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June 26, 2024

Summer of Success: Carve Out Time For Joy

This week I’m breaking down how I carve out small moments of joy for myself in my crazy, hectic life

It’s week 4 of the Summer of Success Series on The Kim Gravel Show and this week I’m breaking down how I carve out small moments of joy for myself in my crazy, hectic life. 

We’re all so busy. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and never make time for yourself. I’ll show you what I do to identify and prioritize the small yet profound moments, routines and objects that bring me joy throughout my day. These are the things that help keep me grounded, focused, and feeling motivated. This is a short but powerful episode that can have a huge impact on your wellbeing if you let it. So tune in to the Summer of Success and let’s start carving out time for joy every day. 


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*This transcript was auto-generated*


This is The Kim Gravel Show.



I brought some things in today that bring me joy. Can I show you? I don't know why. Do not judge me. This right here brings me such happiness and joy. This is my happy place. I mean, my serotonin goes, Phew. I mean, I'm so excited. And you say, Kim, you are crazy.



I am, but it brings me joy. So am I. Hey, y'all. Kim gravel here. It's The Kim Gravel Show, and we are in our summer of success series. We're gonna take these weeks here in the summer, and we are going to show you how to really discover new successes in your life and how to really level up the success in your life. This series is packed with advice and fun stories and actionable steps that you can take right now that will help you change your life for the better. And I don't know about you, but I don't care if you're 16 or.



Or if you're 65. We all want a little bit better life and a little bit more successful life, whatever that means to you, because success is really individual. Right, Zac? I mean, it's like DNA. Yep. It means different things to different people, right?



Yeah. It's different for everybody. So what?



These principles work. They work for everybody regardless, okay. Of what you think success is or how. Well, how you success.



You're not telling us how to live. You're not telling us what to do, like, how to be. You're just saying, like, hey, here's. Here's the structure.



This week. This week is going to be really, really simple and sweet and short.






I've been, like, watching the news, which I try really hard not to. I've been just, like, looking. Well, you know, I have to say, you know, whatever. And then, like, I had a friend who passed away, and then I had.



I'm sorry.



Yeah, of course, you know, people struggling financially. I'm here, like, I'm just aware that the world tries to rob you of every little bit of happiness and joy, or it seems to try to rob you of every little bit of happiness and joy that you could possibly have. And, you know, I always say that the love and the joy is in the details. So today I want to talk to you about how you can make and carve out some space for the things you love and for the things that make you happy. It's so important. That is such a primal, instinctual, organic thing that makes you successful. You have to have moments of happiness and joy in your life. And honestly, in today's world, you have to make time for it, you have to carve out those moments and be intentional about doing things and experiencing things that make you happy.



Would you agree with that?



Yeah, I do. And I also agree that it's hard.



Why do you think it's hard? Let's define why it's hard really quick. Just get that off the table now.



Well, for me, I know that I get really sort of in my own, like, world and in my own to do list and in my own sort of nitty gritty. Yeah. And, like, with kids, and you're putting your kids before you, and it's like, before you know it, you kind of forget even sort of who you are and what you need. I find that happening. That's sort of where I'm at in my life.



Well, I don't think we're conditioned to chase joy. I don't think we're taught. I mean, I think we, as kids, it comes natural. And then, like I said, the world robs you of that freedom of happiness and being able to be happy. And sometimes. I don't know about you, Zac, but I've talked to a lot of people. A lot of women in particular, and including myself, have felt like this. If I do feel joy or happiness, I'm like, well, the bottom's gonna fall out.



I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, or I even feel guilty.



Yeah, you can't just, like, be in the. You're talking about being in the moment, it sounds like. Is that right?



Well, just enjoying my life. Like, just enjoying the things that I enjoy and I like and that bring me joy. And I will tell you, I have learned. And maybe it's getting older, and maybe it's watching my children grow. And I will tell you, being married to Travis, he really does this very well. He really prioritizes his happiness, and he also is intentional about doing things and experiencing things that bring him joy. And it can be the littlest of things. And I brought some things in today that bring me joy, and I wanted to show you.



Can I show you?



Yeah. I'm hoping it's like a tiny cactus. Like you probably.



I'm just saying. No, they're silly. Some of them are silly. And so it doesn't have to be like, I'm going to Italy. Like, it doesn't have to be like. Cause that's not sustainable or realistic. Listen, if you're going to Italy, make sure you bring me back some bohair bow tie pasta. Cause I love it.



