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Feb. 7, 2024

Discover Your Hidden Creative Genius with Lauren LoGrasso

Get inspired to be more creative and unleash your inner creative beauty!

I have the fabulous Lauren LoGrasso on the show this week! Lauren hosts of the popular podcast Unleash Your Inner Creative and she’s produced some of the biggest podcasts in the world including, We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle, Unlocking Us with Brené Brown and Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain. Lauren is a creative powerhouse who sings, acts, and produces, and she’s here to help all of us achieve our creative goals. 


One of the first steps to unlocking your creativity is to create a “life thesis statement”. My life thesis statement is to help people everywhere Love Who They Are. That is what drives me creatively. Once you figure out what drives you and embrace it, then I know you’re going to do incredible things. There is so much inspiration in this episode. You don’t want to miss it. Oh, and make sure to stay to the end when we call Lauren’s mom, it’s so much fun, y’all.   


Join the Love Who You Are movement at LWYA.com


Listen to Lauren's most recent podcast episode, I was the guest and we had a fantastic conversation.


Here's my favorite quote from this episode:

“If we can't claim our creativity, we can't really embrace our full selves.”  – Lauren LoGrasso


In this episode:

How Lauren's self-realization journey has shaped her self-respect and self-love 

Why it’s important to have a “life thesis statement”

Why everyone in inherently creative

How to unleash your inner creativity

Why authenticity, kindness, and community are the foundations for powerhouse women

We call Lauren’s mom, who is a fan of Belle by Kim Gravel

Our new game! Agree or Disagree



Lauren LoGrasso, hailed as one of the unsung heroes of podcasting by Podcast Magazine and listed among the top 10 inspiring women to follow by CEO Weekly, is a prominent figure in media and entertainment. A versatile creative powerhouse, Lauren excels as a podcast host, executive producer, singer/songwriter, SAG-AFTRA actor, and public speaker. Her podcast, "Unleash Your Inner Creative," has garnered widespread acclaim, earning prestigious awards such as the Signal, W3, and Hermes Awards, along with being recognized as a Webby Award Honoree. The show has been featured in renowned publications like People Magazine and Business Insider. Notable guests on the podcast include luminaries such as Guy Raz (NPR), Julia Cameron (author of "The Artist’s Way"), Jim Kwik, and many others including me!


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*This transcript was auto-generated*

Kim Gravel: This episode is sponsored by your slow and steady friend, gravity. In 2024, it seems like everyone is trying to go to space. And gravity wants you to know that it is here for you. And in 2024, choose earth, stay right here. So all your lady parts can slowly sag to the floor, just like the rest of us.

How do you find your creativity? 

Lauren LoGrasso: You're finally seeing the peace of God that lies in you and lies in all people. 

Kim Gravel: So many people listening can relate to this. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I never have to be in another room again where somebody is mistreating me. 

Kim Gravel: Brene Brown, she just is great as I think she is. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Mom, you're on with Kim Gravel.

Kim Gravel: This is affecting my bowel movements. I'm not trying to have no scary clown. That's the biggest honking lie. 

Lauren LoGrasso: This is my favorite thing I've ever done in my life.

Kim Gravel: Welcome to the Kim Gravel show. I am so glad you are here. We have a fantastic show for you today. We have the award winning podcaster and musician, Lauren LaGrasso. She's here to talk to us about creativity and how you can achieve your creative goals, because we've all got them. So let's welcome Lauren.

Lauren LoGrasso: Oh my God. 

That is the best thing. 

Kim Gravel: We spare no expense. 

Lauren LoGrasso: The production value. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was walking into an incredible Grammy award winning studio. Hello. Welcome to me. 

Kim Gravel: Only the best for you. 

Zac Miller: If we could win a Grammy, that would be great Lauren. Can we speak that into the world? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yes, we're speaking it.

We're calling it down. 

Kim Gravel: Yeah. Listen, Zac, we could win a Grammy just for our introductions, right? Like the best introduction in a podcast goes to, right, there we go. I'm not kidding you. 

Lauren LoGrasso: They do have awards like that. You should really think of submitting. I've never seen anyone else who does that before, by the way.

Kim Gravel: And I've seen a lot. And Lauren, that's, that's saying a lot coming from you because you've seen a lot of podcasts. I mean you produce a lot of great podcasts. Can I ask you a personal question Lauren? Please. Do you like, do you like, do you like the producer's hat? That's not a fair question. Is the producer's hat a permanent place for you or do you think it's a stepping stone babe to what's coming for you?

Lauren LoGrasso: I think it's a stepping stone. The part of the producer's hat that I like is seeing people. So that's the part that feels really true. 

Kim Gravel: Connection, the connection, 

Lauren LoGrasso: the connection, seeing people, helping them see themselves. I love holding a mirror up to people so that they can just see their innate. goodness and beauty.

And come on, that's, that's what I love about it. I fell into producing. Like I, I wanted to be a host and then producing kind of just took off because I do love connecting with people. I love seeing people. I always have these ideas coming down and so it was natural to share them. And I'm truly obsessed with audio.

