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June 19, 2024

Summer of Success: How Kim Reaches Her Goals 7x Faster

Have you ever felt stuck because you're hesitating to make a decision? If that’s you then this is an episode of The Kim Gravel Show you can’t afford to miss.

It’s week 3 of the summer of success and I’m sharing my secret for moving toward your goals 7X faster. It’s not complicated, but it can be very hard to do. So this week I'm breaking down the barriers, and deep diving into the art of decision-making, and how it can turbocharge your success. 

I’m here to remind you that your time and attention has more value than you think. Time is money y’all. You can tell me that’s a cliché, but it’s also completely true. The time you spend not taking action has a huge cost. Making even the small decisions toward your goals every day can fast-track your success, and lead to unbelievable results. 

Most of us over estimate how much we can do in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in a year. Your small actions will grow. I want you to take one small or medium size action every day for the next seven days. Once you make those decisions you've been avoiding then you will see your life transform! Taking action is the key to success even if the action you take isn’t perfect. You can do it, and we can do it together so don't miss this episode of The Kim Gravel Show. 


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*This transcript was auto-generated*


You have a decision to make if you want to fast track the success of your life. Most of the time, how you get rich is how you spend your time. It's that mental torture. You're beating yourself up, you're downing yourself. And honestly, it is simple as that. One a day for seven days. I'm talking to a young mother out there wanting to start a small business, and she's planned and planned instead of making the decision.



If you want to move through your life in a more successful way, you've got to decide to do it and take action. Hey, y'all. You know it's going to be a good episode. When I remembered to hit record. Oh, yeah. Remember to hit record. It is the summer of success series, y'all. And these episodes are designed to, like, help you this summer discover some new success in your life.



I mean, who doesn't want to be successful? Who doesn't want to live a better life, more productive, more focused, and a life designed for just you? And this series is packed with advice, fun stories, and actionable steps. That's the key couple of words in this summer series is I want to give you actionable steps that can take you places that you've never been right now. Okay? This can help you change your life for the better. And it doesn't matter what season of life you're in. I don't care if you're, you know, 1618 if you're 83. I mean, we all want a little bit more success out of our lives. So join me in this summer series. This is week three.



Okay? And this week we are going to be talking about a way that you can fast track success in your life.



Ooh, I like the sound of that. Kim.



Yeah. Do you know what I'm saying?



I have no idea what you're saying, because this series, Kim, you take the lead, baby. Like, this is. I'm in the backseat. I am just a passenger on this train.



You are riding sidecar on this. And you are like the Batman to my Robin. No, I'm the Batman to your Robin. You're the Robin and my Batman. Whatever.



There you go. There you go.



We're partners in crime here, and I just want to say, like, or in hero status? I don't know. I'm going in a wrong way. We're going to go back. We're going back. So I'm just going to. We're going to talk about how to move through your life with more success. The reason I decided to do that this week is because, you know, I always pull from my own personal experience, and I love it because a lot of times, this is what I'm talking to you about today. We just go through life, and things are just happening, and we never stop to, a, smell the roses or b, realize what's really going on.



You know what I mean?



Have you ever, like, learned the lessons that.



Yeah, but, like. But I mean, have you got. Have you just been going through life sometimes and just that you don't even know, like, what. What? Yeah, what. What just happened?






Okay. You know what I mean? And I. You know, I mentor a lot of young people, and I've mentored many girls in pageants and in their career aspirations, and they're normally between, you know, 14 to 16. You know, it's always, you know, different ages, but about that. Or 14 to now, like, 21, 22. Cause all of my girls are growing up, but I recently took on two young men. I've never done that. I've never mentored a dude.






Aha. Right. And it's quite different.



Are these two young men named Blanton and Beau?



Are you crazy? No. You think they're gonna let me mentor them? They don't even, like, they don't even flush the toilet when I tell them to, much less let me mentor them for new listeners.



Those are Kim's kids. Yeah. You know, kids.



They think I'm the dumbest person on the planet. What are you talking about? Like, I never just go and say, I'm gonna mentor you. It's always people that come to me, you know, it's always people that seek me out. So one young man has just graduated, and the other one is 26, and they both are trying to find what they're supposed to do for the rest of their life. You know, that big question that I'm continually asking myself, even if the one.



