Looking for some top beauty advice? Look no further than Renee Dries, a.k.a. Kim’s “Botox Whisperer.” Renee is a cosmetic beauty expert who has been in the industry for over 20 years. She knows all the tricks of the trade – from how to achieve a natural look, to avoiding common Botox mistakes. Her approach is both scientifically and artistically minded, making her clients feel beautiful and confident without going overboard.
If you are considering facial injections, it is important to do your research and choose the right medical practitioner. Experienced injector Renee Dries shares her tips on what to consider before making your decision. She also offers budget-friendly home beauty tips for those who want to maintain their appearance without breaking the bank.
3 Things to Consider Before Getting Cosmetic Injections
- Find an accredited Medical Practitioner: When considering facial injections, it is important to go to an accredited medical practitioner. It is a medical procedure after all. They will know how to avoid potential harmful interactions, understand toxins, and know how muscles work in the face.
- Quiz Your Injector: Ask your medical practitioner how they would apply their injections into your face. You don’t want to over treat your face with injectables, so it’s important to understand how each muscle works throughout the face and then to apply as needed. No one wants a droopy eyebrow.
- Have a Consultation: A facial injection consultation is a fantastic way to see how your injector will work with you. There’s no need to jump in the chair for your injections. Meet your credited injector beforehand to get to know and trust them.
If you don't have the budget for cosmetic injections, don't worry! Renee's got your back with at home beauty hacks to maintain clean and healthy skin at any budget.
4 At Home Beauty Hacks That Won't Break the Bank
- Dial Soap: Dial soap is great for treating acne. Acne is the result of oil overproduction. Dial soap helps kill germs and bacteria that the acne is causing. Remember to use sparingly, and primarily on the infected area.
- Coconut Oil: Use coconut oil as a gentle and hydrating way to remove eye makeup. It’s nourishing. Remember to only use around the eyes, as access oil on the face can lead to breakouts.
- Sleep: Sleep is the cheapest at home beauty hack out there. Getting your beauty sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy complexion. Sleep deprivation can lead to facial puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and premature wrinkles. So, get your eight hours of shut eye every night to wake up looking refreshed and youthful!
- Water: Drinking water to help keep your body hydrated. Your body is mostly water after all. When your body is hydrated, it will show on the outside. Dehydration can lead to dark circles under the eyes and a dry complexion. Drink water throughout the day to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant!
Keep in mind that beauty is only skin deep. External beauty may fade over time, but inner beauty will always shine through. Inner beauty comes from a place of self-love and acceptance. If you can't love yourself, it will be hard for others to do so too. So start by accepting your flaws and working on making them better. Once you have started to love yourself, the rest will fall into place.
If you want to learn more about Botox injections and other anti-aging cosmetic procedures, be sure to listen to her episode on LOL with Kim Gravel. You won’t regret it!