Like I just think it is the greatest way to connect because it allows you to Yeah. Right. Kim. It like, it allows the listener instantly to become part of the creative process because they're envisioning, Oh, I could be like the fourth person in the room. You know, I could be in there with Lauren, Kim and Zac.

And so, but no, like you, obviously you're incredibly intuitive human being. You picked up on the fact that. It's a step, but I don't think it's the ultimate final step for me. 

Kim Gravel: Right, right. Because you'd mentioned that you'd had some big realizations, right? Because your podcast is, is, you've got to go listen to Lauren's podcast, download it, listen to it, you know, every episode that drops.

Because you had some big realizations about self respect and self love. As of late, and it really coincides with this, unleash your creativity. Can you share a little bit about that? Because there's so many people that like, you know, I want that. I want self love and self respect. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Well, I've been taking this amazing course with a woman named Victoria Song.

I don't know. I've had her on my podcast. She's incredible. And she basically, she helps people build their businesses. Not through like, here's 10 tips you need to build your business. She helps them build their businesses. That's it. Through healing. And so I've been taking a course with her. It's actually a course about loving yourself and like having a better relationship with your body, which I know you've been on a journey with that to Kim as this past year.

And it's interesting how. Everything involves everything all the time. Like nothing is just one thing. It's all connected. It's all connected. Yeah. So through this course, we've been doing a lot of healing of trauma and something I've realized is how many rooms that I have been in. where either somebody else, like I was a younger person and somebody else allowed me to be, and I'm using this word like liberally, but like abuse, like emotionally, or in a toxic environment or with a bully and normalized it.

Or in my adulthood, how many times I've been in a room with somebody else who has been that person to me, and I have silenced myself and just said, it's okay. And what I've realized through this course is. I never have to be in another room again where somebody doesn't stand up for me. If somebody is mistreating me because I can always be my own advocate and I never ever again have to be in a room and because somebody has a little piece of good to them, normalize them treating me badly.

And so that's the piece of self respect. And I also don't ever have to treat myself badly again. There's no, um, there's no, like, glory in that. I think there was a long time where I thought, if I am self critical and I'm bad to myself, then I'm going to grow more. I actually don't respond to that technique.

Kim Gravel: No one does. Lauren, no one does. We're not built to. We're not built to, we endure it, but we don't. Can I just say too that I love this because so many people listening can relate to this. Remember that phrase, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's the biggest honking lie saying I have ever heard.

Words hurt. I'd rather be plummeted by a stone than someone talking out, calling me out of my name. You know what I'm saying? Because, and this is the thing, anybody listening, Lauren, I hope people are really listening to you right now with this realization that you've just had. Because if you are, you can't control what people say to you, but you can control what gets down inside of you.

And you can also, you can clap back. And I don't mean that in a angry way, but I remember there was a time where my very best friend, Amy, there was a guy coming at her, like really talking down to her. We were all sitting, it was in a studio situation, and she just looked at him with this deadpan face, and she's this point duly moated.

Move on. And I thought, because I'd be like, let me tell you something, sucka. You know, I would have gone, you know, a different route that would have been a little bit more volatile, but like we can always say that to people who are talking down to us. Lauren, point duly noted. Move on. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Right. Yeah. That is a hundred.

I mean, good on Amy. So true. And so true. Another thing I've really been thinking about lately is if I can't love myself and love the world, This other person at the same time, then that is not a place for me. That is not a room for me to be in. That is not a relationship for me to be in. If, if loving this person, whatever that relationship is, sacrifices my love and respect for myself.

Then that is not a partnership that I can be in. 

Kim Gravel: Mm mm. Oh, okay, girl. You said that everyone has a life thesis statement. Love that. What is that? 

Lauren LoGrasso: For me? Or what is a life thesis statement? 

Kim Gravel: Just everything. So you, that, this, us, just, I mean, I love that so much and I agree with you.

Lauren LoGrasso: I think it's what you call purpose, Kim, and finding your why.

I just call it a life thesis statement because I always liked that, you know, phraseology from English class. But to me, the life thesis is one thing that everything in your life runs through. And that is, you know, what you would call the why, what I'd call the life thesis or your creative thesis. And it makes it a lot easier to figure out what the right next step is when you have that.

One thesis that everything in your life, every decision, every relationship, every business partnership you go into has to run through. And then you have a very easy yes or no. 

Kim Gravel: Yeah. And you know, to me, don't you think that's the crux of every line? Don't you think that's the big get is to, to have that thesis statement to know your why.

Lauren LoGrasso: For sure. And when I coach people on it, I usually ask them, I mean, I specifically say it in regard to podcasting, but it really works for any. Sort of purpose you're trying to find. I believe it's usually the midpoint between your greatest pain and your greatest joy. 

Kim Gravel: Amen. That that that's hands up and an amen right there.

Abso freaking lutely because, and it sits right there in that sweet spot for sure. Okay. So life thesis statement, but I like what you use. Talk about creativity is, is every, let me ask you this first. Yeah. Is every body creative? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yes. Creativity is our birthright.

Kim Gravel: Ooh. So, so when people say I'm not creative that they're, they're lying to themselves, right?