That I'm still working on, like, in.



My late thirties, definitely, that never really gets answered, right? It's never really a I'm supposed to do period, you know, blank period. So I was just. I was talking to one of them last night. Well, they don't talk. They text back and forth, and then they do stuff to TikTok. So I'm like, I have to be so, like, savvy, which I'm not, but, like, I dmed you on TikTok. I dm'd you on Snapchat. I'm like, what in the.



So I'm going. I said, y'all need to just go to one location and send me the correspondence. I can't do all of that, but maybe they need to mentor me on all of that, but I actually want to pull it. I want to pull up the correspondence. If I may. Do we have a minute? Oh, yeah.



Let's do it.



I've got the more method to my magazine.



The more texts you read on the show, kim, the better it is.



I just. I'm cracking myself up. Okay, so this is the text correspondent. So, like. And I'm sending him all of this stuff he needs to do. Right. I'm just giving him so much that.



Looks like TikTok videos. Are those tiktoks?



It does, because what I say, anytime I say something, I have to always back it up with something, because, like, people just sometimes don't, a, want to hear the truth, and not for me. I don't take it personal. They just don't want to hear the truth. Or b, they don't believe the truth.






Or c, as you know. What was his name? Who said in the movie, you can't handle the truth? I can't remember. What is his name? What's that actor's name? Jackie handle the truth? Jack Nicholson.






I love that line. You can't handle truth. Few good men. So that's what I'm trying to mentor here, is a few good men. Okay. So I said, look, here's a couple things. I want you to take an online class. I want you to take a modeling.



I mean, an acting class. And he said, I also want to start. That's what I told him. I want to take a model class at class. He said, I also want to start posting daily fitness related videos soon. Might need to switch my gym membership somewhere where I can record. Okay, do it. That's what I said.



Yeah, right.



And then he said, okay, well, maybe the next day I'll do that. Mm hmm. I said, okay, but just do it. Tomorrow is better. Gotcha. Thursday it is.






Should I really do it on Thursday or. Thursday's a good day to post. Here I go. I'm not done going there.



This is all him. So this. He's texting you all of this.



My response is, just do it.



You know, I like that you are. He thinks that you know the best day to post.



Okay, Zac, this is not a tag cam on summer of success. This is I'm talking to you about how I'm mentoring somebody, so stay with me. I said, I gave him a book suggestion. He says, oh, I think I've heard that. Nothing. Crickets. I'm sending him more little videos to support what I'm saying. So should I step back from the whole modeling thing now, or is this just something I should not do right now? You can do it all.



Just do it. Gotcha. His response, I actually started really thinking about it, but do I need to take another year or two to really get it my social media down? Nope. Just do it. How often should I do it? Every day. Okay. So this goes on and on and on and on he goes. And you know what? I think I'm going to stop using the word nervous because it feels like it's a negative intent behind it.



I'm going to start using the word excited. I'm excited about this. Then do it as a respondent. So I'm saying all that to say, if you want to move through your life in a more successful way, not only do you have to do it, but you've got to decide to do it and take action. There is something right now that you keep putting off making a decision on. Now hear me out. Your life will move at a seven times faster rate if you make faster decisions. Most people put off making decisions minimum of seven days.



It's a seven day workweek. It's a seven day week. That's how we measure time. A week is seven days. And most people. Now, this is a gentleman who, I've told him to do something on Sunday, the beginning of the week. It is now Thursday. He's not made the decision to follow my mentor advice and do what I ask him to do.



He has given me every reason he's given me. Oh, he wants to use different verbiage. He wants to go work out at a different location so he can do it every single. And I'm not gonna say excuse. I'm gonna say the lack of attention to making a decision. And we are on how many? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. It's the fifth day. Bet you ten to one Saturday.



The decision has not been made to move forward with the advice I've given him. Does he not trust me? No, that's not it. Does he not believe what I'm saying? I don't know how it can, because I've sent him 1400 videos of saying what I'm, what I'm backing up what I'm saying by other people who are clearly more smarter, more educated, and even more successful than I am. Okay, so I want to talk to you about two things right now, because you have a choice to making a decision to make if you want to fast track the success of your life. I don't care what age you are. I don't care where you live. I do not care how old you are. I don't care what your socioeconomic status is, what is stopping people from being.