But I'm just saying, those are great moments. And those are monumental bucket list moments I'm talking about. And I'm gonna challenge you at the end of this episode, what you can do to and how you can do that. But I'm talking about how you prioritize joy in your life. Oh. I have learned to keep it simple. Stupid. The kiss method.



Okay? I learned that really young from my dad. My dad is like, look, girl, first of all, you don't need to be worried about what everybody thinks about you. Cause they ain't thinking about you no way. And two, the only person, the only. The only way you're gonna be happy is with the lord, your faith, and what you bring to yourself and how you live your life and make time for joy. Okay?



Yep, yep.



So the other day, I was sitting, and I had my sunglasses, and I love me a good pair of shades. I probably have, like, a hundred pairs of shades, and they're all cheap. I mean, dollar general, all right? I bought a million pairs at QVC, purvey, revone. I mean, I can't tell you. I have, like. I mean, at least 100 pairs of shades.



That's amazing.



And I always. And I never put them in a case, okay? They're always sporadically everywhere. I mean, I could probably reach down my dress, and there's probably a pear stash somewhere here. So every time I would put on my glasses, I would think I was having vision problems because it looks like it's blurry, and it's blurry because I can't hardly see through these bad boys. Cause they're filthy. So I was in the store one day, and I found these. Okay, okay. Now you're going to laugh at me, but this brings me so much joy.



It brings me so much happiness. To the point when I have them. Like, I have them all over my life. Everywhere I am. My purse is probably 300 pounds because of these. But every time I open this package and y'all.



And this is a cleaner, like, so tell. Tell the audience.



Let me tell you why I love it. I'm gonna tell you why I love it. I love it so much. It's a little cleaner. Like wet wipe, okay? But it's. It's this particular brand. And you open the wet wipe, and it smells like. It's like.



It smells so clean. And then I take this wet wipe that is so perfectly moist, okay, it's not too wet, not too dry. And then I just clean off my lenses. And, y'all, I do it probably 14 times a day. And it's like, taking a little, like, chocolate break for me. It brings me, I don't know why. Do not judge me. This right here brings me such happiness and joy the words cannot express.



You say, Kim, that's ridiculous. No, I get it. Okay?



I get it.



Do you get it?



I totally. No, I totally get it. I totally get it. I have, I'm trying to think in my life. Something like that. That just, that's minutiae, right? That's like the silliest little thing. And you're just like, just ridiculous. Well, I have something in my hand right now.



You know, when we record.



Show me.



The audience does not know this. This is behind the scenes moment here, everybody. I hold this little stone that my, when she was five, my five year old, who's now about to turn seven, gave to me. And it's like you can't really tell. It has a little indent. So I can take my thumb and just rub it like this.



It brings you joy.



And I just hold it and I just have something to do with my hands. It's off camera and it centers me.



I love this, I'm telling you. But it brings you joy. I mean, it's just, I'm telling you. And it's to the point where when I get it out, my serotonin goes, I mean, I'm so excited. And you say, kim, you are crazy. I am. But it brings me joy. So am I or am I happy?



You know, I have a clothing line, I have a beauty line, I have a home line. I'm busy. Okay. So it's not always, you know, sunshines and rainbows. A lot of times it's like, him. We need you to do so. And so we got a problem. Something.



I mean, it's always something, but like, this is what we call a Pantone book. Now, I carry my pantone, but it's to the point. Like, it's torn. Like it used to have a little snap and crackle.



Is that colors? Is that what it is?



Oh, my God. Oh, my God, my God, my God, my God, my God. I'm just going to show you. So every color, like, in the world is in this book, okay? So, like, whenever I'm designing something, whether it be a quilt for the new collection or a top or whatever, when I open this book, pantones, and I see this color and I can choose any color I want for the top that you're probably wearing right now. This frame, this is my happy place. Like 13 206-2005 TCX. That's the color. That's the pink color.



That's the. That's the blush color we use. And, like, I can take this and match it. Like, it's just. I carry this book everywhere with me.



That's so cool.



It's worn out. In fact, like, I was gonna get the bigger one, you know what I'm saying? With bigger swatches. Amy's like, Kim, I can't read that. It's 1714. You know, it's so small. Writing. Yeah, but it's not portable, so I just. I want to be able to carry.



This brings me joy. This brings me joy. And you say, oh, God, it's not your kids pictures. No, it's not. Not right now. Not today. Not today. They're a little old.



They're, you know, they're like, in their awkward phases. Maybe for that.



I had one more thing to.