Lauren LoGrasso: Well, I mean, I think that our society defines creativity so narrowly. The way I define creativity is anytime you see nothing and you create something. So you have a vision in your mind's eye and then you make it come to be in the world. So creativity could be coming up with a recipe. Creativity could be parenting your children in a new way that was different from the way that your parents parented you.

It's not defining it so narrowly. And you know, this is an interesting thing, because I know you're a woman of faith. Back in the day, they used to think it was like, sacrilegious to call yourself creative because God was supposed to be the only one that was creative. But if you really believe that we are made in the image of God, then we are all creative because we come from a creative source.

So it really is to me, creativity is calling in your own divinity and to say, I am creative or I am a creative means that you're finally seeing the peace of God that lies in you and lies in all people. 

Kim Gravel: And why is that such a powerful force? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Because everything that exists was once imagined. So, and that's a Wayne Dyer quote, but it's something I really live by because we come from it.

Like if we can't, if we can't claim our creativity, we can't really embrace our full selves. We can't really love ourselves, trust ourselves and know ourselves. Like I think one hand washes the other, the more we love, trust and know ourselves. The more creative we'll be, and the more we admit we're creative and know that we are innately a creative being, the more we'll love, trust, and know ourselves.

So to me, it's just this innate part of life that if we're denying, we're missing out on so much of who we are and so much of the beauty around us.

Kim Gravel: And so much of the value that we add. Because creativity has its own DNA. It's not like what you can create, Lauren, and what I can create, although it might seem similar with our podcast, but it's so completely different.

It has completely different DNA. That's the beauty. It's what I'm trying to say is creativity is an endless well. You're always drawing up. You know what I'm saying? Like, I think we think sometimes. That my husband says is so great. He, cause my kids play team sports and they play basketball and their situation that there are with some of their coaches, they're pitting the boys up against each other.

They don't even know they're doing it. You know what I'm saying? It's just that competitive and it's such a, it's such a waste because the team is so good. And if they played as a team and each of them stood in their own creativity and in their own talents working together, they would be, you know, state champs.

My husband says this so brilliantly. He says They follow the one blessing rule, where there's only enough spaces, there are only enough seats at the table, there's only that one blessing, where in, in reality, the blessings are pressed down, shaking together and running over. Is that how you look at creativity too, Lauren?

Lauren LoGrasso: Yes, because we all have something to offer. And to your point, Kim, like, even if you and I had the exact same thesis statement, we're not going to live it in the same way because we are different people and creativity is beautiful because it also That's why I do believe it's connected to self love, self trust, and self knowledge.

The authenticity that I bring through my creativity is different than the authenticity that you'll bring through your creativity. And that's why two people can do the exact same thing, maybe even say almost the same things, but it's not the same thing because you're bringing your own unique humanity through it.

And that's why we need Every single person to claim their creativity because we need some creative solutions to the problems of the world. 

Kim Gravel: Amen, honey. And I would say, how do you, how do you come to that place? for yourself. Like, how do you find your creativity? Because, you know, we're in this new year. And I know people are like, what's next?

You know, we're always get to these resolutions, which I hate. I hate the resolutions, but I love making them now. I love me some little journaling and vision boards. You know, I'm all into it. But how do we call forth our creativity inside of ourselves? How do we do that? Lauren? 

Lauren LoGrasso: I think number one is just knowing that you have a right to, so, you know, very boldly saying I believe I'm creative.

Creativity is my birthright. And actually believing that, like letting that settle in your body. And then there's some, there's some tactical things you can do. I mean, journaling honestly is a really good one. I love it too. I'm trying to reframe journaling from something that like I have to do to a devotional practice.

And that has really helped me because when I, there's something called the morning pages, Julia Cameron is someone I've had on my show three times. I'm going to have around a fourth time this January. And she does this thing called the morning pages, which helps just kind of unlock and bring the creativity through you.

And that is so helpful. But a lot of times I can look at that like a job. So instead of looking at it like that, I'm trying to look at it as a devotion, as something that I do to allow myself to get quiet, to hear the voices, and so I can be more myself. Another thing that really helps is tracing the lines back to when you were a little kid.

Like, what did you do naturally that people at that point were encouraging before you had any conditioning on you, before you had any limitations on you, what were you called to? Maybe it won't be that exact thing, but it's the foundation of whatever that thing was. Like, Kim, I know you talk about how you went about the talent show and how you figured out from that.

What was the foundation of what my purpose would be and what my creativity would be. So looking back to when you were a little kid, how were you on the playground? How did you interact with people? What did you love? What did you do that nobody told you to do that you did just because you loved it? These are the clues that you can start to see to start to unleash your creative and your creative life.

Kim Gravel: And it's threaded through your entire life. I mean, it's always calling you. I say it's so funny. Like it's the call is coming from inside the house like those horror movies. It's always like inside. It's been haunting you for your whole entire life. It truly has. It's your calling is always this. It's for lack of a better word.

It's this nagging. Hey, hello. Remember me always.

You produce so many powerhouse women. Brene Brown. Girl, I love her. Is she just as great as she, I think she is. 

Lauren LoGrasso: She really is. And I feel like she would love you so much. Oh, I already love her. That you would really connect.