Living their best life and outside of, like, your faith and all of that. So, y'all please don't write me about that. I'm talking about, like, actionable things that can really level up your success and make it move faster in your life is the lack of making decisions, period. Now, at the end of this, I'm going to tell you how to practically do that, and I want to challenge you to see if that works. But speed is very important when it comes to making decisions. I'm gonna say that again, speed is very important in making decisions. So, you know how they always say, Zac, time is money, right?






Okay. What do you think people are saying when they're saying time is money? Tell me your take on that, because I think it's a thousand percent true. But I know that entrepreneurially. I know that because I'm getting older by the day. But tell me, for you, what do you think that means? And don't laugh at me. Death is not funny.



I wasn't laughing at that. But now that you said that, now I am. Okay. You know, I think that most of us trade our time for money. In other words, like, we work a job, we get paid hourly. I make $20 an hour or whatever it is, and time literally is money at that point. But time's also our most valuable resource. Right?






You know, to me, I think, like.



What do you mean, like that? That's your biggest commodity. Tell me. Explain that in layman's terms to everybody listening. Now, what you mean by that? Because I totally agree with you on that.



So, yeah, the hardest thing for me about running my own business, right, because I have my own production company, the same way you have your own business, is that I could be doing any number of things at any given time, right? Like, no, I don't have a boss telling me, do this, do that. And I realized really quickly that if I let myself just start doing the small stuff, the stuff I don't really have to do, the stuff that I'm procrastinating by doing, it's like, I'll clean my whole house to put off doing whatever thing I really need to be doing. You know what I mean?



But how is time money?



Because it is. I think saying time is money is just reminding us how valuable it is, because we all know money is really valuable, but we don't really think about our time being the most valuable thing that we have. You can't get more time. And the thing about it is, even if you're rich and I'm not, you have the same amount of time, you still have 24 hours in a day. Right? Can't wait.



And how you get raised. Yeah, most of the time, how you get rich is how you spend your time.



Right? Yeah.



And I think statistically proven, by the way, statistically proven is how people spend their time and who they spend their time with really determines the outcome of their financial wealth.



Wait, what do you mean by who they are with?



Well, that's a whole nother time. They got two. Okay, don't get crazy. Don't get crazy. Right now. We're on time. So when you're. Everything you're saying is true, time is money.



Because, a, we do not have unlimited resources with time, it does run out for all of us. That is a fact. That's a truth. And two, it is the most valuable thing we have, and it really levels and evens the playing ground, playing field when it comes to success, because time is what we all start with. That's a resource that we all have access to. So if time is money, then the attention we pay to things costs. So if time.



Okay, paying attention, you're literally paying attention.



That's deep. Think about what I'm saying, y'all cause this, but I'm gonna call my little Minty after we get off of this podcast, and I'm gonna tell him. Time. If time is money, what you're paying attention to, meaning what you're stressing about, what you are putting off, what you are, anxiety, all of that. Because I know for a fact that the lack of making good decisions and paying attention to making good decisions will give you anxiety. You will worry about making the decision instead of just making it. And I know that because I've lived it. So I don't need no scientists to tell me Jack crap, because I know I've lived it.



I did it with my weight loss for a decade, so I know. Okay, attention and what you pay attention to costs. If time is money, what you're giving your attention and time to cost you something.






It costs you to do nothing. It costs. It cost you to do something. Just the consequences. The dividends and the ROI. Rate of return. ROI. Rate of investment.



No, ro r. Rate of return on investment. God, whatever I'm trying to say.



Return on investment.



Return on investment. It costs you're paying. Whether you're getting anything out of it or not, right? So when you don't make a decision on Sunday, when I send you what you should do and you wait until Saturday to still talk about everything that you're gonna do instead of making the decision to do it, that has cost you time. That has cost you money. Because if time is money, that has cost you money.






That is not success.



So what is success then, Kim? Like, how do you, how do you make decisions then?



