weight and who have been through what I've been through on my weight. I lost 55, almost 60 pounds. Like I said, I put on 10, but we're working on it. But these are the things that get me through. I just pop one of these in when I have a sweet tooth. I don't need eat half of it because they're so large. I just eat half of it.



And y'all, it just satisfies me. The caramel is so good. Sugar free, gluten free, nut free, keto.



Yeah. Great for. And that was something we were talking about. Great for folks who, like, who are diabetic. Right. Because they're sugar free.



Well, Allisyn's type one. I mean, she's always watching her sugar. But you don't want to feel like you're making a sacrifice. They're so rich and so yummy and so good. Try them.



Yeah, yeah. And. And there. The other thing is, there's not that many. So.



No, we didn't bring in many. We're just launching this. This is part of the, you know, Kim Gravel show. Love who you are. We're getting. We're touching it. So many people want to lose weight and get healthy again, and I understand that. But you can't do it and deprive yourself because you won't keep it off.



My best friend Amy lost 80 pounds. She's kept it off for years. I've kept mine off almost a year and a half. And it's with things like this, you've got to find ways to not deprive yourself, but at the same time, be conscious of your health, especially as we're getting older. Zac. I mean, it truly is. I want to be around to see my grandbabies. You know what I mean? And I want to look good doing it and feel good doing it.



I agree.



These are the kind things that you incorporate into your life that make that happen.



Oh, wait, I'm still just a candy screen, aren't I? Let me go back to.



Go back to you.



Hi. Let's look. There's a quick clip of Alina, who just is also Alina Morse, who is in college and launched this candy when she.



Right. She is just the type of young girl we want to help.



Yeah, yeah. She is just. She is so amazing. Here, let's look at a quick clip from her because this is just. This is a lot of fun.



These are so good.



They're really good. I got some too.



Zac and I have been just like. I've already had one. They are so good.



Kim, I found out just a minute ago is a lollipop biter she had in her mouth for 20 seconds and then just bit it and it was gone.



It's that yummy. It's that good. These are sugar free, allergy free, vegan, gluten free keto. They're delicious and they help clean your teeth. But girl, you started this when you were how old? Seven. I came up with the idea when I was seven and then we started.



Selling when I was nine. So those are her lollipops. But, like, her stuff is just so good.



Look, everything about what we are is love. Who you are in the Kim Gravel show is we are wanting to see people step into their destiny, their purpose. And Alina is doing that. And I. And honestly, I just absolutely love the candy. So check it out, Zac. I cannot believe we have been talking almost an hour live. This is our first live ever.



Yeah, we're over an hour, hour and two minutes, I think live. So we did it.



We got a lot coming up. We've got so much coming. We've got the garner Family, you gotta check them out. I can't wait for you to listen to our interview with them. I'm hooked with the. I see a huge future for them. Bo is gonna be on the podcast. My oldest son, my senior.



Yeah. If we could ever schedule. Kim, let's.



We're going to schedule it. We're going to schedule. He is going to be somebody that's. Everybody's going to. He's a man of few words, but when he talks, people listen. Bo is coming on. Bless his heart. He's like, yeah, I'll do it.



And I love about Beau is he won't hold back. So it's what comes up is going to come out. So y'all pray for me and we're going to do a little Christmas giveaway shows leading up to the holidays. I'm excited about that.



Yeah. And next season we're, we're going to upgrade this. I'm flying out there in a couple of weeks, Kim, to do a big studio upgrade.



So come break bread and we're going to eat and have fun.



Every year we. We try to make the show better. It's going to be incredible. So, you know, join us and listen.



Let us know anything, any topics you wanted to hear us, any guests that you'd like to have see on the show, any topics you want to discuss. Share the podcast with your friends. We're going to dive a little bit deeper into to what it's all about, why we're here, faith, family, and the future of the Kim Gravo show in your future, I'm telling you. Oh, Debbie says she can't wait to try Kimmie's. Kimmie's candies. Check it out. I mean, they are so good.



I'm just putting those on the screen while you're talking because people are saying like they want to try it. It's so good.



You got to check them out because we're going to have a lot more candy than just this. We're going to come out with some really good keto, friendly, low cal, low carb food that's like to go with our factor meals. That's going to really round out.



And this is the. I mean, we did. We started with this because it was the holidays. This is the perfect holiday candy, right? This is the perfect gift. It's the perfect treat for the holidays and it's good.



It's yummy. Okay, y'all, we love you so much. And remember, follow your purpose and your passion and it's going to show up for you. We love you so much. This is our first live, but I bet it's not going to be our last.



Last. It's not going to be our last. Bye, everybody.



Love y'all. Bye, Amy. Call me when we get off of this.



All right, I'm stopping it. Bye, everybody.



Bye, y'all.

New Here? Start With These Episodes

The Kim Gravel Show is a weekly podcast for women.
This show is a celebration of the stories that shape us. It's about laughing together and not taking ourselves too seriously. It's about the wisdom we've gathered and the hardships we've overcome. It's about looking at the woman you see in the mirror, seeing her strength, embracing her flaws, and loving who you are, because girl, you're beautiful.

Join me Wednesdays at 6pm ET for new episodes of The Kim Gravel Show.

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