Kim Gravel: I think we're, we're best friends already. I mean, you know, in my head at least. It's happening.

Um, and Glennon Doyle, I mean, all these women, these powerhouse women, what is it like working with these women? Like, what have you gleaned from it? What have you learned from it? From them just being, just being their producer. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I mean, I think different things from each person. The number one thing I've gleaned from Glennon is community and building community.

Yeah. She's so good at that. And it's from such an authentic place. And like I have watched her, she would literally never put anything out that she did not feel. serves her purpose, like serves her like greater life purpose and serves the community. And so that has been the number one takeaway from her.

From Brene, just like total authenticity in all areas. Like just see, and this is true with both of them and everyone I've worked with, but being the same everywhere. I mean, it's the same with you, Kim. Like the person that was on, like with me before we started recording was the same person that was on with me once we started recording.

And I think these people that make it and have staying power, it's that they're not different in different areas. Like, it's not like, you know, yeah, they're who they are across all areas. So what I've really learned is, Authenticity is key, treating people really well. You can have high standards and still be very kind and also how to build community.

Kim Gravel: Oh, you've just, I mean, hello, that's the, okay, that's your book, the path to success. Those are the ways to go. Okay. So before we got on this podcast, you sent me an email with some photos, Zac, can you pull these photos up? This made my whole flipping month. Okay, pull them up. I'm so happy. Pull up these photos, people.

Lauren and I are close. And we didn't even know it. Let me show you why. Oh, girl, that's the that's the aloha top. Who is that gorgeous diva? 

Lauren LoGrasso: This gorgeous diva would be my mother, Joanne. I knew that was your mother. She is. Yeah, sporting your aloha top in front of our white Christmas tree. This is a Christmas tree in the family room.

Just so you know, we do have a green one in the living room. I know you were concerned. 

Kim Gravel: This tree is everything. Love this tree. Like, is this recently? 

Lauren LoGrasso: This is Kim. This is yesterday, by the way, I want you to know last night I'm preparing for the interview. So I interviewed Kim on my show this morning and then we did, you know, we're doing a podcast swap because we want to bring our people to each other because we think they deserve each other because they're wonderful humans.

And so my mom has first of all, never been more excited about. Anything I've done in my life than interviewing you and being interviewed by you. Like she was all in, she sent me 15 text messages. By the way, I didn't even tell you this. She sent me videos that she took on her phone of you on QVC. So I could watch you on QVC, like iPhone videos.

So I have about 17 videos of you from your most five, most recent QVC appearances. Um, and then. Six or seven photos of her in different tops, all in different poses, in different parts of the house. 

Kim Gravel: Oh my gosh. She did a modeling photo shoot.

Lauren LoGrasso: She did a photo shoot. Actually, she had her sister over, and her sister came Karen.

Zac Miller: She's got the pose. This is a, this is a model pose. 

Kim Gravel: She is gorgeous. No, but look at this woman.

Lauren LoGrasso: I taught her how to do this, the arm pose. 

Kim Gravel: Lauren, the hair, this woman's hair should, I want her hair. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I need you to know this was the second text that came out after it. She goes, The top is Belle by Kim Gravel, woven aloha poncho.

I also have her peak scalloped five inch shorts. I have her triple luxe, Pet denim, straight leg jeans. I have several of her maxi dresses in coral black leopard. I have multiples of all of them. And then just thousands of text messages. 

Kim Gravel: She's getting ready to get a, a. a big old box of Belle. Okay. So I need to get her address when we get off of this.

Lauren LoGrasso: Oh my gosh. She's going to be thrilled. Like that is the best gift ever. 

Kim Gravel: And her sister and her sister. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Oh my gosh. Karen too. This will be wonderful. 

Kim Gravel: Yeah, Karen too. 

Zac Miller: Lauren, I have a question for you. Yeah. Um, we've been doing a lot of. Phone calls on this show. Yeah. I think we could try to call your mom right now.

Lauren LoGrasso: Honestly, I would love that. Let me, let me get her on. Let me get Joanna. She's going to be like, hello, how'd it go? She's so excited. 

Kim Gravel: Oh my gosh. I love this so much. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Mom you're on with Kim Gravel. You're on with Kim Gravel and Zac. 

Lauren's Mom: Oh my gosh Is this, is this Kim and Zac? This is Kim Gravel and Zac?

Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. Yes, girl. What an honor. Oh my gosh. I am thrilled. Oh my gosh. That's so sweet. I can't believe you called me. Oh my gosh, Kim. I love you. I love you. I love you. You're amazing. You know that I taped all of your shows just for you? If I know I'm not going to be home, I take them and watch them later, not only to buy your clothes, but also just because I, you just so entertaining and you lift me up and you make me feel better and happy.

And honestly, you are just such a joy to watch. I'm going to let you talk. 

Kim Gravel: Okay. Let me just tell you, first of all, your daughter is. Phenomenal. Like, big things for this girl. I don't even know. You should be so proud. But can I just tell you what's more important? Your hair, lady. These pictures. You have the best hair.

Lauren's Mom: Oh, oh my gosh. I do. Well, you know. It's colored. I color it, you know. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Mom, I think we're all in that camp here. Maybe not Zac. 