Whatever. Whatever. Okay, I'm talking to a young, a young mother out there who is wanting to start a small business and she's planned and planned and talked about it and planned it, planned it, planned it. And I'm gonna plan it. I'm gonna get my house clean. I wanna get my house organized. I'm gonna be able to do this. And you've danced around it.



Instead of making the decision, you're paying attention to things that you have to do to make the decision to do what you gotta do. Once you learn how to discipline yourself in making decisions and paying attention to the decisions that you're making, your rate of investment and rate of return is going to be astronomical. And it's gonna happen fast.



Told my son this recently, this is my youngest son who's going to a tennis academy instead of a traditional school. You know, when I was back in the day, I begged my mother and father. I got accepted into the performing arts school in Sandy Springs. Okay? Okay.



Oh, yeah, I got accepted. I don't know how it's on my personality, I guess. Anyway, so I begged them to let me go. I begged. My mom goes, if you think I'm gonna hog your tail all the way to Sandy Springs so that you can tap dance and sing, and, you know, that is ridiculous. When you can drive, you can go yourself. So I didn't get the opportunity, and I'm not really downplaying my parents. Sorry, mom.



Sorry. Dad didn't mean throw you under the bus. But, like, for Blanton, he came and said, I wanna go to a tennis academy. I wanna go to school part time and then go, you know, get my degree, get my high school diploma, and then I wanna go play, you know, tennis. He's got a goal of playing college tennis.



He's on track to go, like, pro tennis. It sounds like potentially.



Okay, not on track. He's trying to play college tennis. Okay. I'm not a pie in the sky person either. Okay, Zac, you know, I'm a realist. He's got the opportunity, if he makes the decision to work hard and really work smart, to have a. A career in tennis, if he'd like. Cause Travis had one.



He played probably.






So. And he's got talent. He's got talent. Let's see. How bad do you want it? Okay. It is up to him how he. What he pays attention to is how successful he will be.






So. And I say all that to say because, you know, I got him up at 07:00 and I don't have to get him up at 07:00 because his titties academy doesn't start till 09:00. But I said, you got to get up at seven. Why have I got to get up at seven? Because you have to get your mind right before you get with these high competitors. These kids are playing tournaments. These kids have played way more than he has, way younger than he has. You got a lot of catching up to do. And so, day one, he was like, I don't.



And I said, what's your decision? So he slept till, like, 830. When he got home, he was like, oh, my God, mom, I'm not in shape at all. I'm not conditioned at all. This is nothing like where I went to school before. I'm like, right, so what you gonna do with it? So last night, he was out there hitting a tennis ball up against the brick wall in my garage, making my new paint jobs, getting screwed up because he's trying to catch up. Will he catch up? Absolutely, he will.






But laying in bed has cost him. What has your lack of decision making cost you? I know what it's cost my son. I know what it cost this young man that I'm mentoring right now. It's cost him a full week of getting started with his successful life. Attention, cost, time is money. And we choose between procrastination and possibility. That's your decision today. You either choose procrastination or you choose possibility.



That decision's on you.






How many decisions do you think we make a day? We decide where to eat, how to eat, what to eat, who to talk to, how to text, how much screen time.



I looked this up at one point. It's like thousands. Thousands and thousands of decisions every day. Yeah.



Now, how many big decisions or medium sized decisions do you think we have to make that affect our life? Clearly, if I eat a dairy queen blizzard, that's gonna affect me, you know, a while later. You know what I'm saying? Especially if I don't change that behavior. But, like, mid tier decisions, like buying a car, taking a job. Mid tier decision.



That's a mid tier decision. Taking a job, it's a big decision.



Absolutely. A big decision. Major decision is how you're going to take action towards your purpose and calling in life. But we're not even there yet. We're going to take a mid tour.






It's meta. Yeah. I don't even know what that means, but it's big. But, like, mid tier decisions are like, you know, am I gonna buy this car or not? So how many of us put those decisions off how many of those a week do you think we put off? Like, I just gave you an example of one decision with one young man. Okay.



I'm putting off. I mean, I could make you a giant list of all the decisions I'm making.



