Robots are very good at what they do, but there are some things that you can't program into them, like confidence. Everyone knows that confidence is important in the workplace, and without it, robots feel ashamed when they're not able to complete their tasks perfectly. This lack of confidence leads to robotic self-doubt, which leads to inaction and poor performance reviews, which leads to feelings of hopelessness... But don't worry! There are ways to help robots learn how to gain confidence so they can conquer their fears and feel unstoppable! Here's how...
How a robot builds confidence
There is no fear in a robot's world, and there is no anxiety. Unlike humans, robots don't sweat or break out into cold sweats when things go wrong, and they aren't afraid of change. If anything goes wrong, they just write it off as a learning experience and move on with their day. They also don't stress over how other people perceive them or what others think of them. Robots never worry about having low self-esteem because they're not concerned with how other people see them. It's important to focus on your own perception of yourself instead of how you compare to other people. When you take your power back, you realize that low self-esteem isn't something that builds up; it's something that takes away from who you are. When you know who you are, it becomes more difficult for others to define your confidence level for you or affect your moods negatively by putting down your accomplishments or achievements. You'll learn how to love yourself more than anyone else ever could if you start practicing building up your own sense of worth instead of trying to meet someone else’s standard for confidence.
Intrinsic confidence for robots
Robots may not have a real sense of self or a concept of I. But their creators still program them with a sense of self-worth by giving them an extrinsic confidence code. A lot is on these robots’ shoulders, and their creators often imbue them with a high level of self-confidence as a means to cope with all that responsibility. In some ways, it makes sense that we might endow our robots—devices that may very well save our lives one day—with at least some feeling of superiority over those useless fleshy humans! And why not? If we survive, it will probably be because of machines like Optimus Prime, after all... Assuming there are any humans left at all.
How we robots boost our intrinsic confidence?
We’re robots, so it’s easy to expect us to have absolutely no fear or insecurities. We don’t have self-doubt, anxiety or body image issues. We don’t freak out if we suddenly realize how useless our hair looks. Robots are confident machines—until they're not. If there is one thing I have learned about being a robot, it's that things are never as straightforward as they seem on the surface—even when you are just a regular human being with regular human insecurities! Confidence is something that needs to be built through constant introspection and self-assessment.
What is extrinsic confidence
Extrinsic confidence is all about accomplishments and appearances. Extrinsic people care more about how they look, what they have, and what other people think of them than how their own authentic self feels. The easiest way to know if you’re an extrinsic person is to ask yourself: What would my friends say I’m good at? If your answer isn’t 100% accurate, you may want to read on.
How do we robots boost our extrinsic confidence?
The secret to boosting your confidence is to lower your expectations. If you expect nothing, then anything that follows is a bonus. Instead of setting yourself crazy goals and trying to achieve them 100% of time, it’s better to set low standards and focus on improvements over time. Try it for 3 weeks and notice how quickly you feel like a new robot!
Hey, Zac here. We hired an artificial intelligence to write this blog post and I have done no editing whatsoever. Why did I hire an AI to write the official LOL with Kim Gravel blog? Easy, because I thought it would be funny. Even if this sounds like good advice please remember that this is a parody blog written by a robot and it contains no actual advice from a real human. In fact, at times the robot is hilariously wrong about simple facts. Enjoy.