Lauren's Mom: Kim, I think you look beautiful. Every time I see you, your hair looks great. You look beautiful. You're always picture perfect. 

Kim Gravel: And I look, uh, well that I mean i'm lucky Go ahead. I was gonna tell you, I'm lucky to have a bra on right now.

I'm lucky to have my bra on right now. So I will take whatever you can give me. Thank you. 

Lauren's Mom: You look beautiful all the time. And I thank you for the compliments for Lauren. You know, I, I thank God every day for letting me be her mom. You know, I, she is, you know, just, there's always been such a beautiful heart and soul.

And thank you so much for, you know, seeing her and recognizing, acknowledging that. And, um, I really, you know, I really appreciate that. Thank you so much. And she was so excited to, you know, to, you know, do your, you know, have you on her podcast today and vice versa. And I was so excited. I was jumping up and down when she told me.

Oh my God, 

Lauren LoGrasso: mom, I told Kim. I told Kim this might be the most excited you've been about anything I've done in my entire career. This is a big moment for you. 

Lauren's Mom: That is the truth. I mean, I think you are completely, completely amazing, Kim. 

Kim Gravel: Oh, well, the feeling is mutual. 

Lauren's Mom: And Zac, I hear wonderful, wonderful things about you as well.

Zac Miller: Oh, Can I, I mean, I want to ask a question now. Just change, change the subject a little bit. Um, we're, we're all amazing and we all know that. Yeah. We've got great taste. I would be charged with. Um, a crime if I didn't have someone's mother on the show and not ask them for an embarrassing story about our guest.

So can you, do you have anything like from Lauren's childhood that might embarrass her that we can, uh, talk about in the show? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Mom, don't worry. You're off the hook. I won't be mad at you, but just don't do anything gross. That's all I ask. 

Lauren's Mom: I don't know if this is embarrassing, but it was so cute when she was like three and a half years old and my cousin had a dance studio.

On stage, Lauren was sort of like, Doing it like her own way. And it was the cutest thing. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Well, I said that everybody else was like in tandem doing the dance moves. And then I was off on the other side of the stage doing my own interpretive 

Kim Gravel: as you should, as you should. That's perfect because she's still standing out like that.

I'm telling you this, this girl has got big things ahead of her, but now I know why, because I'm talking to her mother, who is a legend. I mean, you, I mean, she has good hair. You can talk girl. You know how to communicate. Okay. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I always say my mom is the true star of the family. We're just here to support her and maybe do a little few things in the meantime, but she's my cash cow.

I'm trying to be like the anti stage mom. I'm trying to be a stage daughter. I'm trying to see if I can make her a star and then ride her coattails.

Kim Gravel: You can, you can totally ride her coattails. And I'm going to tell you woman, I'm sending you a box full of bell. You and your sister is coming your way. Make sure I get your address before we hang up.

Lauren's Mom: Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? I love you. God bless you. I love your clothes so much Not only are they beautiful and they make me look younger, but you know what? They're so comfortable I love comfortable everything you do is is so amazing. And that's so Incredibly kind and generous. And 

Kim Gravel: When we get off, I'm going to try.

I got, I've got to get, you got to text, uh, Zac or me or somebody your size, your sister size, and I got to pack it up, baby. 

Lauren's Mom: That is so sweet. Well, you know, like I'm, I'm actually, I'm trying to lose weight, but I mean, you know, honestly, you're a couple of different sizes. And, um, they all like everything just fits and looks so beautiful.

I mean, you're amazing. You're completely like you're gorgeous 

Lauren LoGrasso: when you can make somebody feel good at any weight at any body size. That is so incredible. And I know that that's a blessing. That's what I said, mom. I'm like, you are not one to just like voluntarily pose for a photo. So I know the power of what Kim's clothes do for people.

It's not that they're just beautiful clothes. They are, but it's what you endow women with when they put them on. That is the true power of what you 

Kim Gravel: do. Well, y'all need to come back and be on y'all making me feel good 

Lauren's Mom: They make me feel so good. Thank you But you're so kind and you're so sweet and you lift me up and god bless you and I you know When I wear your clothes, I feel better about myself.

I feel more beautiful. I feel Younger. Younger. I feel like. Cool. , , . 

Kim Gravel: Oh my gosh. So, no, that's the be Did you hear that Lauren? We're cool. I'm cool. 

Lauren's Mom: You'll feel cool. 

Zac Miller: I just want to give your mom a round of applause. 

Lauren's Mom: oh. Oh, oh. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Oh, we love you, girl. Thank you. God, we, I love you. God bless you, Zac.

God bless you, Kim. Love you, mommy. Bye. Thank you. God bless you all. Love you. Thank you so much. Love you, baby. Bye. 

Kim Gravel: Bye. Okay. Your mom, right, is my new best friend. Lauren, I know where you get it from, girl.

Lauren LoGrasso: I mean, learn from the best. 

Kim Gravel: Truly. I don't know. We might have to hire her, Zac. We might have to hire her.