Give me three decisions you're putting off right now that are, like, mid tier.



I'm the. Well, mid tier. Okay. Well, I'm putting off the same thing that your mentee is. I'm, like, knowing that I need to show up on social media and start, like, putting myself out there and haven't. Even though. Even though, Kim, I'm a professional video producer and I'm still stuck on it. Right.



So, like. And so then there's, like, a flywheel of, like, sort of feeling bad about myself that comes with that, because I'm like, I have all the tools. I have all the cameras. I have all the knowledge. I could do it, and I'm not.



It's costing you mental health.



Yeah, it's costing me, and it's making me feel like garbage.






Anxiety. Yeah. And guilty and all those things.



So another mid tier level is, like, somebody knowing they need to go get a checkup or get their teeth cleaned to go to the doctor and have a checkup visit. They're putting that off. Oh, yeah.



No, I don't even. My wife had to, like, threaten me basically before I actually, like, got a doctor in Sacramento. I haven't even been. We've lived in Sacramento for almost a year. I haven't seen the doctor yet.



Okay. So what I'm saying to you is, you're saying, how can. Okay, Kim, that's all great. How can I make this actionable? I'm going to give you. I'm going to give you a challenge. I'm going to give you, Zac and everybody listening a challenge, including my son and my mentee and my other mentee. But this one here is going to get it this. This Sunday or this Saturday, and we have our little visit.






I want you to every day, make a decision you have been avoiding putting off and not paying attention to every day. I want you to take every day for the next seven days and make a decision you have been putting off. Let me give an example. Zac.






We're going to start today, not tomorrow. We always, like tomorrow. We're always projecting. I'm going to do this when. When I really get, you know, when I get my insurance, I'm really going to go to the. Every. I'm going to go see every doctor or when I, you know, when the summer is over. I'm really going to take that course.



Or when this is a mid tier level decision. Or when the kids get back in school. It's summer. When the kids back in school, I'm going to clean out those closets and really, like, organize my life. Cause that's another thing.






Okay. Aesthetic is directly related to anxiety, clutter, and chaos. Okay. That's a whole nother show. So we're gonna do that later. We're gonna get expert in it. I'm laughing.



Cause I literally, right behind me, if you could see at my feet, behind me is a bookshelf on its side. Yeah.



With just stuff.



Just because I moved it. Yeah. It doesn't matter. It's.



Right. But you know what I'm saying? Like, that's a midterm. I mean, honestly. So I want you to every day make a decision and take an action for seven days.






And I'm telling you, it could be as simple. It could be. I'm just. We're going to talk mid tier below doctor's appointment, cleaning out the car, signing up for the online course, whatever it is you have been obsessing anxiety and thinking about, okay? Because it's costing you your attention. So you might as well put it on the positive side of that, the possibility side, okay. Instead of the procrastination side, because you're giving attention and it's costing you. It's costing you your health. It's costing you your mental health.



It's costing you this anxiety. It's that mental torture. You're beating yourself up, you're downing yourself. And honestly, it is simple as that. One a day, for seven days, okay, you will be seven times faster towards moving your life forward in success. You'll instantly be successful, feel more successful, and see the results of it.



Day one, I'm gonna do it. Kim, that sounds terrifying, but I think it's exactly like the kick in the pants that I personally need.



By changing the rate of your decision making, you're changing the rate of how fast your life moves towards success. People say when people just. I'm saying.



Yeah, well, because you're just. It's just about. It's about doing. It's about doing. It's like the first. It's like our first episode, right? It was all about, like, creating. Stop consuming and start getting it done. Yeah, yeah.



But this is actionable. This is something you can really, really do. And what I love about it is, I know, I know you know about this, but it's compound interest. So that's what I love about making. Putting attention towards making decisions. I mean, and you're saying, well, what if I make the wrong one? Good. Just make it and do it. I mean, that's what.



Get it out of the way. What if I'm not supposed to do this? What if I'm not supposed to do this? Then. Then it won't work out and you've made it. You know, that. You've learned something and move on.



Well, and the thing is, like, even if I make the decision, a week from now, I still would have made. I know what I'm going to do with all these decisions. Right? I think we all know how we're going to do these things. We just don't do them. So if you're going to make the wrong decision, you just. Why make it and get.