What is it?



This is just a small thing, too. I'm in love with trident bubble gump. Like, I keep this all the time, and I keep it for myself, and I only chew it with myself in my car by myself because I have mesa. What is it called? Mesotheliomi.



Whatever it is, the sound. You hate the chewing sound.



I don't allow anybody to chew anything around me. Chew gum like my mom, my sisters, my friend. So they don't even know this, but I never. I always have this. This. This brand, this flavor.



Tried it. Reach out to us.



We'll deal with it in my pocketbook at all times. And I feel like I'm. I feel like I'm cheating on my family and my friends when I put it in. Cause I pop that gum as loud as I can. Brings me joy. So this is what I mean to.



Say to you, okay?



You've got to. You've got to make space for what brings you joy and gives you happiness. I don't know what you're dealing with right now. If you're like me, you're trying to balance a family and a career and maybe a health issue or maybe, you know, a financial strain or, you know, times are tough right now. Groceries are a lot, and gas is high. Maybe it's, you know, a health issue. Maybe you've been diagnosed with something that, you know, scaring you to death. You gotta make time for.



You gotta carve out times for joy. And so you say, kim, how do I do that? Here's your homework. This week, you have to three times in this seven day period, be intentional and schedule something that you look forward to. Every morning when I get to my desk, I have my readers, I have a pack of this. I open it up, and I look forward to cleaning my glasses. To get ready for my day. I want you to schedule three things this week on three separate days of something that you look forward to. It could be, I'm going to get a coke.



Icy at the quick trip.



There you go.



That's exactly what I'm gonna do when I leave here. So I'm scheduling my time to credit.



Like, that is such an incredible bomb.



No, but if you mix cherry with the coke. Stop.



I can't. No cherry coke. I see.



Cherry coke. Ice. Because you have to make your own.



That's mind blowing. That's next level. I've never tried that. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go to 711 and just do it right now.



Maybe it's like going in, going to the library. Oh, God. I used to love to do this when my kids were little. I would drop them off at mothers morning. I would go to the library in complete silence and read, like, people magazine or, like, the Enquirer or whatever they had. That was just gossip for days. Whatever it is, I want you to schedule and carve out time intentionally for something that brings you joy. Three times this week, and I call it this.



Schedule yourself something you look forward to.






And it doesn't have to be big. In fact, don't make it big. Make it. The smaller, the better.



Something for me, I will say is, like, I love being really into a tv show. Like, if, like, give me a Game of Thrones, you know, put me in the middle of that. Like, I was thinking to myself, oh, maybe I'll rewatch Game of Thrones because I just enjoyed being in it. Looking forward to those new episodes coming out so much. You know what I mean? And so maybe that's what I'm gonna do. Maybe that's.



Yeah, it doesn't matter. I just want people to really make space for joy. We don't. We don't intentionally do that. We make time for our children. We make time for work. We make time for even working out. We prioritize our service towards other people.



Maybe some of you are coaches. Some of you are taking care of your grandkids, what we always are giving ourselves, and maybe possibly providing joy for other people. But this week, three times, I want you to schedule yourself something to look forward to.



Yeah. Putting the intention behind it is a big part of it.



It sounds like that's it. And I'm going to go, you, like, wipe off my glasses, like, four more times a day. And I know you think that's crazy, but I do. I just. When I do it, I'm just like, oh, my God, I'm so happy. I love it so much. Uh huh.



Yeah. But try to get kim to clean the lens of the camera.



Okay. Thank you, y'all. We'll be back next week for our final wrap up season of summer of success. That was terrible. So true, though.



Bye, Kim.



I love it. So true. Love, y'all. Excellent.



Okay, get it going. Get it going. All right, so the red, jessica. Awesome. My red lights on, too? The red light is on. Until next time. Thanks, for subscribing to the. I was gonna say voicemail.



I'm just a mess today. Thanks for subscribing to whatever. You know, keep doing stuff. Bless my heart.



Bless your heart. 



The Kim Gravel Show is produced and edited by Zac Miller at Uncommon audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant from the Brunette Exec. Production help from Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative. Our show is edited by Mike Kligerman. Our guest intros are performed by Roxy Reese. Our guest booking is done by Central Talent booking, and I want to give a special thank you to the entire team at QVC, and thanks to you for making this community so strong. Listen, tell somebody about the show and leave us a five star review. And make sure you're following The Kim Gravel Show on your podcast app so we can keep growing this love who you are message together. I can't do this without you.