Lauren LoGrasso: I'm not kidding you. She would be a great brand ambassador for you because when she believes in something, as you can hear, she just can't stop. Like it's a limitless flood of, Oh my gosh, you need this in your life. And if you don't have this in your life, your life won't be that great because you need this in your life.

Zac Miller: She should be a QVC presenter. That sounds to me. 

Kim Gravel: Y'all I'm giving this. She is going to have two boxes of clothes and makeup and stuff. And it's on like Donkey Kong. Don't ever think. Things can't happen on flip on a dime. It's happening. All right, y'all, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we're going to play a game of Agree or Disagree with Lauren.

I mean, should we call your mom again too? Maybe so. Stay tuned.

Okay, Lauren, we do a little game at the end. I could talk to you forever, but you know. Your mom dropped Mike, it's over. I mean, there's nothing more to say. What can you do? Couldn't top that. Can't do anything. So we're just going to play a game. So this is agree or disagree. So I'm going to read a statement and you tell me if you agree or disagree.

Okay? Okay. Don't think about it, just whatever comes up, comes out. Um, I've already broke my New Year's resolutions. Agree. Okay. Dogs are better than cats. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Agree. 

Kim Gravel: Ooh, a little shade there. That was a quick, was a quick, that was not even no thinking. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I don't like that cats make you work for their affection.

Like, I would rather have somebody who just loves me as I am and doesn't make me have to prove myself. 

Kim Gravel: I don't have time for that either. I mean, seriously. Um, I own too many pairs of shoes. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Disagree. I actually need more shoes. I, I wear the same boots like every day. Okay. I at least need a couple different pairs of boots.

Kim Gravel: Do you wear those boots for comfort or because you just, it's lack of fashion and you don't have enough fashionable shoes? 

Lauren LoGrasso: It's for comfort. So I think I need more shoes that are comfortable and cute. I do have a lot of shoes, but they're not in the rotation very much. 

Kim Gravel: Should that be my next brand? I think that should be my next brand.

We'll call it the Lauren. Okay, here we go. Um, is it okay to wear socks with sandals? Agree or disagree? 

Lauren LoGrasso: I wish it was, but disagree. It's not. I love socks, so I really wish it was, but it's not. Disagree. It's not? 

Kim Gravel: My kids do it, though. The kids are doing it. I do it. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I know. I know. I used to do it when I was a kid, too.

I actually, like, have a lot of horrifying pictures of myself in Birkenstocks with sandals and capri pants. If you can envision that, like a little poor baby 10 year old Lauren, just capri pants, socks, and Birkenstocks. Got it. But because those images are singed into my head and I'm so horrified by them, I just can't get behind.

It's the socks with sandals thing. It's the trauma. It's trauma. It's a, it's a real trigger for me. 

Kim Gravel: Okay. I still consider Pluto a planet. Agree or disagree? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Agree. Totally agree. Agree. What is wrong? You can't just take a planet away. 

Kim Gravel: Thank you. Thank you, Lauren. Thank you. Who the heck said it was not a planet anymore?

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah. Yeah. That's horrifying. Like, I mean. You're gonna make that the headline? This is no longer a planet? I'm sorry. I grew up with Pluto. There are nine moving planets in our solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, tiny something, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, Neptune, tiny Pluto, and a galaxy of stars. Meet the planets.

You're gonna tell me we're gonna take out tiny Pluto from that? Absolutely not. 

Kim Gravel: What about, what about Uranus? Is Uranus still a planet? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Absolutely. It is. I, I think so. I haven't heard any breaking headlines on that. Did they say, 

Kim Gravel: I just wanted to say Uranus four times. That's all. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah. Uranus is a planet. 

Kim Gravel: I guess it tickles my kids with Uranus.

Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Uh, agree or disagree. This is a good one. There are aliens in the universe. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Agree. 100 percent agree. 

Kim Gravel: Do you? Okay. So my dad says there is, but I don't know. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Okay. Well, 

Kim Gravel: it's hard for me to get behind that. Not that I have to have proof or anything, but I'm just like, really? Where are they?

If they're so advanced, why can't we see them? Okay. Yeah. Go ahead. 

Zac Miller: I actually, I have an idea on this. Okay. Cause I was thinking about this a lot. Do you think God would waste that much space, kim? 

Kim Gravel: I don't know, but is space really space? Like, are we, are there like mini timeframes? I'm just saying, like, 

Lauren LoGrasso: A lot of people say that.

I don't know. I just think there's so much in the world. Yeah. I firmly believe that there are aliens. I, from a young age, like I was obsessed with E. T. when I was three. I would tell my mom, like, E. T. visited me in my closet. So I'm like, maybe he did. 

Kim Gravel: Maybe he did. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Maybe he was there. To me, it's an encouraging thought.

Like the fact that there could be these beings like millions of light years away who are, who are there and also wondering, do we exist? And to me, that thought is encouraging that like,

Kim Gravel: it's exciting. It's exciting for sure. 

Lauren LoGrasso: It gives me hope. Like what else could be true? That's exciting to me. So I, I choose to believe in aliens because it encourages my optimism.

Kim Gravel: Okay. That's our next podcast. I believe in aliens. Here we go. Agree or disagree. AI is going to destroy the world. Disagree. Me too. I love AI so much. Is that so bad for me to admit that Lauren? 