Why don't we do them? But I don't even want to get into the psychology of that because didn't you read a statistic to me earlier? You said, how many people put off making decisions?



Yeah. 20% of people are indecisive and have real trouble, like a cli. Like a clinical problem making decisions.



Well, that's just people who are indecisive. What about people who just bury their heads in the sand and don't do it?



Oh, yeah, that.



Yeah. I'm just telling you, decision making is key. Key. It changes the rate of your success. It does. I probably made today 15 huge decisions. Like, when I get on meetings, I don't chat about crap anymore. I just don't.



And people say, God, Kim, you're such a ball buster. I'm like, I'm really not. I just don't have time to sit here and go back and forth. This is what we gonna do. Do it. What if it don't work? Then we'll do something else.



Yep. Right.



I'm no longer afraid. Are we gonna lose a bunch of money? Is this the right thing to do? Are people gonna like me? Is this gonna work? If it don't work, then we'll do something else.



Yeah. Yeah.



You're making decisions.






Yeah. Making decisions and being able to adjust. And really, I'm telling you, you get the rate of return on. That is so good. The law. The gains outweigh the losses. What? You pay attention to costs, so make sure you're paying attention to something that is going to really benefit the success of your life. Okay? Remember, you're either paying attention to the procrastination or the possibilities.



Okay. So, Zac, I've got a couple of quotes I want you to put up on the website just to remind people to take action and make a decision every single day. So we all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us.



Bam. Wow.



Okay, this is a good one. So you got a really, really, like, let's dig deep here.






This is from CS Lewis. I love this quote. It's one of my favorites. Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. Decisions are compound interests. Like I said earlier, that's CS Lewis. Even the smallest decisions in our daily lives can have vast importance.



Make decisions each day that you're going to feel good about later. So you're always making decisions. You're making a decision not to make a decision.






Remember, what you pay attention to, it costs. It costs you its procrastination or possibility. So this is what I want you to do. Here is your actionable steps. I want you to take seven days, starting today. Make one decision that you've been putting off. Decide what you're going to do. Clean up the closet, clean out the car, sign up for the class, whatever, and take action on it.



Do one of those decisions. Make one of those decisions for seven days in a row and watch your level of success move at lightning speed. And then let us know about it.



Okay. Tell us about it. You can go to our website, kim graffelshow.com dot.



Hey, Zac.






Clean up the bookshelf, dude. Like, go ahead and do that. Seriously.



I'm telling you, it's so funny.



We had it and then post about it on social media. Then you made two decisions. Bam.



Your day, it'll be a before and after bookshelf on the floor. Bookshelf.



People love a good makeover. That's it. That's it.



That's a makeover. Oh, my gosh. Honestly, that's the level I'm at with makeover right now.



We love y'all. Keep us posted. Let us know what's going on with all these actionable things that you're doing each week. And if you're like me, it's a summer of success, baby. I'm ready.



Let's go.



I say all that to say. I can't remember what I was gonna say. Zac, I swear, when you get me off, I'm over 50 and forgetful. What are we talking about? Before you can cut all this out. Or don't. I don't care.



We were talking about decision making, Kim, you need to. You need to decide to remember what you remember.



Oh, God, that's. The summer series is here. Next week we're going to. To talk about. Hold on, hold on. So I want to show you this. Hold on. Cause I've got it right here.



It's so good. Hold the line. Oh, that's where I've already recorded. 



The Kim Gravel Show is produced and edited by Zac Miller at Uncommon audio. Our associate producer is Kathleen Grant from the Brunette Exec. Production help from Emily Bredin and Sara Noto. Our cover art is designed by Sanaz Huber at Memarian Creative. Our show is edited by Mike Kligerman. Our guest intros are performed by Roxy Reese. Our guest booking is done by Central Talent booking, and I want to give a special thank you to the entire team at QVC, and thanks to you for making this community so strong. Listen, tell somebody about the show and leave us a five star review. And make sure you're following The Kim Gravel Show on your podcast app so we can keep growing this love who you are message together. I can't do this without you.