Lauren LoGrasso: No, I think it's actually smart. I think when we, when we look at. history. Every single technology that has ever come out has been said that it will destroy the same way we talk about how, oh, these kids these days.

Well, they were saying that about us too. So I think we have to learn to use it for good to, um, teach it as much as we need to teach it. Not so that it can outsmart us, but so that it can actually aid us to be more creative. Because actually, Kim, part of the reason why I started Unleash Your Inner Creative is because AI cannot replicate creativity.

It can't, it can't do creativity. It can only, um, learn human creativity and then like do a version of that, but it can't be creative. 

Kim Gravel: Can't be creative. So let's use it to our advantage. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah. That's how I feel. I don't think it's going to destroy us. 

Kim Gravel: Okay. Is TV better than movies? 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yes. Agree. 

Kim Gravel: Okay. Yeah. Okay. I think so. Because my attention span can handle a TV show. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Here's what I think. Listen, movies, great, whatever. I have a couple issues with movies. Number one, I think people who like movies can be a bit arrogant about it.

Like, Oh, did you see the most recent film? It's like, yeah, 

I did. Do you want to, sorry, Zac, do you want a gold star for that? 

And then the other thing is, I kind of feel like movie people actually don't know how to commit to a relationship because for me, if I commit to a TV show, I commit to eight seasons of that.

I'm in, I know how to do a long term relationship. I go through the curves. I'm willing to sit through the bad seasons. 

Kim Gravel: Cause you know, two seasons, second season is always crappy. Always crappy. You just gotta push through. Push through. Push through. That's what I've been doing for 27 years with Travis, so I totally get that.

There you go. That's why you get it. Uh, agree or disagree, going out is better than staying home. Ooh. 

Lauren LoGrasso: You know what? In the past I would have said, um, agree, but today, post pandemic, I would say disagree. 

Kim Gravel: Disagree. Completely. Yeah. I'm not trying to do all of that. Yes. Me too. 

Lauren LoGrasso: A lot of peace in being at home and like cultivating a space that feels good.

Kim Gravel: The best way being at home is in my bed because my bed, I've like got the perfect mattress. Like I have found the perfect mattress for me. I have a, a, a Christmas red furry duvet cover. I don't know why I'm telling you this, Lauren, but I feel like you will appreciate this. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Actually, I'm looking for a new comforter.

So this is very helpful information. 

Kim Gravel: This thing is insane. And then I have found just FYI for everybody listening, but especially for you, Lauren, they are these Milk chocolate covered almonds that has a peanut butter layer and some powdered sugar. Why did I just sit over a week and eat the whole thing?

You get them at Target. So don't tell me staying in is not better than going out. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Just saying. What club do they have those little almonds at? Tell me that. It's a target. It's a target. Target. Target's the only club. 

Kim Gravel: Yes. The Coney Club I need, honey. Yeah. That and the big red. Okay. Here we go. Take me out.

Agree or disagree. The number 13 is unlucky. 

Lauren LoGrasso: I'm going to go with my gut. Agree. 

Kim Gravel: Okay. That it's unlucky. Yeah. Okay. But you know what? What about seven? What about seven?

Lauren LoGrasso: Lucky. So lucky. 

Kim Gravel: So lucky. Seven is lucky. Okay. I think we agree on that. You and I agree. 13. No. Seven. Yes. Okay. Agree or disagree. Clowns are scary.

Let's go tell me a lot about who you are as a person. I know, right? I'm not trying to have no scary clown. 

Lauren LoGrasso: No, you know, scary clowns are actually my first memory because my first birthday party, my aunt Karen, who you're going to be sending the clothes to, and my cousin dressed up as a clown. And, um, I remember being terrified.

So it's like my first memory. So I can't get on board with clowns, unfortunately. 

Kim Gravel: Well, or, or the puppets. Puppets scare me too. Yeah. The little ventriloquist puppet. I don't like that either. 

Zac Miller: But your mom does puppets, Kim. Your mom does the puppet hour at the church. 

Kim Gravel: Exactly. Again, I experienced the trauma that Lauren experienced in her childhood.

Yes. The church puppet's going, Hey girl, you're going straight to hell if you don't. Yeah. Uh huh. That's it. I've experienced it. Yeah. If you don't turn from your wicked ways. Okay. Here we go. Agree or disagree. Sweet is better than salty. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Disagree. 

Kim Gravel: Really? Okay. You've lost me there. You're a salty. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah, I knew I would lose you there, but I had to stay true to myself.

Um, it used to be when I was, when I was a girl, when I was a girl, I liked sweet butter, but as I've grown, and I think that's due to like, I've trained, I trained myself to like brown rice. I trained myself to think that salty was better than sweet. I do now too, but actually it's harder for me to digest. So I've gone back to white.

So anyway, now, you know, my digestion, you really know me. 

Kim Gravel: This has affected my bowel movements. Okay. Agree or disagree? Being rich is better than being famous. Okay. Take a beat. Don't just pop off here. That's a big one. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah, I actually do agree with that because Well, 

Kim Gravel: I agree to know. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah, I think that, yeah, I think that I've thought about this a lot recently and I do agree with that because you like I've been thinking about it in regard to marketing, you know, like when you're an indie creator.

If you don't have the money to market, it's like, you know, screaming into a cave, like no one can hear you. So if, if you were rich and you were an indie creator, you could market yourself very effectively and therefore make yourself at least somewhat famous as long as your product is good. 

Kim Gravel: Agree. Agree.

Okay. Um, agree or disagree? I overuse emojis. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Agree. 

Kim Gravel: I agree too. I'm an emoji freakazoid. Okay. Agree or disagree? A hot dog is a sandwich. 

Disagree. I disagree. It's not a sandwich. Yeah. Yeah. There's no mayonnaise on that. There's no mayonnaise. And you don't put ketchup on sandwiches. You see what I'm saying?

Lauren LoGrasso: Totally agree. 

Kim Gravel: Final question.

Zac Miller: That's more controversial. That's more of a controversial statement than you know. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Am I going to get cancelled? 

Kim Gravel: You're not going to get cancelled because I, if people think a hot dog is a sandwich, we really need to have them on the pod and they need to clarify because there's just.

Lauren LoGrasso: Yeah. Yeah. If that's your hill to die on, go off.

Kim Gravel: I'm, I have mad respect. Agree or disagree. Final question. What is the next big creative thing for you? And there is no agree or disagree, it's just a final question. 

Lauren LoGrasso: Well, Kim, the thing that has been bringing me so much joy recently is I've been writing children's music .

Yes, I've been writing children's music and I'm going to be on a children's YouTube show. And I remember when I was in college and I was like setting to be an actor, I was like, Oh, I feel so bad for people who are on children's shows. They've probably like really don't like their life. What just, just to show you, you shouldn't get what you think you want when you're 22.

This is my favorite thing I've ever done in my life is writing children's music because number one, it's helped me heal my inner child. Number two, it's helped me heal my perfectionism because kids are so loving. They just don't care. They don't care. They want to connect. They want to have joy with you.

They want to feel something. And it's really helped me get back to the love of music because, you know, that was one of my original passions. I've been singing from the time I could talk and singing to that little girl. Inside of me and to my future child has been the most healing thing of my life writing music That's going to give kids tools to love themselves and trust themselves from a young age and treat other people Very well has just been Such a blessing, and I really can't wait to share that with the world.

Kim Gravel: I, I'm gonna leave you with this, Lauren. I believe the children are our future, Whitney Houston. Let's go. That's it. Let's go. Alright, let's do it. Okay, everybody. Lauren, thank you so much for being on the pod. Thank you, Zac. Lauren's podcast is called Unleash Your Inner Creative, and you can find her at her website laurenlograsso.com, or you can find her on social media at Lauren LoGrasso.

Okay, Zac Lauren, first of all, her mother. Let's just, we should have known Lauren was gonna be great when you listen to her mother. Come on. 

Zac Miller: We need more moms on the show. Like full stop. We need more moms on the show. It should be. It should be like the guest. And by the way, 

Kim Gravel: and mom, right? No, it was fantastic.

But Lauren is such a deep well, y'all need to go really check out her podcast. Uh, unleash your inner creative because I'm telling you she's a wealth of knowledge and such encourager, but you know, Zac and you're on it and she interviewed it and I'm on it, but there's something about. The creativity that lies within us that I think is that this year, this is going to be a creative year for a lot of people, don't you think?

Zac Miller: Oh, I really do. And I think her idea about creativity is so powerful, like it is the thing that you can build everything else off of. And that's so cool. 

Kim Gravel: Okay, well, look, go check Lauren out anywhere you could, her website, her social media, but also start leaning into your own creative because you are creative.

You're fearfully, wonderfully made one of a kind, and there is a creativity inside of you that is just waiting to be unleashed. Until next time, I'm Kim. I'm Zac, and we love you so much.

The Kim Gravel Show is produced and edited by Zac Miller at Uncommon Audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant, the Brunette Exec. Production help from Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative, and Mike Kligerman edits the show.

Talent booking by Central Talent Booking. And a special thanks to the team at QVC. Head over to kimgravelshow.com and sign up for our mailing list. Again, we can't do this without you. So thank you for listening and we love you.

Lauren LoGrasso

Singer / Songwriter / Podcast Host / Producer / Actress / Speaker

Lauren LoGrasso, hailed as one of the unsung heroes of podcasting by Podcast Magazine and listed among the top 10 inspiring women to follow by CEO Weekly, is a prominent figure in media and entertainment. A versatile creative powerhouse, Lauren excels as a podcast host, executive producer, singer/songwriter, SAG-AFTRA actor, and public speaker.

Her podcast, "Unleash Your Inner Creative," has garnered widespread acclaim, earning prestigious awards such as the Signal, W3, and Hermes Awards, along with being recognized as a Webby Award Honoree. The show has been featured in renowned publications like People Magazine and Business Insider. Notable guests on the podcast include luminaries such as Guy Raz (NPR), Julia Cameron (author of "The Artist’s Way"), Jim Kwik, and many others.